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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. When you’re driving a car or minivan as fast (and incompetent) as most Thai drive, that is certainly true. I have done the Mae Hong Son loop a few times on my motorbike, going maybe 50/60 kilometers an hour at the most, making a 3-4 day trip of it, and I found it quite relaxing. Not a lot of traffic most of the time and in between looking ahead and in the rear view mirrors so as to spot potentially crazy drivers well in time, there’s plenty of time to admire to gorgeous scenery. The challenging road is part of the fun, but you have to keep your wits about you and stay alert.
  2. The boy needs a drastic attitude adjustment. His parents need to be sued for a considerable amount of money, and they need to make sure the boy gets some kind of psychological treatment. Because if he thinks it’s okay to do something like this at the age of 10/11, there’s obviously something seriously mentally wrong with this kid. Like there probably is with a lot of spoiled Thai boys, regardless of their age.
  3. Taylor Swift just won her 13th and 14th Grammy, by the way, and makes Grammy history with her fourth ‘album of the year’ win. That’s gotta p!ss off some of those MAGA conspiracy theory believers. Not to mention a couple of members on this forum. But I’m sure they’ll find a way to spin it. https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/music/2024/02/04/taylor-swift-wins-grammys-2024-midnights/72425158007/
  4. I’m currently in Hua Hin, in a condo near the airport. I ride my motorbike into town nearly every day, and then of course back to my condo. There are so many cars, mainly old diesel pickups, belching out enormous black clouds of smoke. But the RTP apparently have different things on their mind. Last time I was here there were frequent roadblocks/checkpoints, where they collected ‘tea money’ from motorbike riders not wearing helmets, but they don’t even seem to do that anymore. My guess is they probably found a more profitable - and less conspicuous- racket, because I hardly see them around anymore. Anyway, they can make all the laws, rules and regulations they want: if they’re not going to be enforced, what’s the point? But that’s Thailand for you: all talk, promises, committees, crackdowns and whatnot, but at the end of the day, nothing really changes.
  5. Of course. Everything MAGA doesn’t like (which there is a lot of) or more likely doesn’t understand, is now labeled ‘woke’. When asked what woke was, though, Ron DeSantis couldn’t even define woke. Even though his goal for when he was to become president was ‘to destroy the left and the woke ideology’. Talk about your Don Quixote fighting the windmills.
  6. Always with the ‘both sides are equally bad’. I’m quite sure the crazies are pretty much concentrated on one side of the aisle. MAGA minds seem to have a real knack for coming up with the most outrageous lies and conspiracy theories. Case in point: this insane MAGA conspiracy theory involving Taylor Swift.
  7. Thailand is getting awfully chummy with Russia, strengthening ties and whatnot. The Thai powers that be probably don’t want to rock that boat and decided to just get rid of them. Out of sight, out of mind, or something to that effect….
  8. When are they going to seriously go after people like this? Because all they probably get is a slap on the wrist, a small fine and maybe ‘moved to an inactive post’ (never really understood what that means), so there is absolutely no deterrent not to engage in this kind of activity, as the rewards greatly outweigh any possible penalty. I do realize that when they do seriously start going after this kind of corruption, at least half the government workforce would be out of a job, or in jail, where they belong.
  9. You mean the entertainment celebrity Donald Trump, who thinks he actually knows what he’s talking about?
  10. Thanks for the link. You’re always free to ask. Ask and ye shall receive….
  11. So can I. But if you don’t provide a link as to who these very competent attorneys are you say Trump now has, who apparently work on an upfront retainer basis, I’m just supposed to take your work for it?
  12. And you know that how? Trump always says he hires only the best people. Until a few days/weeks/months after he hired them, he fires them (or they quit) and he publicly torches and crucifies them as being the worst ever at their job. Yet somehow that doesn’t seem to register with the MAGA folk.
  13. Did they also catch the police and or army officers who received the (huge) kickbacks to look the other way? Funny how you never hear anything about that…….
  14. You guys crack me up. Calling Democrats marxist, communist, socialist just demonstrates that you have absolutely no idea what marxist, communist and socialist mean, and you’re just repeating the moronic talking points provided to you by Trump and his minions. It is really beyond me how someone can support Trump and at the same time claim to be a patriot, a defender of democracy and the constitution. Those two things are simply incompatible.
  15. My bet’s on Trump not being able to keep his trap shut and it’s going to be more than $86.3 million. Someone probably took his phone and computer away from him (or tied his hands behind his back), otherwise I suspect he would have already posted dozens of slanderous posts on Truth Social.
  16. Fact? Give me a link then, please. Otherwise stop trolling.
  17. Seeing as how desperately he’s trying to fleece the rubes and get free money from them, I suspect he has less available cash than most self-proclaimed millionaires, much less billionaires. He’s always bragging about how vastly wealthy he is, so it’s a mystery to me why he’s constantly begging everybody and their uncle for money. An even bigger mystery to me is why millions of Americans actually donate their hard earned money to this grifter.
  18. Bankruptcy: completely legal. That may be, but if by doing so you stiff (tens of) thousands of small contractors out of millions of dollars, it becomes morally quite iffy in my books. Just because something is legal doesn’t mean it’s morally okay. Billionaires hire the best accountants to hide their money so they pay hardly any or even no taxes at all. Perfectly legal, but morally/ethically completely reprehensible. Who would I recommend as his lawyer? How would I know, I’m no expert. But Trump now hires the kind of lawyers who forget to check the ‘jury trial’ box (after which he kept whining that he was denied a jury trial), or who get bench-slapped by a judge 14 times in a single day because she doesn’t have a clue how to conduct herself in a courtroom (https://www.businessinsider.com/e-jean-carroll-judge-bench-slaps-trump-attorney-alina-habba-2024-1). So I’m quite sure there are much better lawyers out there. And as for which lawyer was stiffed: maybe you should ask Rudi Giuliani. This also makes for some interesting reading, by the way, regarding the way Trump ‘does business’: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2016/06/09/donald-trump-unpaid-bills-republican-president-laswuits/85297274/
  19. He’s very experienced in declaring bankruptcy (did it five or six times already), so maybe he’ll try to pull that schtick one more time. Although for that to actually happen, he should get much better lawyers. But the really good ones won’t touch him with a ten foot pole, because they know Trump will stiff them with the bill.
  20. Did I miss something? I could swear it was you who said that Trump committing rape is a lie.
  21. Maybe you should start saying that to the guy you’re defending so passionately, seeing as how lying is his second nature. Or maybe even his first nature.
  22. Always blame the media, right? And there’s always someone who will see things differently. What I see with my own eyes and hear with my own ears is the absolute insanity of Trump and his MAGA followers, and their utter inability to accept reality and facts. Period.
  23. And the more he's victimised, the more votes he will get from normal citizens. I think it’s cute that you think of yourself and others like you as ‘normal’. When I watch MAGA Trump supporters and/or GOP voters being interviewed on TV or Youtube or something, the very last thing that comes to my mind is ‘wow, those are some very levelheaded, normal persons’. Quite the opposite would be true. I also think it’s cute that you think Trump is being victimized. Just a mere 91 indictments so far, and counting. All just a big witch-hunt, right? Nothing to do with Trump being guilty as sin and (finally) being held accountable for his many, many crimes.
  24. Can you provide proof judges and witnesses are being “attacked “? I didn’t think so. They’re being verbally attacked by Trump (and his minions), which usually opens the floodgates of - among other things - death threats by the MAGA mob. Why do you think judge Chutkan needed extra protection after Trump posted about her on Truth Social? Trump knows very well what he is doing, and he is intentionally putting judges, DA’s, special prosecutors and witnesses in the crosshairs of his blindly loyal followers. He doesn’t care one iota if his words incite violence or lead to bloodshed, because all he cares about is himself. He would throw Don jr, Eric and Ivanka under the bus in a heartbeat to save his own sorry @ss.
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