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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. This is how astonishingly delusional Trump really is, and gives you an insight into his delusions of grandeur: Trump Posts Video Calling Himself a God-Given “Caretaker“ and “Shepherd to Mankind” https://www.meidastouch.com/news/trump-posts-video-calling-himself-a-god-given-caretaker-and-shepherd-to-mankind
  2. So the conspiracy theory is being changed from ‘the Dems stole the election’ to ‘the Dems want Trump off the ballot’? So what happens when Trump is on the ballot (which is expect he will be) and he loses (again) in November? I wonder what conspiracy theory MAGA will come up with then.
  3. So you’re accusing Biden of a failure to protect Americans. Double standard much? I mean, Trump made a huge mess of the covid pandemic and kept downplaying the risks and dangers, which caused hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths.
  4. Kind of the chicken and egg story here. True, there are copious amounts of fentanyl and coke and crystal meth and what have you being smuggled across the border, in various ways. Not just under the Biden administration, by the way, but also under Trump. But do you think all those drugs would still come flooding in if there was no huge demand in the USA? How about trying to fix that?
  5. IMO you’re not aware if a lot of things: * the southern border was a disaster under Trump. Didn’t he promise to fix that? * inflation is not something one country can solve on its own, it’s a world wide phenomenon (this time at least). America has done a lot better than other countries in keeping it down. * Trump had his idiot son-in-law ‘making peace’ in the Middle East. Didn’t work out so well. * the ‘peace treaty’ with the Taliban and the plan to withdraw all American troops from Afghanistan was made by Trump. * the national debt exploded under Trump. He promised to fix that as well, but the third-biggest deficit increase of any president happened on his watch. Maybe you should spend a little more time checking your ‘facts’ next time, before you post anything.
  6. I did say ‘usually’, as you so perceptively noticed. There are of course companies who will fudge their numbers to please their clients. That usually has to do with the way they do their sampling, i.e. not random.
  7. Those taking out opinion polls carefully choose their audience. Seriously? You obviously have no idea what you’re talking about. Polling/research companies usually do what is called a randomly selected sample. ‘Random’ being the key word here. Which is how they are able to draw conclusions for a populations as a whole. Statistics 101, basically. I know, since I’ve been doing questionnaires and polls for over 40 years. If you want to be independent and neutral, this is the way to go: random sampling. I have no reason to assume that Opinium is biased in any way.
  8. Forgot to mention that many western European countries (and probably the USA as well) wouldn’t like it much either if Russia managed to restore the old iron curtain. Europe and the USA are actually getting a very good deal here. All they send is money and materials, no EU/US boots on the ground, no EU/US lives lost. Did you know, by the way, that the US ministry of defense failed its annual audit for the sixth time in a row? They can not account for a whopping 63% of their nearly 4 trillion dollars in assets. Do you know how much money goes missing that way? Just imagine how much good could be done with that money for the average Joe and Jane in the US, how much better their lives could be. The money and materials the US has sent to Ukraine so far are a mere fraction of that amount. https://responsiblestatecraft.org/pentagon-audit-2666415734/#:~:text=Last year%2C the Pentagon couldn,extent unbeknownst to the Pentagon.
  9. If they hadn’t, Ukraine would be a Russian puppet state by now, and Putin would be plotting his next move. He wants to restore the old USSR, remember? Is that something you would feel comfortable with? I’m pretty sure most people in eastern Europe would not like that at all, since many of them remember what it was like to live behind the iron curtain.
  10. The Russian army (also known as War Criminals R Us) fired 160 missiles and drones at Ukraine last night, most of them willy nilly, aimed at civilian targets on purpose. Ukraine managed to shoot down 100 missiles, but 60 got through, causing at least 10 innocent people’s deaths. But you’re okay with that, right? Nothing but savages and nazi’s in Ukraine, so no skin off your nose, right? Can’t wait for the F16’s to arrive, so Ukraine can really start bringing the fight to Russia’s doorstep. Meanwhile there was a super decadent party in Moscow a few nights ago, looked like Caligula and the last days of Rome. And this for a country that claims to be a beacon of morals and integrity. Just face it: the Russian elite are an incredibly decadent, depraved and hypocritical lot who are more than happy to let the common folk fight and get killed in Ukraine in huge numbers, so that they can party and count their money.
  11. Russia can keep claiming the Novocherkassk was just a little damaged until they’re blue in the face, but these pictures are quite clear:
  12. What is it with the RTP and this ridiculously prudish Victorian attitude? They spend way too much time and effort on this kind of stuff, like tracking down people who buy sex toys, people who engage in sex parties, women who post nude selfies or videos online. Go catch some real bad guys, you dolts!!
  13. Wildlife trafficking is a very lucrative business, with very low penalties. Lots of people high up in the food chain make good money that way. They are never going to get caught, and not a lot is going to change, except for the token ‘crackdown’ every now and then, where a few minor smugglers will get arrested and some animals seized.
  14. If there is a hell, people like this should die a horrible death and then spend the rest of eternity there, being spitroasted over a roaring fire. What a total POS! https://www.the-sun.com/news/9939024/putin-crony-assassination-anton-krasovsky-poison/?utm_campaign=native_share&utm_source=sharebar_native&utm_medium=sharebar_native
  15. Mark Rutte, the Dutch prime minister, said that these 18 F16’s are the first batch, there are probably more to come.
  16. Gee, what a shocker, who’d have thunk it. The mindless MAGA crowd don’t get their way and (want to) resort to violence. Where have we seen that before? I’m sure DJT is going to put in his two cents on truth social to throw more fuel on the fire and incite his already crazed and blood-thirsty supporters.
  17. Jeez, you’re really gung ho on painting Trump like a victim, aren’t you? Do you really not think he bears any responsibility whatsoever for all the things that are happening to him right now, all the 91 indictments he’s facing? That this is all just a huge political witch-hunt, of which Trump is the victim?
  18. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. That she finally grew a conscience and a spine and stood up against Trump does not necessarily mean that she would be a good candidate, president or even a good person. Let’s not forget that she voted like 99% with Trump when she was still in congress. So if she were to become president, she would probably do what every Republican president in the last five decades has done: slash taxes for the rich, let corporate America rule the country, cut social security and medicare, raise the defense budget, not raise minimum wage, promise a small government and fiscal responsibility (one of the favorite GOP talking points) but instead increase the deficit by at least 50%. If that’s what you want for America, then she would probably be a good choice.
  19. Keep pitching me those doozies and we’ll see what happens.
  20. Wasn’t Mexico going to pay for that will? And didn’t Trump promise “we’re going to win so much you’re going to get tired of winning”. How did that work out, Mexico paying for that wall, not to mention all that winning?
  21. I nearly fell out of my chair laughing after reading that. Good one! All you guys always say things like ‘I’m no fan of Trump, but…..’ and then comes the Dems-bashing and the Trump praising. If only there was a word for that….
  22. What evidence? Republicans keep screaming they have the smoking gun, and it always turns out to be big pile of horse sh!t. They’ve been at it for over a year and and still got nothing on Biden, and the only evidence they will ever be able to present will have been fabricated. The Biden crime family? Don’t make me laugh. They’re looking at the wrong (ex)presidential family. Meanwhile, James Comer, the dumbass chairman of the House Oversight Committee, seems to be guilty of exactly the same thing he accuses Biden of having done. Only there’s no evidence Biden ever did that, and plenty of evidence Comer did. So why is Comer not being investigated?
  23. have full possession of their faculties Name one person in the GOP today who meets that criteria….
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