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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. There are also lots of TWS (Trump worship syndrome) people. Quite a few on this forum and in this thread as well. I won’t name names….
  2. Musk can say that a million times, but I still won’t believe him. Putin said he liked Biden to be the next president. Do you believe him?
  3. If I were the Thai government, I’d start investing in education, trying to change the mindset of the vast majority of people. Because right now, there’s too much ignorance, too much indifference and (way) too much selfishness. Most people just don’t give a damn. But I don’t see that happening any time soon. Educating the people is dangerous as far as the elite is concerned, and as long as they call the shots, nothing much is going to change.
  4. Of course it’s about who’s the biggest liar, stop embarrassing yourself. Trust the one who demonstrably lied over 30,000 times during his presidency, or the one who lied a lot less? That’s not a difficult question for most people with a functioning brain. And lies are subjective now? Who’s the biggest liar is subjective? Ever heard of facts? And you can keep accusing everyone you don’t agree with of TDS until you’re blue in the face, that’s just your knee jerk reaction. I could just as easily accuse you of Trump worship syndrome (TWS), and being completely blind to the many, many crimes he committed, to the many, many lies he keeps spewing, and to the many, many flaws in that man’s personality.
  5. Trump appears to be the biggest liar, so…… https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidmarkowitz/2021/04/30/who-lied-more-during-their-first-100-days-biden-trump-or-obama/
  6. So many sarcastically challenged members on this forum. Sheesh. Next time I will be sure to include this:
  7. MAGA would happily embrace Beelzebub himself (and probably has) if he (she?) endorsed Trump.
  8. Yeah, such a shame, isn’t it? Should be a law against that or something.
  9. 1. Who cares? Elections are still 7,5 months away 2. Kanye West is bat crap crazy. 3. UFC is for lunatics. 4. Donald Trump is a once (maybe) rich former reality show host who’s out of touch with reality like all his followers.
  10. Taylor Swift called on her followers to register to vote. Not sure if you can do that if you’re 12 to 17 years old. But Taylor Swift doing that freaked out the MAGA cult to such a degree that they had to come up with whole new conspiracy theories to be able to deal with that. So what if De Niro is now hated by millions of former fans (which I doubt very much, by the way) because of his anti Trump comments? It’s what MAGA does: say something bad about their idol and messiah and you’re on their sh!t list and get death threats. I’m quite sure De Niro doesn’t care one iota and isn’t losing one minute of sleep over it.
  11. I wouldn’t bet money on that assertion, if I were you. And I don’t think there are 500 million 13yo girls in the world.
  12. What’s your point? Rihanna has 108 million followers. Taylor Swift has over 500 million followers on 5 social media platforms. I’m not saying I like it (on the contrary), but these people are very influential, no matter how you slice it.
  13. Among other things, she has over 14 million followers (and that number grows by almost 47,000 a month) on X. That makes her somewhat to reasonably influential.
  14. Bit of a strange argument. Women have been wearing pants for almost 175 years already, so it’s a little old fashioned of you to call pants men’s clothing. And it’s usually the more intolerant types who feel the need to label everyone/everything that doesn’t fit in their small and safe world as different/strange/weird/threatening.
  15. Passive aggressive much? So videos on YouTube of concerned parents arguing with teachers and school boards about pornography in school libraries to you means that there is definitely 100% certain pornography in school libraries. Wow. There are also loads of vids on YouTube of people claiming the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump. Does that make it true to you?There are also loads of vids on YouTube of people claiming the earth is flat. Does that make it true to you? I could go on. Anyway, good luck winding up the lefties!
  16. Again: show us some evidence that there is pornography in school children’s libraries. Something seriously wrong with people who keep posting unsubstantiated claims.
  17. Most people have seen the videos of scantily clad drag queens performing for school children. Seriously? If most people have seen it, why don’t you provide a link to one of those videos then? I’m quite sure most people actually haven’t seen the videos of drag queens performing for school children. That’s why I asked for evidence of that claim. Something you didn’t provide either. There are some pesky little rules on this forum, in case you haven’t noticed. Nothing major, but one of them is that when you make outlandish claims, you provide a link from a credible source. But apparently you can’t be bothered. Hmm, what to make of that…
  18. Can you provide evidence of pornography in school libraries? Or of drag queens showing their junk to 7-year-olds in school? Or are you just regurgitating popular right wing talking points?
  19. I’m always amazed at how conservatives are able to twist their brain into a pretzel over issues like this. On the one hand they advocate freedom, free speech, being able to live your life like you want with minimal state or government interference. But on the other hand they seem obsessed with what people have in their pants, what they do in their bedrooms, who they have intimate relationships with, what kind of books they read, and they have no qualms whatsoever to go out of their way to pass all kinds of oppressive laws and regulations to forbid any kind of behavior that they consider to be ‘deviant’ or ‘morally compromising’ or whatever.
  20. Define commies. I’m asking because Trump and his cronies (and the entire MAGA cult) seem to think that Biden, the Dems, the liberals, are ‘radical left’, or socialists, or even communists. Which is ridiculous and insane.
  21. “Right-Wing Christian Men” I can guarantee you that these men are (extremely) right-wing, but they are anything but Christian. They claim to be Christian, but are Christian in name only. Just like all those MAGA folk who claim to be patriots and defenders of the constitution. Don’t make me laugh.
  22. One (racist) does not necessarily exclude the other (idiot). I would say that pretty much all racists are idiots, actually.
  23. Jeez dude, get off your high horse. Calling someone self righteous while acting all self righteous yourself. A fine example of the pot calling the kettle black. Calling someone an Uncle Tom is not necessarily racist. Uncle Tom: “a person regarded as betraying their cultural and social allegiance”. How is that racist?
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