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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. What ideals would those GOP ‘idealists’ have? Making corporate America and the rich 1% even richer? Pollute America some more? Increase the defense budget some more? Making life for the poor in America even harder? Cut school budgets some more? Remember MTG and Lauren Boebert screaming ‘liar, liar’ at president Biden during his state of the union, when he said that Republicans were planning to gut social security and medicare? Everybody was huffing and puffing, feeling all offended and vehemently denying that the GOP would ever do such a thing. And guess what? Republicans are bringing back their plan to gut social security and medicare. That’s real idealistic.
  2. Like a previous poster said already: telling the truth is not an insult. It may hurt your feelings because you think otherwise, but that’s your problem. I, for one, have zero patience anymore with the blatant ignorance and stupidity that MAGA seems to have embraced. I see no reason not to keep calling out MAGA cult members when they claim something that is demonstrably untrue, or just plain ridiculous. And finally: I see plenty of insults and degrading comments from ‘your side’, so if you’re man enough to dish it out, you also got to be man enough to suck it up and take a couple on the chin every now and then.
  3. I’m expecting some seriously unhinged rants (as per usual) by Trump on his ‘truth social’, where he’s going to say the people at Forbes are stupid or deranged and out to get him, and that he’s so vastly wealthy that he should at least be in the top 50. Anyone want to bet me?
  4. Trump is the poster boy of the Establishment, an entitled, silver spoon, spoiled rich brat who has conned his way through life, brought ruin upon tens of thousands of small businesses and contractors by stiffing them with the bill, and he has never taken responsibility for anything.
  5. Well, to be fair, it was his dumb@ss lawyers who opted out of a jury trial. Now Trump is trying to pin this on the judge, screaming how unfair it is that he didn’t get a jury trial. His mindless base, of course, will eat it up and start threatening the judge, and Trump will milk it for all it’s worth.
  6. They're just meat': Russia deploys punishment battalions in echo of Stalin. Another fine initiative by the Russian powers that be…. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/theyre-just-meat-russia-deploys-punishment-battalions-echo-stalin-2023-10-03/
  7. You know very well it doesn’t work that way, right? When YOU make a claim, YOU have to provide a link to support that claim. You can’t just say ‘if you don’t believe me, go google it yourself’. Hmm, if only this forum had a rule regarding having to provide links to support your claim. Oh, wait a minute….
  8. Eat your heart out, Russia! EU foreign ministers to gather in Ukraine. I’m sure that Dmitri Medvedev and some pundits on RT are going to scream that this is bringing WW3 closer and that these ministers will be a legitimate target for a Russian attack. I would almost say, please give the EU/NATO an excuse to get involved.
  9. Don’t be too quick to judge. People who drive cars get strokes or seizures or whatever sometimes. Even happened to a young Belgian professional cyclist a few weeks ago. He was lucky the accident he caused by blacking out was not fatal, and that people started CPR on him right away.
  10. OR, you are just parroting Kremlin propaganda, and Russia wants to grab (a lot) more Ukrainian soil: https://kyivindependent.com/medvedev-russia-will-take-more-regions-of-ukraine/ In a Telegram message commemorating one year since Russia's illegal annexation of four Ukrainian regions, Medvedev said "there will be more new regions within Russia." Medvedev claimed Russia's war will continue until the Ukrainian government is "completely destroyed" and the "original Russian territories are liberated from the enemy." So it looks like Russia is not just trying to defend occupied territory, but they have their eye on much more.
  11. You are part right by saying it’s who you know, not what you know. But probably more importantly is how much you can, or are willing to pay, to get higher up. Torsak’s family could have a much fatter bank account, hence his quicker rise to the top.
  12. “Aims to restore faith in police” What faith? How can you restore something that never existed in the first place? The RTP has always been an institution that has looked out only for itself, and it will be a gargantuan (probably impossibel) task to change that.
  13. Since when are Republicans afraid of ruffling feathers in Congress? People like MTG, Jim Jordan, Lauren Boebert, Matt Gaetz, Josh Hawley (the list goes on) are not exactly subtle. They’re stupid as hell, but they usually go right for the jugular. So what you’re saying is, IMO, wishful thinking, to say the least. Republicans have been trying to find dirt on Biden for years and haven’t been able to come up with anything. But by all means, y’all are very welcome to keep trying. And like I said in an earlier post: if there is evidence against Biden then prosecute him and, if found guilty, convict him, I have absolutely no problems with that. Republicans, on the other hand, go out of their way to try to protect their idol Trump and will do just about anything to keep him out of jail. Including shutting down the government.
  14. Except the MAGA crowd. They love the Kool Aid, can’t get enough of it.
  15. “The committee said”. The committee can say a lot of things, but unless they provide proof/evidence, I’m going to take it with a grain of salt, because they’ve got zip on Biden. You know what proof/evidence is, right? The stuff that judges and juries want to be able to decide if someone is guilty or not? The smoking gun, the bloody knife, the damning video or recording? Like the stuff they have on Trump, really hard and solid evidence? Not the kind of stuff these MAGA folk think they have on Biden, because it’s all conjured up in their fantasy reality and holds no water whatsoever. So show me the proof/evidence, and I will take you seriously. If not, I guess you’re just another of those gullible MAGA cult believers.
  16. What Biden’s grifting? If you’re going to come with claims and accusations, let’s see some proof at least. Oh right, you don’t have any, except all the innuendo and hearsay and the whistleblowers that turned out not to exist, or were convicted felons, or just made stuff up. If there is any evidence of wrongdoing by Biden, I’ll be the first to admit that he needs to answer for that and if found guilty, he needs to go to jail. No one is above the law, not Biden, not Trump, no one. But so far, there is no evidence of any wrongdoing by Biden, and I very much doubt if there ever will be. On the other hand, there are truckloads of evidence of wrongdoing by Trump, hard and solid evidence. He’s even been found guilty of fraud by a judge in NY. By the way, you can scream ‘Biden is senile’ until you are blue in the face, but that doesn’t make it true.
  17. If you don’t understand my post you really need to work on your reading comprehension. You claimed that Biden is a puppet. I asked you for proof of that claim, although I fully expect you to balk on that. You asked if it is all because of Trump and I explained to you why it is all about Trump. It’s really quite simple, isn’t it?
  18. If you have proof that Biden is just a puppet whose strings are being pulled by someone behind the scenes then please provide it, otherwise I’m going to have to call BS. And of course it’s all because of Trump, jeez! How on earth is it possible that dozens of millions of Americans have adopted a two-timing conman, cheat, liar, adulterer and above all grifter to be their lord and savior, and have pinned all their hopes on this narcissistic crybaby? All those people have gone down the rabbit hole of conspiracy theory thinking and they believe Trump is snow-white, despite the truckloads of evidence against him, and the 91 criminal indictments. All those people also believe that Biden is the anti-christ who has committed heinous crimes, even though not the tiniest shred of evidence has ever been produced.
  19. Just to demonstrate the depravity of Trump: not only did he watch the riots on Jan. 6 on TV with glee and didn’t do anything to stop it, but apparently he also chanted ‘hang Mike Pence’ with the rioters as he watched. And that’s the guy that could become the next president of the USA. What a great guy! What a great country! https://www.meidastouch.com/news/hutchinson-trump-chanted-hang-mike-pence-with-the-crowd-as-he-watched
  20. Inquiry not expected to cover new ground? Jeez, what a shocker. Yawn!
  21. If you want entertainment, go watch a show or TV or something. It has no place in politics, which is serious business, getting the job done. Not exactly Trump’s forte. Nor the Republicans’, for that matter, except when it comes to giving huge tax breaks to the vastly wealthy.
  22. Here’s another beauty from that same source: https://oversight.house.gov/release/the-cover-up-big-tech-the-swamp-and-mainstream-media-coordinated-to-censor-americans-free-speech-/ Must be popular amongst MAGA folk…
  23. Apparently Trump is not so sure anymore that he won’t go to jail…. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/trump-prison-conviction-trial-1234828231/
  24. The House Republicans have had several hearings that delivered exactly diddly squat in evidence against Joe Biden. Yet they’re pressing on with their bogus impeachment inquiry, even though they still don’t have a shred of evidence of wrongdoings by Joe Biden. And even though there are plenty of Republican members of the House and senators who are opposed bigly and would much rather see this all go away very quickly, as it is hurting their chances of re-election. I really hope this whole impeachment sham is going to blow up in the Republican’s faces and will cost them the presidency, the House and the Senate.
  25. As far as I can see he’s running for several reasons. Staying out of jail, as mentioned here. To continue fleecing the rubes of their hard earned money. He’s making hundreds of millions of dollars a year that way, milking his election lie for all it’s worth. But probably most importantly: to get his revenge. He’s made it abundantly clear that when he becomes president again, it will be an all-out punitive expedition against everyone he sees as an enemy. Which is basically anyone who has ever so much as looked funny at this thin skinned man-child.
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