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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. You would be foolish to send a package worth 200,000 baht, or have it sent, and not have it insured. This is especially true for Thailand, where many valuable items sent by post seem to magically disappear.
  2. Jeez, and it’s probably also their own fault when women wearing short skirts and tight shirts get raped? Nice piece of victim blaming. But then again, I’ve noticed that quite a few members of this forum are a little empathy-impaired, to say the least.
  3. Exactly, we don’t know the ins and outs of the situation. I took care of my mother for over 7 years while her dementia got worse and worse. There were times I would have loved to strangle her, or leave her somewhere, just to get away from her for a while. It can be very tough to take care of someone you love, but who is also - through no fault of their own - becoming a huge pain in the @ss. So please stop judging the daughter before you know the whole story.
  4. Swiss Parliament Votes To Block Indirect Arms Exports To Ukraine https://www.rferl.org/a/swiss-parliament-blocks-arms-exports-ukraine/32440097.html The main reason for blocking the indirect arms export to Ukraine is because they are afraid it could jeopardize their ‘neutrality’. Bit hypocritical, isn’t it? I mean, their banks take and guard the money (billions if not trillions of dollars) from every dictator and criminal Tom, Dick and Harry, and they make a sh!tload of money that way. Heaven forbid they should stand the tiniest chance to possibly lose some of that business because they allowed arms exports to Ukraine.
  5. Barrister Catriona Murdoch has been leading investigations into whether the Russian military has been deliberately targeting Ukraine’s food infrastructure in an attempt to starve its civilians: 'Russia's vile crimes in Ukraine give me nightmares – they bombed 14 waiting for food' https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/world-news/investigating-russian-war-crimes-ukraine-30135613
  6. Like I said in a post a couple of days ago: that man is dumber than a bag of rocks. God help Russia if guys with his ‘intelligence’ are in charge.
  7. I’m not holding my breath, but if they actually manage to go after the police commanders, that would be a very good first step. But how about the rest of the police force? You don’t have to be a police commander to be corrupt, just look at Joe Ferrari. And while they’re at it: how about all those rich generals? And how about all those rich MP’s? The list goes on, but how about checking their assets and bank accounts? There are lots of people in Thailand who are ‘unusually wealthy’, and it would be very good to go after them and confiscate all (or most) of that ill-gotten wealth.
  8. I hit her on head 17 times with a sledgehammer. How was I supposed to know that could be fatal? Jeez.
  9. Exactly. Business as usual, I would say, so why the uproar? Wel all know that most taxi drivers will screw over anyone at the drop of a hat.
  10. Hope he gets extradited and has a long and very miserable rest of his life in a Thai prison.
  11. Couldn’t agree with you more. All Russian embassies in the West should be closed, and all diplomats expelled. The embassies are just hotbeds for espionage anyway, and the diplomats spread nothing but lies and propaganda.
  12. “Phuket Launches Intensive Operation to Crack Down on Foreigners Breaking the Law” Quite so. Breaking the law is an exclusive privilege for corrupt and/or criminal Thai. Especially on Phuket, I might add.
  13. Interesting new CIA tactic: “The CIA Is Now Trying to Recruit Russian Spies On Telegram” https://time.com/6280190/cia-recruit-russian-spies-telegram/
  14. And yet another pearl of wisdom from this shining beacon of moderation and intelligence, Russia’s Dmitry Medvedev: "There are irreversible laws of war. If it comes to nuclear weapons, there will have to be a pre-emptive strike," Medvedev said. This man must be dumber than a bag of rocks, as he keeps threatening to nuke the West. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/russias-medvedev-warns-west-underestimating-072836149.html
  15. I think most jade comes from Shan state, so the Myanmar junta has no say in that.
  16. “Protesters Call on Senators to Listen to the People’s Voices” They never have, and I don’t expect them to start doing that any time soon. Most senators are there just for one reason: to get their snouts in the feeding trough.
  17. There are countless hiso’s who have a very obnoxious ‘don’t you know who I am?’ attitude, and demand a preferential treatment just because they’re rich and powerful, and they expect to get off light no matter how badly they screwed up. IMO, it’s quite okay to come down hard on those people, harder than on some poor schlob who’s just trying to get to work in time.
  18. Of course the penalty should not be the same for anyone. Sometimes it’s ‘just an accident’, and sometimes it’s an arrogant d*ck who’s speeding and undertaking while texting on his phone. Circumstances do matter.
  19. You make it sound like it’s perfectly okay to do a hit and run or kill someone with your car. Just pay the 50,000 baht fine and be on your way again. Happens all the time, so what’s everyone getting to worked up about. PS: you don’t happen to own a white Aston Martin, do you?
  20. My thoughts exactly. Police have probably already tracked down the owner of the car, a big fat brown envelope has changed hands and everything will be swept under the carpet, with the police claiming they can’t find the car of the owner.
  21. Russians getting crazier by the minute: New hallucinatory message from Moscow: Russia wants 750 billion dollars in compensation from Poland for “Soviet reconstruction” Viacheslav Volodin, the speaker of the lower house of the Russian legislature, said in a press release that Poland must be punished for “betraying the historical memory” of the Soviet Union’s liberation of the country from Nazi Germany through a series of hostile acts against Moscow . In statements that are sure to deepen the row with Warsaw, Volodin claimed that Poland existed as a state only “because of our country”, said that Warsaw should pay Russia more than $750 billion to compensate it for Soviet investments in the country after the Second World War. https://romania.postsen.com/world/243838/New-hallucinatory-message-from-Moscow-Russia-wants-750-billion-dollars-in-compensation-from-Poland-for-Soviet-reconstruction.html
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