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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. Exactly. I think Reagan and Thatcher set this in motion, this whole system of no limits hard-core capitalism, and now we pay the price. People who have a couple of million dollars in the bank can play golf all day, and still they make (way) more money than someone who’s working 40 hours a week in some kind of minimum wage sh!t job and struggling hard to make ends meet. When I was young, in the 1960’s and 70’s, (most) families could live on one income. Now lots of families struggle to survive on two incomes. Corporations only care about a few things. First thing is to make as much profit as possible. Second thing is ridiculously high wages for their managers and executives, plus equally ridiculously high bonuses. Third thing is to keep the shareholders happy, so dividends have to be as high as possible. The average employee means nothing to them, and they pay them as little as possible.
  2. They stand for and support most things UN-American. But the thing is that they are 100% convinced that what they believe and do is in the interest of democracy and the constitution, that they are true patriots and that only they can save America from the damage that ‘the radical left’ is doing to their ‘once great nation’. Of course they are completely wrong, not to mention delusional.
  3. The MAGA crowd will have none of it, though. Trump (and all his sycophants) says it’s a witch hunt, so it’s a witch hunt. They live in another universe, with their own reality and truth. I watch a lot of interviews with those Trump loving MAGA folks, and it’s really frightening and shocking what they say, and what their beliefs and opinions are.
  4. “VLADIMIR Putin's "General Armageddon" has not been seen in almost two weeks and missed his wife's birthday - further stoking fears he has been purged.” I have no fear at all.. I would not be in sorrow’s clutch if this guy had kicked the bucket, and I’m betting a lot of people in Afghanistan, Chechnya and especially Syria will be having a big party if/when the news comes out that this butcher is dead. I say good riddance! https://www.the-sun.com/news/8543280/fears-putin-general-armageddon-purged-vanished-2-weeks/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=sunyoutubestories
  5. You still like Trump more than you like the left. It doesn’t bother you that every time he opens his mouth it’s to whine and moan about the 2020 election being stolen from him? Or maybe you agree with him about that? Apart from that, this is the guy who recently put Obama’s home address on Truth Social, knowing full well that he was painting a bulls eye on the Obama family. And what do you know, some deranged MAGA freak, on his way to that house, got caught by the police, with two guns, 400 rounds of ammo and a machete. Guess where that lunatic was going, as instructed by his lord and master? And yet you still prefer that guy over the left? What horrible things did the left do to justify such a petty, low and cowardly thing that Trump did?
  6. They keep dropping like flies. Working in the vicinity of Putin must be the world’s most dangerous occupation. “Putin ally’s minister Aleksey Avramenko dies suddenly in latest mystery death to hit Russia’s cronies in Belarus”. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/22931994/putin-ally-belarus-lukashenko-death-mystery-crony/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=sunyoutubestories
  7. Give the man some credit, please! He’s got so many important sidelines, like counting his money, organizing his expensive watches, plotting with his army general buddies to overthrow Pita’s new government if it gets in the way of their (the army generals) many many lucrative but highly illegal money making schemes. No wonder the man’s so exhausted.
  8. Moscow says 700,000 children from Ukraine conflict zones now in Russia. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/moscow-says-700000-children-ukraine-conflict-zones-now-russia-2023-07-03/ What they fail to mention is that these children were not removed from war-torn areas in Ukraine with the children’s best interest and well-being at heart, but that almost all of these children were abducted/kidnapped and are now living all over Russia with their new ‘families’, with no intention whatsoever to repatriate them at some point in the future.
  9. https://www.businessinsider.com/russia-threatened-families-of-wagner-uprising-leaders-telegraph-2023-6?international=true&r=US&IR=T
  10. Apparently one of the reasons Prigozhin/Wagner terminated their march on Moscow was that FSB had rounded up all the relatives of Wagner fighters they could find and threatened to torture or kill them. I don’t think many fighters will follow Prigozhin to Moscow again when their loved ones run the risk of ending up dead.
  11. FSB instructed to kill Prigozhin – Chief of Defence Intelligence Ukraine https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2023/06/30/7409244/
  12. That’s not entirely true. There are some 150 different species of snake in Thailand, of which about 50 are ‘mildly’ venomous, and another 50 are really venomous and dangerous. So only about 50 are not venomous and harmless.
  13. And another mysterious ‘defenestration’ in Russia: “Glamorous vice president of Russian bank Kristina Baikova, 28, ‘plunges to her death from 11th floor apartment window’ in Moscow in latest mysterious fatality involving country’s top execs.” https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12247271/Vice-president-Russian-bank-falls-death-Moscow-apartment-latest-mysterious-fatality.html Another one of Putin’s girlfriends? I mean, how can a 28-year-old (man or woman) be the vice president of the Russian national bank? Looks more like a model to me. But she must have done something to seriously p!ss Putin off.
  14. It is quite possible that Putin is going to go all Stalin on them. If I’m not mistaken, Stalin wiped out almost all of the senior officers of the Russians army in the 1930’s because he was paranoid, afraid they’d stage a coup against him. That cost Russia dearly in WWII, because the army lacked good officers (i.e. leadership) when Germany attacked.
  15. Apparently a couple of big shot Russian generals have gone missing over the last couple of days: https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/where-are-russias-top-generals-rumours-swirl-after-mercenary-mutiny-2023-06-28/ The plot thickens……
  16. What I remember from Bangkok is that in rush hour the cops would switch off the automatic system of traffic light and start doing it manually. Which of course led to total gridlock. I hope this new system can not be switched off the cops so can do it manually because they think they can do it better.
  17. Oh no, another crackdown! But we all know this is just a token gesture. The powers that be on Phuket earn a nice little income (some not so little) from the kickbacks they get from the taxi mafia, so they’re not about to slaughter the goose that lays the golden eggs.
  18. The Wagner boss is a personal friend of Putin Putin doesn’t have friends, personal or otherwise. Putin just uses people and when he has no more use for them he throws them away like used toiletpaper.
  19. Other Russians - the very rich ones - are apparently getting in their private jets and leaving Moscow in droves. The rats are abandoning the sinking ship….
  20. Talk about your close quarter fighting, holy sh*t! I could never do that. Those guys are real heroes.
  21. Weh, we stole 140 million baht and they treated us like criminals, weh! (weh being the sound that a crying baby makes, in case that was not clear).
  22. and trousered a nice chunk of “influencer” change Which was, I would imagine, his primary goal: mo money, mo money, mo money!
  23. What is it with these kids that they all carry around knives these days? It’s just completely nuts. When I was young, you fought with your fists. Nowadays, kids stab and kill each other seemingly without a second thought. And it’s not just Thailand, it’s all over Europe as well.
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