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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. So just because you’re being a giant d*ck gets you interrogated by the police? Seems a little over the top to me.
  2. Russia uses “disposable troops”. Journalists at the BBC and Mediazona have recorded the names of more than 25,000 Russian combatants killed in Ukraine. The typical KIA soldier isn’t who he used to be. https://meduza.io/en/feature/2023/06/16/the-changing-face-of-dead-russian-soldiers
  3. I’m quite sure most officers are well aware of the thin line between crime and policing, but not for the right reasons. And that is why they joined the RTP in the first place: because it’s just so easy for the RTP to act as a mafia and collect huge illegal sums of money. One becomes a Thai police officer to get a slice of that pie and one is prepared to pay handsomely for that ‘privilege’. The system is rotten to the core, from the bottom all the way to the top, and the higher up you get, the more corrupt they are and the more money they make. Absolutely disgusting.
  4. The air pollution for 5-6 months around the dry season is the number 1 reason for me not to retire there. I was in Chiang Mai in the dry season of 1988/89 for six months and absolutely loved it, mostly sunny, clear skies you could see forever, nice temperatures, not too hot, and quite cool during the nights. I’ve been back twice since then, got bronchitis both times. Now it’s just a more or less constant haze, it’s quite hot, the hot season starts much earlier. So thanks, but no thanks for me, I will find me another spot to retire to, probably not even in Thailand.
  5. Kremlin officials turn to heavy drinking to cope with war stress: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/06/18/kremlin-officials-vodka-alcohol-ukraine-russia-war-stress/ May they all drink themselves to death a.s.a.p.
  6. “Russia sets date of elections in newly annexed territories for Sept. 10, RIA reports” https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russia-sets-date-elections-newly-annexed-territories-sept-10-agencies-2023-06-15/ Hopefully by then there will be considerably less occupied territory in Ukraine that Russia can hold elections in. But besides countries like Iran, Syria and North Korea, there won’t be anyone who will recognize the results of these “elections” anyway.
  7. Wonder how many people are pocketing money illegally and robbing children from being able to eat a healthy or at least decent lunch? It just goes to show how rampant corruption is in Thailand and how absolutely amoral lots of people are.
  8. Putin is either delusional, or he’s being fed bogus numbers by his handlers. Or maybe both.
  9. What’s the best place in Hua Hin to buy a new motorbike? And by ‘motorbike’ I mean one of those 100 or 125 cc semi automatics, like a Honda Wave or a Yamaha Finn or something like that. Are there any special offers to be had out there?
  10. The brutality and barbarism of the Russians, as well as their hatred for Zelensky (Kryvy Rih is his hometown, which was bombed and at least 10 people dead) knows no bounds. How any western politician or citizen can still support Putin, or have even the slightest bit of sympathy for his brutal regime, is beyond me.
  11. Not just a change in leadership, but a fundamental change in the way big corporations make money. For instance, big oil companies like Exxon and Shell knew back in the 1960’s and 70’s already that massive burning of fossil fuel was causing global warming and climate change. Yet they buried those reports and denied it to this day.
  12. The evil that is North Korea: “North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is cozying up to his counterpart in Russia, expressing "full support and solidarity" for the Kremlin's war on Ukraine.” https://www.businessinsider.com/kim-jong-un-praises-putin-his-war-wants-holding-hands-2023-6?international=true&r=US&IR=T
  13. The evil that is Russia: “Kherson flooding: Ukraine evacuation boat attacked by Russia, killing three” https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-65869999
  14. Holy sh!t! I wouldn’t want to be a hapless Russian soldier when that comes raining down. All those little ghosts (or whatever they are) appearing at the end of the video I find a little morbid, though….
  15. Dumbing down seems to be the trend in the whole western world. Just look at the rise of the (extreme) right, if not outright fascism, in the USA and Europe. Lots of guys - and a few girls - are chomping at the bit to be next great dictator.
  16. Probably right. This is a 20-year-old rich kid who got a Merc from his daddy, even though he’s obviously got sh*t for brains and can’t drive worth a damn. Now daddy can use his money to buy his spoilt brat of a son out of trouble.
  17. Evidence grows of explosion at collapsed Ukraine dam https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukraine-security-service-says-it-intercepted-call-proving-russia-destroyed-2023-06-09/ U.S. Official Says Spy Satellites Detected Explosion Just Before Dam Collapse https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/09/world/europe/ukraine-dam-collapse-explosion.html There’s more and more evidence there was an explosion at/in the dam. Experts say it would be impossible to achieve this kind of damage with a missile or a bomb dropped from a plane or anything like that, so that rules out Ukrainian involvement. Russia was the only one with direct access to this dam, so they rigged it with explosives and blew it up, there’s absolutely no doubt in my mind about that.
  18. Russia shot itself in the foot big-time by blowing up this dam. But hey, they’ve been doing that ever since they started this unholy war. They shot themselves in the foot by starting this war in the first place.
  19. ‘as the bad guys lurk in the shadows and have influential support’ Not to mention lots of guns, tanks and soldiers. And the army has proven many times that they are more than willing to open fire on their own citizens. I really hope the army’s days of staging coups and hanging on to power are numbered. But the army has always been a tool of the elite to help protect their interests. They will use it again if they feel threatened.
  20. Putin won’t like this very much: “Vladimir Putin was never the Soviet super spy he'd like us to believe. He was merely a KGB 'errand boy,' report says” https://www.businessinsider.com/vladimir-putin-was-not-soviet-super-spy-stasi-report-2023-6?international=true&r=US&IR=T
  21. Don’t get too cocky. Just look at what happened in Myanmar. I’m sure the junta there will be very pleased to help out their Thai colleagues if needed. The people can want whatever they want and have elections and whatnot, but if the military decides otherwise, the people won’t get it.
  22. You have to learn from the past, and punish those who have abused their power, otherwise history will keep repeating itself.
  23. Removing Putin and his kleptocracy is going to be a hell of a job. Besides a few years of democracy, Russia and Russians have known nothing but tyrants and dictators. Autocratic leadership has been ingrained in Russian society and in the Russian mindset for centuries, it will be very hard to change that. Removing the kleptocracy would also mean removing the oligarchs, and they’re not going to let all that money and power be taken away from them without a huge struggle. If Prigozhin can have his own private army of tens of thousands of fighters, so can other Russian billionaires. It’s probably just a matter of time before Putin is either ousted or killed, but when that happens, I expect things to become very chaotic and violent. There’s just too much at stake, and people are willing to do crazy things to hold on to what they have, or take a stab at getting their hands on a sizeable slice of the loot themselves.
  24. Yeah, they really should start screwing with that nuclear power plant. I’m sure the fallout won’t reach Russia…..
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