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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. That’s a rhetorical question, right?
  2. The standard reaction of any Thai government official, when faced with a problem, is to do nothing. That’s either because a) there’s no money in it for them, or b) to avoid making waves and causing embarrassment and/or loss of face. When they do take action, it’s usually only because they see an opportunity to make some extra money.
  3. His salary is just a fraction of his income….
  4. He can’t vote for Trump cause he’s a Kiwi. But he certainly has a huge man-crush for the guy…
  5. It’s not just Elon Musk, it’s (almost) every ridiculously rich billionaire, and big corporations. Their interests are diametrically opposed to that of ‘the common man/woman’. They have power and money and will do literally anything to hang on to that, or to get even more power and money. If that means that Joe Schmoe can’t have a liveable wage, or universal health care, or affordable housing or whatever, then so be it, they really don’t give two hoots.
  6. Jeez, no prejudice there, right? Why would you be a weak baby and pampered do nothing if you prefer working from home? Like I explained in my earlier post, it saves me a 1,5 hours commute every day, I can concentrate much better and get more done in less time, I have more freedom and working from home makes me a lot happier than working in an office. By the way, I’m 66. So I would fall the in the category of what you call ‘us older folk’. All I can say is: speak for yourself.
  7. Not all employees are the same. Some thrive in an office work environment, with lots of contact with their co-workers, and others thrive working from home. And some enjoy working at the office half the time, and working from home the other half. I myself have been working mostly from home for almost five years now, and it suits me much (much!) better than having to work at the office every day. I don’t have to commute 1,5 hours a day, which I have always found to be wasted time. That’s 10% of the time you’re awake every day right out the window. I can also concentrate on my work much better, because there are way less distractions: no people walking around the whole time, no people talking around me the whole time. So I get a lot more done in less time. And I really enjoy the freedom that I have very much. I can go for a walk when I want to, get some groceries, ride my bike, sit outside and enjoy the sunshine for an hour or so. If that means having to work an hour (or two) extra at night or in the weekend, I’m more than happy to do that. That’s what I think it’s all about: what makes you happy. And happy people are usually more productive. Here’s a very interesting article: https://stackoverflow.blog/2023/11/27/are-remote-workers-more-productive-that-s-the-wrong-question/
  8. I have lived in Thailand already a few times, but had to go back home for work each time. Will retire in November. First thing I’m going to do is a big trip through the Sahara, then stay in the south of France for a while in spring and summer of 2026. And then I will decide what to do next, probably spend the winters in Thailand and the summers in France. Can’t for the life of me imagine getting bored. Not seriously, anyway. Besides, boredom means different things to different people. What I do may seem quite boring to other people, but it’s what makes me happy.
  9. This will probably p!ss off Donald Trump no end: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCn_uMY15GlwaPpx80-WjR6g/community?lb=UgkxZhXlrQth4OjFtXhGFeYGT_2AdyNW7g4l
  10. I can’t help but wonder what would happen if some European billionaire were to try to do the same in the USA as Musk is now doing in Europe (UK, Germany, Italy). What do you think the reaction from MAGA/right wing America would be?
  11. According to several posters on this forum, now that Trump will be president again, the rest of the world just needs to shut the hell up and do as they’re told. So that should take care of everything, all problems solved, easy peasy….
  12. I can guess where this comes from: https://www.yahoo.com/news/oregon-coast-residents-receive-racist-205114638.html
  13. Now who’s deflecting? You apparently find it acceptable for people (i.e. Trump and his minions) to break the law because you like Trump. Compared to being an ‘illegal alien’, Trump and his minions have done, are doing and will be doing far worse.
  14. Since when is breaking the law an issue for MAGA? Your leader is a convicted felon, he broke the law. Several of his cabinet members did as well.
  15. That’s rich, coming from someone who lives in a self-created alternative universe and totally ignores reality. Here are some examples of buyer’s remorse. You can find plenty (plenty!) more if you just google for five seconds: https://www.washingtonpost.com/podcasts/el-post/trump-voters-have-buyers-remorse-in-north-carolina-focus-group/ https://pro.stateaffairs.com/in/opinion/buyers-remorse-trump-win https://www.independent.com/2024/11/25/buyers-remorse-2/
  16. But what does that tell you about Trump voters? I mean, I have heard and read plenty of stories already about Trump voters having buyer’s remorse. The ‘Farmers for Trump’ who apparently are just now realizing that Trump is going to ruin them, because he’s going to deport half (or all of) their workforce. This ‘family man’ from Georgia who voted for Trump, and his daughter is married to an illegal alien. Guess what’s going to happen to his son in law? So many latinos who voted for Trump and now they’re starting to worry Trump is going deport half their family. So many poor people who voted for Trump, and now they’re scared he’s going to cut their social security, medicare, medicaid and whatnot. And it’s not as if Trump hasn’t been up front about his plans, it was pretty clear to anyone with half a brain what he’s going to do. I really can not begin to understand why these people voted for Trump and are now scared it’s going to come back to bite them in the @ss. Hopefully it will teach them to think a little harder next time they get to vote. If there is a next time….
  17. That was my first reaction as well. We really don’t need another country with nukes, and certainly not South Korea, which is not the politically most stable country to begin with, judging by what happened there over the last few weeks. The chances of some nutcase pushing the button and sending us all to kingdom come are already way too high.
  18. Money and his ego….
  19. A feint, in which they lost dozens (hundreds?) of tanks and countless soldiers’ lives. Quite a costly ‘feint’, wasn’t it? And America offered to evacuate Zelensky, to which he famously answered: ‘I need ammunition, not a ride’. The 40 (or so) Russian assassination attempts on Zelensk’s life during the invasion were probably also just in jest, right? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_attempts_on_Volodymyr_Zelenskyy
  20. Not sure it was para troopers, but Russian troops nonetheless: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Hostomel https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_Kyiv_convoy https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-03-02/a-massive-russian-convoy-is-approaching-kyiv-heres-what-we-know/100874820
  21. Like I said earlier, you should maybe study history a little better. If the plan was never to be in Kiev, what were Russian paratroopers doing at Kiev (Hostomel) airport? And why was the Russian military advancing towards Kiev?
  22. Not to mention this ‘pay to pray’ grift: https://www.nationofchange.org/2024/12/31/exclusive-prayer-for-100k-trumps-inauguration-committee-faces-criticism-over-pay-to-pray-event/
  23. Typical MAGA/right wing rhetoric: immediately threaten violence when they don’t agree with someone. I say let the infighting begin. Too many people (mostly guys) with thin skins, short fuses and huge egos, whatever could go wrong? I hear Trump is already becoming quite miffed (small understatement) with Elon Musk because Musk keeps stealing Trump’s spotlight. Some media have also mockingly called Trump Elon Musk’s vice president. That probably p!sses Trump off no end. We all know Trump only hires the best people, he said so himself so it must be true, but I’m betting Trump will start firing people left and right pretty soon.
  24. Always the same cr@p around Christmas and New Year’s, Songkran and such: let’s make traffic safer around the holidays! Why not make traffic safer year-round? Why not give every traffic cop a kick up the @ss and tell them they will be fired if they don’t start doing their actual jobs? It’s not rocket science, is it? So many people in Thailand die every year in traffic because the government/cops can’t be bothered to protect them, it’s just a huge disgrace.
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