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Everything posted by rudi49jr

  1. Proud Boys Ethan Nordean and Dominic Pezzola jailed for US Capitol riot. Nordean got 18 years, Pezzola 10 years. Nordean showed great remorse, Pezzola not so much: “Once the prison term had been handed down and the judge had left the room, Pezzola raised a fist and shouted: "Trump won!" Some of these people obviously just can’t help themselves, they’re trapped in the lie and too far down the rabbit hole to get back out. I think these sentences probably have Trump a little worried, to say the least. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-66689547
  2. Woosh. That’s the sound of your post going right over my head, I have no idea what you’re on about. All I get is that you’re very suspicious of the voting system for no good reason at all. All I can say is: enjoy your paranoia.
  3. So you’re a Trump supporter, and you’re for the little guy. Hmm, how does that work exactly? Are you sure that voting for Trump is good for the little guy? What has he done for the little guy during his presidency? Remember, Trump is a self-proclaimed billionaire who went bankrupt five (six?) times, stiffing tens of thousands of small contractors (little guys) out of millions and millions of dollars. Trump also managed to run a casino into the ground. Do you know how hard that is? And this is the guy you want running your country? And by the way, who are “the two mega rich guys squabbling” you mentioned in your post? I see one mega rich guy, Trump, or at least he keeps claiming that he is vastly wealthy. Who’s the other mega rich guy?
  4. I’m not a terrorist. I don’t have hate in my heart. How quickly they forget: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/crime/proud-boys-hate-group-dc-b2367886.html
  5. Same. I was just wondering how anyone in their right mind could equate Donald Trump, a man without any moral or ethical fibre in his body, the very antithesis of everything that is good and pure in this world, to great and courageous people like Mandela, MLK and Ghandi.
  6. I think another poster already asked you this question, but I will repeat it: exactly what planet are you from?
  7. Here’s just another example of the stupendous hypocrisy of MAGA, and how these ‘brilliant minds’ work. https://www.meidastouch.com/news/jeanine-pirro-in-2016-we-cannot-have-a-country-led-by-a-president-subject-to-ongoing-criminal-investigations
  8. Call me crazy, but somehow I’m not all too sure you would recognize hard facts if they bit you on the @ss.
  9. Most folk wouldn’t, believe me. Only if you like dishonesty and fraud would you call it good business.
  10. If you, or anybody else, can not prove that it was stolen, us normal people are just going to have to assume that it wasn’t, won’t we? I will admit that I hate Trump. But not just Trump, I hate everyone like him. And I hate them because they’re narcissistic, power hungry, petty, vindictive, selfish, fascist, white supremacist, racist, sexist and very dangerous, because they will stop at nothing to reach their goals. They don’t give a flying **** about their country, they’re not patriots, all they care about is their fragile ego and their bank account.
  11. A handful of firms associated with Trump made a last-ditch effort to hide documents that detailed the way they unwittingly became part of the Trump Organization’s alleged scheme to inflate assets. I will take the ‘unwittingly’ part with a grain of salt here and there, since some of those companies probably knew very well what they were getting into.
  12. It’s what a cult does: blindly follow their leader, defend him at all cost and attack anyone who thinks differently. Facts mean absolutely nothing to them, they live in their own reality. After Hitler killed himself at the end of April in 1945 and the news got out, hundreds (maybe even thousands?) of German army officers (especially SS, but also ‘regular’ Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe and Kriegsmarine) also committed suicide, because apparently their life had lost all meaning now that their dear leader was gone and because of that, there was no more hope for their beloved Fatherland. It is just astonishing how completely brainwashed people can get, and the sacrifices they are willing to make as a result of that.
  13. Your bias is on show This from someone who rants about Nancy Pelosi in this thread. But what you said is just about facts, not about dislike (hate?) or bias at all, is it?
  14. As other posters here have already pointed out, it was Trump who weaponized the DoJ during his presidency, by going after people who were investigating him, or people he saw as a threat. And you do realize that the only reason Trump wants to become president again is to go after everyone who had ever slighted him, either real or perceived. Trump has been very clear about that, that he will appoint his sycophants everywhere possible and use the DoJ for ‘payback’ to everyone who has ever so much as looked funny at him. Trump is a thin-skinned, narcissistic and extremely vindictive man child who will stop at nothing to get back at his (many, many) ‘enemies’. He should never be allowed anywhere near a position of power ever again. Just my two cents.
  15. “rather than them not doing anything wrong” I find it quite astonishing, not to mention deeply worrying and disturbing, that someone can say that about Trump, in the face of such an overwhelming amount of evidence.
  16. And you, of course, know the full truth. Care to share that with the rest of us?
  17. Yes. Unlike Trump supporters and the MAGA crowd, there are still lots of people who don’t believe in all kinds of ridiculous conspiracy theories. People who commit crimes can (and should) be prosecuted. That’s what’s going on here. It’s really as simple as that.
  18. So you hate the haters because they go after Trump out of spite, and that’s because you want Trump to win, so he can go after the haters, out of spite. How very grown-up of you. And you didn’t used to want him to stand again? You’ve been going to bat for Trump and fought tooth and nail to defend him since day one, so who do you think you’re fooling?
  19. And you wonder why people accuse you of belonging to the Trump cult (or Dear Leader cult)…..
  20. Just listen to the phone call he made to Brad Raffensperger. Trump is guilty as sin. I don’t need a court or jury or judge to tell me that. He told Raffensperger to ‘find him’ 11,870 votes, and threatened Raffensperger there ‘could be consequences’ if he didn’t. How much more do you need out of the mouth of Trump himself to convince you that he’s guilty?
  21. “He was sure he won” Well, that makes everything he did perfectly okay then, doesn’t it? What a load of BS! Let’s suppose I’m sure that my neighbor stole my car, but I have absolutely no evidence of that. Now I go over to my neighbor’s house and shoot him in the face because I’m absolutely 100% sure he stole my car, although I still don’t have a shred of evidence. How long do you suppose a jury will have to deliberate before they pass a ‘guilty’ verdict?
  22. People like Trump never apologize, or admit they were wrong, because they see it as a sign of weakness. Instead, they double down to protect their giant but oh so fragile ego.
  23. I have no doubt that he will be tireless in getting as much as he can for himself and his cronies. For the average Thai Joe and Jane: probably not so much.
  24. Make that two: his second in command was apparently also on board.
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