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Everything posted by Berkshire

  1. This is all Fox News is relegated to these days, bashing Joe Biden 24/7. And for some variety, they'll go after Hunter Biden. It's desperation time in the land of right wing propaganda.
  2. So this is the guy you'd prefer to be POTUS.... ["Aides said he talked about Ivanka Trump’s breasts, her backside, and what it might be like to have sex with her, remarks that once led John Kelly to remind the president that Ivanka was his daughter,” Taylor wrote, recalling an alleged exchange with Kelly, who served as Trump’s chief of staff between 2017 and 2019. “Afterward, Kelly retold that story to me in visible disgust. Trump, he said, was ‘a very, very evil man.’”] https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-made-disturbing-comments-having-162329834.html
  3. Good points. I don't think it's healthy for society to be viewing this filth. But there are going to be people on the fringes who enjoy this stuff. So best to make it as harmless for society as possible. I don't know the answer, in terms of the law. But purveyors of AI sexual abuse should not be treated the same as people who use real children.
  4. 5555.....yeah right. Trump is not that strategic. He hasn't forgiven DeSantis for even running, let alone beating him. But if Biden were to win and Trump gets convicted, he might just praise Biden for being the greatest and kindest POTUS in history.
  5. Come on, it's not that simple and the answer isn't obvious. Pedos have been around forever and clearly it wasn't learned from AI. Question (which I don't have the answer): Does every pedo who watches this garbage (with actual children) go out and molest children as a result? I'm guessing they don't....at least not all. So if they can watch AI sexual abuse....then what's the harm? Granted, it's pretty freakin sick. But that's better than watching the real stuff with real children being abused.
  6. Interesting. So if AI can create fake child sexual abuse material--with no actual child being abused--what's the problem? Why is this against the law? Wouldn't it be much better and safer for children around the world if these pedos can enjoy their fetish without any child being harmed? Serious question.
  7. While you're probably right about DeSantis/Trump against Biden, one huge wildcard is often overlooked. Trump. If Trump were to lose the GOP nomination, does anyone actually believe that he's going to go away quietly? He'll be blasting DeSantis with both barrels....nonstop. Funny to say, but Trump will be Biden's secret weapon for the general election.
  8. Trump says he received more votes than any other incumbent in history. Were those votes all fake?
  9. Agree. This thread is about hating on the Thais. The more vicious and mean the better. Doesn't even have to be true. It's a "misery loves company" sort of thing. The OP and his ilk are haters. And haters are going to hate.
  10. wow. finally a reply that resonates with me. you are a rose between lots of thorns, sir. thanks for your honesty. You said in your opening post that this is not a Thai bashing thread. Yet, you reply positively to what is clearly a Thai bashing post. Perhaps you can be a little more honest regarding what this thread is about.
  11. Prigozhin is an international war criminal. Very few places he can go, if not even allowed back in Russia. Perhaps he can open a hot dog stand in Belarus. Curious to know who's funding Wagner these days.
  12. Who cares? Biden will win a second term. Assuming Trump will be the GOP nominee.
  13. They have another candidate.....a whole bunch of them. Which is why Trump will most likely win the nomination again. But he will get slaughtered in the general election....again.
  14. Yeah, I get you. But it's the way the system works. The Dems have many candidates who would be excellent Presidents. But America won't elect a gay POTUS. Or a woman. Or a minority (after Obama). Gavin Newsom? He'd be labelled a socialist by the right just for being Gov of California. The right wing media would crucify just about any Dem candidate, young or not. That's why Joe Biden is the sound choice for today. He's totally bland. Almost painfully boring. But the right has nothing on him. That's why they keep bringing up his son Hunter. And of course, his age.
  15. I wouldn't agree with that. Having an old guy as President sure beats having a criminal or fascist wannabe. Biden is getting stuff done, both at home and abroad. The only thing I would disagree with him on is the student loan forgiveness. But the courts may put an end to that.
  16. Unfortunately for you (and Trump), the court of public opinion has zero bearing in a court of law.
  17. The Mueller investigation occurred during the Trump administration and was created by the Trump administration. Why are you dragging "DNC supporters" into this?
  18. So you're saying you know more than Jack Smith and the whole of the DOJ? Without even reading the indictment? Impressive. Well there's been subject matter experts who have poured through that indictment and every last one has said that it's a powerful and airtight document. We're talking experts in all manner of constitutional law, national security, historical/legal precedents, etc. Heck, Trump's own AG Bill Barr just said that Trump is toast. You're engaging in what I would call "wishful thinking." Don't quit your day job.
  19. Yes I get that. My point is that these GOP candidates, Scott, Pence, DeSantis, Nikki, et al, they live and die by the poll numbers. They're scared shtless of Trump because he still has the base. Trump is dominating the polls and these candidates don't have any ideas on how to break through. But if Christie can get even a modest rise from blasting Trump, others may try. Snowball effect and all that. Just a hunch.
  20. A change in sentiment regarding Trump may be on the horizon. Chris Christie blasted Trump the other day in a CNN town hall. If his poll numbers start to go up, other GOP presidential candidates may see blood in the water and start going after Trump as well. Could get interesting.
  21. If we all just assume every word out of Trump's mouth--and in print--is a lie, we'd be right about 90% of the time. I'm starting to believe that Trump is incapable of telling the truth. If one day Trump was to give a speech that was 100% truthful, his head would explode.
  22. From the above, it appears you have figured out how to meet women. Online really is the easiest way to go. Your problem is sky-high expectations. If you're looking for a well-off, educated, hot 25 year old from a good family, who's going to fall madly in love with you, you're at a severe disadvantage. These women aren't looking for a rich foreigner or a ticket to go abroad. They just want a normal life with a charming guy, same age, good temperament, understands their language, good family.....in other words, a decent Thai guy. And there are plenty of those kinds of guys. I speak Thai fairly fluently....for a foreigner. But I can't compete with these guys. Some can be really charming and witty...Thai women love that stuff. I've seen them around Thai females. I would think you can find one decent female if you were dating 10 a week. Just remember that you're still the same guy here as back home. A lot of guys come to Thailand as a "5" and think that they're instantly a "9" or "10" once they arrive. No, you're still a "5"....on the Thai scale. So you should be happy with a girl who's also a "5."
  23. Well of course there isn't going to be a civil war over this. Trump doesn't have that kind of reach. His supporters certainly have a right to protest to their heart's content. But if they break the law, they will be arrested. Some might even be stupid enough to resort to violence. I believe law enforcement will be ready. Like they were in Cincinnati.
  24. If you understand US politics at all, you'll know that the right wing media in America has a tendency to either exaggerate or make-up charges against the other side out of thin air. Fox News is notorious for this.
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