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Everything posted by Berkshire

  1. Not as bad as the idiot voters who voted for Trump. But then, losers are going to lose.
  2. Perhaps you can explain why you're bashing Joe Biden then....thanks in advance.
  3. So you want Ukraine to be admitted to NATO right now? Yeah right, this would put NATO and the USA immediately at war with Russia. Swift thinking....
  4. If she has a Thai passport, her Thai ID number would actually be on the passport. This number comes from the Thai ID.
  5. The OP mentioned that his daughter did go to the Amphur with her mother.
  6. It's amazing that the whole of the Republican party cannot find another person to realistically challenge Trump....a twice impeached, twice indicted, failed businessman, lying conman, and horrible President.
  7. All she would need is her Thai birth certificate and her name on a house registration (tabien baan). Her Thai mother should know this.
  8. Late to the party? Inflation is dropping like a rock.
  9. Trump comes up because people keep asking why Biden is running in 2024 when he's too old. The answer is that a diminished Biden is far superior to Trump at any age.
  10. Actually, Obama does well with historians, usually in the top 10....as I recall. But the top 3 will always be Lincoln, Washington, and FDR. Present day POTUS will never crack that.
  11. Ok, the dude is 80 and has memory issues. Pretty normal for most old guys.
  12. I don't care where they're locked up so long as they're locked up. As for your example re the Taliban....apples and oranges.
  13. 5555....funny. Republicans aren't attacking Biden because of his age or competence. They're attacking him because he's a Democratic President. They've got nothing else.
  14. Best advice. The OP confirms what I've known for a long time. These haters of Thais and Thailand are not happy people.
  15. Have you done a psychiatric examination of Joe Biden? Then you know zero about his mental capacity. Why do you keep talking about things you know nothing about?
  16. That's what it really comes down to. Most of America simply does not want Trump to be POTUS again. Since Trump will most likely win the GOP nomination, the question is who can beat him? For all his faults, Joe Biden has proven he can beat Trump...decisively. That's good enough for me. As for people who keep saying the Dems should put up someone else, please give us some names.
  17. You really have no idea what you're talking about. Your "facts" are mostly right wing talking points and propaganda. Regardless, it appears you're desperate to see VP Harris as President. That's fine with me.
  18. 55555....yeah. At least Biden is not suggesting we ingest bleach to cure COVID.
  19. Perhaps Harvard knew that their policy regarding legacy admissions was racist in favor of whites and tried to compensate with affirmative action. Well now, only the legacy admissions remain. Hmmmm....
  20. These are rather simplistic "solutions" to complicated problems. First of all, do you really think the Mexican government can get the drug lords to stop selling drugs? If they could, they already would have. As for the Ukraine war, you're suggesting rewarding Putin for killing thousands of Ukrainians and destroying their country? The only solution is for Putin to get out and pay for rebuilding that country. Last estimates I heard was around $450 billion and rising. That doesn't include the people that he's murdered. And what makes you think Putin would even accept "a little chunk of Ukraine?"
  21. OP needs to get a handle on this and right soon. Gambling addiction can get out-of-hand quickly and who knows where she's getting money. Compulsive gamblers almost always loses and in big chunks. She could be taking out a loan against your home, getting money from loan sharks, selling your valuables, draining your savings account.....etc. OP might want to find out how she's financing her addiction....assuming he's not giving her money directly.
  22. Agree. The OP seems to spend all of his waking hours hating on the Thais. Maybe he was hard done by a bar girl....who knows. And for his next thread, he'll opine about how the Burmese in Thailand are so much friendlier. Then the Cambodians. And maybe the Vietnamese....5555
  23. He was talking about MSM of which CNN certainly is. What the heck are you talking about?
  24. CNN has been covering this story from the beginning. It must be a real burden for you thinking every story is a left wing conspiracy.
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