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Everything posted by Berkshire

  1. Of course, Soros never "endorsed" DeSantis. But the mud slinging within the GOP will be entertaining to watch. Can't wait for the Republican primaries to start. Especially if Trump gets back on Twitter....:-)
  2. Fox News, in your own words, reported on the "lies and omissions which resulted in the Iraq War and (debatably) 500,000+ deaths." Are you going to blame Fox News for the Iraq War?
  3. You're being intellectually dishonest. Who's the one being sued for billions by Dominion? What Fox did was very much the same as what Alex Jones did with Sandy Hook....lying to the rubes to make money. Now Jones is on the hook for millions. Here's hoping Fox gets the same.
  4. Simple: they tell their right wing audience what they want to hear (read lie). They have very little competition. Other real news networks have to compete with one another and find actual news to report. Fox can just make stuff up.
  5. It seems like an open secret. Everyone knew that Trump's election fraud claim was a lie. Everyone at Fox News knew. Even Trump himself knew. Well, everyone except the MAGA herd.
  6. Everyone knew Fetterman was diminished. The guy could barely talk. Yet, he still beat Oz. Says a lot more about the Republican candidate, don't you think?
  7. Yes, she was a huge fan of Trump....until she wasn't. She can't stand Trump now....mostly because he failed to build the wall.
  8. It appears MTG is also not a fan of Nikki Haley. Wonder if this will be a trend, far right females not supporting GOP females for President. Unless it's something more sinister....like a race thing. [Greene ripped Haley on her personal Twitter account Wednesday afternoon, claiming that Haley was "just another George (or Jeb!) Bush," in light of her 2024 presidential bid.] ["She is weak on the border, doesn't want a wall, claimed 'Legal Immigrants are more patriotic than most Americans these days,' and she defended [former President Barack] Obama when Pres. Trump criticized his terrible open-borders policy,"] [Greene wrote in her tweet. "And Nikki Haley refused to support a transgender bathroom bill to protect children."] https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/marjorie-taylor-greene-slams-nikki-haley-as-bush-in-heels/ar-AA17xTP3?ocid=wispr&cvid=e35a475e666b449eb0893504fdb7afbf
  9. "Woke" is a term largely used by right wing nutters when they get their panties in a twist over something that reminds them that they are right wing nutters.
  10. Some of you guys never fail to take the bait. When Trump attacks someone, it almost always has to do with a personal grievance. So it's not about Sturgeon's politics or her "wokeness" or her world view. It's because she was mean to him.... [While not a household name in the United States, Sturgeon's antipathy toward former President Donald Trump – who owns two golf clubs in Scotland – did generate headlines.] [In January 2021, Sturgeon declared that Trump was unwelcome as COVID-19 raged and amid Trump's attempts to subvert his loss to President Joe Biden in the 2020 election.] [Ten days before she was reelected that April, Sturgeon penned an editorial in The Guardian regarding independence, warning that the British government "ignoring the will of the Scots would be an act worthy of Trump."] [In May 2022, Sturgeon also weighed in on the 2024 presidential contest, telling Americans, "don't re-elect Trump at any point."] https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/she-fought-me-all-the-way-donald-trump-rages-at-scotland-s-retiring-first-minister/ar-AA17wZlL?ocid=wispr&cvid=27e179419f664aefa11dbb15a4c76fd9
  11. Boy, Ann Coulter is seriously hating on Nikki Haley. I'm not a fan of Coulter, but she has a rather huge voice on the right... [Coulter called her a “preposterous creature” and wondered why cows are considered sacred in India, where Haley’s parents emigrated from...] [Hey babycakes, why don’t you go back to your own country and reconsider that history?] [Coulter concluded by saying Haley is weak on the issue of immigration and that her own state will not vote for her.] https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/go-back-to-your-own-country-ann-coulter-trashes-south-carolina-born-nikki-haley/ar-AA17xpCB?ocid=wispr&cvid=b25665e2d4c9475a817eb8ca0e715889
  12. So what's "Meatball Ron" up to? Oh you guys haven't heard? It's Trump's new nickname for DeSantis. The "Ron DeSanctimonious" didn't work too well with the base.....too many syllables. This one may stick. It's already making the rounds on late night shows.... [Trump is reportedly calling DeSantis, a potential 2024 campaign rival, “Meatball Ron” in private.] [“Ooooh I do not like how much I love that,” Colbert confessed. “It’s so dumb and accurate.”] https://www.yahoo.com/news/dumb-accurate-stephen-colbert-loves-063518199.html
  13. That's what most folks are saying, a crowded field would result in 2016 all over again (in the GOP primary, not the general). Which makes you wonder why people like Haley, who has very little chance of winning, would run. I guess just running for POTUS would help their career, sell books, raise money....etc. Frankly, I'm not worried. If there's a dozen candidates and Trump becomes the GOP nominee again, the Republicans will lose again. But it'll be ugly.
  14. It would seem anyone with ties to Trump might be at a disadvantage. This includes Haley, Pompeo, Pence, etc. That's why the money's on DeSantis.
  15. Well said. It's rather amazing that Pence still thinks he has a shot at being POTUS in 2024. While most everyone (not MAGA) admires him for doing his job on 6 Jan, the very people he needs to support him won't go near him. Doesn't he realize that all the good he did in four years (read non-stop boot-licking) was wiped out on that day? Trump will never forgive him, and neither will at least 30% of the GOP.
  16. Give him some time. He'll have a nickname for her soon enough. Hint: it ain't going to be nice.
  17. This is why Trump made the disparaging comments about Rihanna, so his idiot supporters would go after her. And the only reason Trump when after her is because she said some mean things about him. Had nothing to do with her music or her looks. The guy is a child.
  18. Agree. I wish the mass media would quit being so PC and just call out these people for what they are: stupid. Anyone who still believes that the 2020 election was rigged is just plain freakin stupid. In fact, people this stupid should not be allowed to vote.
  19. The title of this article says it all.... No One With a Functioning Brain Sees the GOP as the ‘Party of Normal’ https://www.thedailybeast.com/no-one-with-a-brain-sees-the-gop-as-the-party-of-normal?ref=wrap
  20. OP, I am sorry for your experience, but my experience has been quite different. I've had just about every dental procedure known to man done in Thailand and they've been consistently excellent. This includes root canal, crown, bridge, cleaning, extractions, fillings, etc. There's no one here on this forum who can answer your question without directly examining you. Go see a dentist. If you're not happy with the first, go to a second. Then a third. Get an x-ray. Or CT scan. Your problem is not normal. Get it fixed, and by a professional.
  21. 5555....funny. Sometimes I think I know Trump better than his supporters. I agree that it's juvenile....but you'd say that only if he's attacking someone on your side. If he does the exact same thing with Hillary, Obama, Biden, etc.....you love him. But you should know by now that Trump will attack anyone and everyone who's not completely devoted to him. He even attacked Ivanka once....although he did it very gently. In that respect, Trump is totally bipartisan. The guy doesn't care if you're Republican or Democrat. He might even be more vicious with Republicans because he expects them all to worship him. Loyalty and all that. There is one group I've never heard him go after....white nationalists. For whatever reason. Maybe he thinks they're his most loyal supporters....who knows.
  22. Khun DeSantis better brace himself because this is only the beginning. We've seen the lengths Trump will go to attack his enemies, perceived or otherwise. The dude is just mean and vicious. This DeSantis incident seems rather innocuous to me, but Trump will manipulate it into something else. And his hardcore supporters will believe it.
  23. I'm guessing "bargirl,"so.....girl behind bars, girl with gold bars, girl with a chocolate bar....
  24. Agree, was thinking the same. Let's approach this logically. A guy who claims to have 25 mil and is wanting a female who's well connected to get him out of jams....hmmm, maybe a trafficker or embezzler running from the law and/or other gangsters. One would think these sort of guys would have their own connections.
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