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Posts posted by dutch

  1. There he is with the same old story again :o

    Last week I thought I had a problem and called to customerservice.I was connected with some service point and helped by a very reasonable english speaking lady.

    The problem was not with my satelite but with my computer and is solved.

    Also the agent in Korat (Tai fah) offered the visit of a service man (at costs) which I did not needed.

    I am very happy with my Ipstar and have very regular talks with Holland (incl camera).

    Also my TOT line dropped every moment.It's heaven on earth now :D

  2. It is all a question of calculation ( and a little bit luck I quess)

    I just received the (new) offer of my long existing healthinsurance, who always stated:not to worry as they would insure me abroad too!

    They did not lie :o

    as from now (I paid 240 euro monthly last year); 609 euro /month

    65 years old 831 " "\

    70 " 1163 " "

    75 " 1440

    80 1551 " "

    Very clear you're better of to put the money in the bank.( as long as you have a basic amount available at the moment!!)

    Paid 45 years my insurance premium and because decide to retire in Thailand and a new law (per 1-1-2006) no more insurance. Any illegal entering holland at the moment is insured right away!!

  3. I am one of the oldies and "honoured " member of the OFCS !

    You have to pick your time to have some nice chats.

    btw; never ever found yorky drunk on the chat.I was the one who warned him about his first Chang at noon.We had quite a nice group in those days and I learned a lot as well as had fun.

    Create your own group of people you like to chat with.Give it some time.

    As mentioned also there is the time difference from 6 till 14 hours!!!!

    Don't give up and have a look (chat) now and than :o

  4. I have to send the proof of my Thai tax paying to the Dutch tax office.

    If not,they will not renew the approval to the pension fund to pay gross/net and at the same time they will tax me for the previous year.

    There is some discussion going on about the right of the Dutch tax office to control if and how much I pay in Thailand. But this discussion between tax lawyers will take some time ,I guess

    (The law tells the pension funds to withdraw tax b4 paying. However there is a tax treaty between Thailand and Holland. Question is;is Holland allowed to control if I am paying here?)

  5. In my own neighbourhood there are some "pre-selectors",looking into the garbage just before the official collectors arriving.

    I always collect plastic and paper seperately at home and put them on time outside.

    Last night outside:This morning gone! :o

    They also not open the other bag(s) in order to look what's inside there.

    It works most of the time

  6. Only 75 km away and you are in Korat.

    Makro/BigC/The Mall/Lotus Tesco/Klang Plaza 1 and 2 and many many small and medium shops.

    (Not enough bars according to some people but that is not the issue here.)

    I am regualr around Pak Chong on small trips,think you can do the same the other way around.

    The advice about freezer and so is very good.

  7. It was a new letter from embassy in Bangkok.(written in June 2005)

    As I made an O-A for my first visa application in Jakarta,I used a letter from the Dutch embassy in Jakarta.

    This time I request the original letter back and left them with a copy, which they accepted without any hesitation.

    In my bank letter I also had mentioned the total incoming money during last year(from abroad).

    My thinking is to make it as easy as possible for the immigration and at least follow their rules.

    As said , it was an easy operation.

  8. (I still agree with the topic starter )

    What more to do to bring it on topic again?

    ! am absolutely not interested in somebodies personal opinion about me .

    And yes , I really feel many times annoyed by the continiuously repeted quotes and that was the topic starter's statement was it not?

  9. Don't feel sorry Khall or even pity me !!!!!

    Hope you will spent your "old" days ( in the future) the same way I am doing.

    Those who know me, know better than you suggested.

    I still agree with the topic starter and that is the main issue.

    Your "old man" qualification shows more about you than about me.

  10. I am very happy with my Fortuner.(benzine version 2,7)

    My average speed is 49 km

    My usage is 10,9 km/lit

    Never exceed 100 km/hr

    Rather many short drives of about 45 km (to the golf course) with no heavy drive conditions

    Brakes: After 16.000 km am still living.Keep to the standards and absolutely NO problems

  11. Where would that fishing place be?

    My son is arriving tomorrow and he loves to fish.

    Btw,I agree with a lot of what you're saying Cathyy.Exact why I am here as retiree. :o

    Looking at the posts,it may well be that I know (from face) some of these posters,having my daily coffee at the coffeeworld in the Mall!

  12. May be our expectations are different??

    After TOT everything must look like heaven on earth.

    I used Thai Fa in Nakhorn Ratchasima

    Service man looked very competent and was extremely helpful.

    However I do not have your experience of 10 months as I am only connected since end November.

  13. I have to disagree.

    Not one single problem since start.

    My nice "blue" thing has only one disadvantage:the small airfan makes too much noice.My son will not be pleased as this device is situated in his sleeping room :o

    I am still happy with my IPstar (after the one year disaster of TOT on line)

  14. Went to-day to Suan Phlu.

    Arrived at 0925hr;Ready at 10.20hr

    Did my visa extension and a mutiple entry permit

    Original Passport with one copy of the relevant pages

    Original healthcertificate (no extra copy required)

    Copy letter from embassy about income (I requested the original back)

    Letter from Bank stating the account balance and total foreighn transfers.

    Bank book with one copy.

    Actually they didnot ask for the embassy letter but when they started to count,I handed over the letter (I actually forgot).

    My conversation was very pleasant with the official and mainly in Thai.

    It was crowdy but organized.

    Visa about 15 minutes + 1900 baht

    Multiple the remaining + 3800 baht

    Have your paperwork done and it's an easy job

    Of course I forgot to mention the TM 7 and TM 8 both original with one photograph 6x4

  15. Yesterday I got my IPstar wireless connection ( incl one fixed point).

    Exact on time as agreed one month ago.

    The service men came 3 hours late (TIT) at around 13.00,but stayed untill the task was done at around 19.30.They were very friendly and helpful.

    As my (old) PC was not equiped with a LAN card,as it should be btw, they went out to buy and install me one( at no costs).

    Have been online since then with 2 devices and I am very happy. :o

    Although I understand that I hardly can speak of experience after 1 full day,I thought some other sound was necessary.

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