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Posts posted by dutch

  1. I am in the same position with different dates however.

    I will renew my visum december 2006,my passport expires seprember 2007.

    I will renew it on November 2006.

    Main reason: many countries require at least half year valid(see post Thaihome)

    I don't want to go (again) to BKK to get the remaining months on my new PP.

    Total costs dutch PP about 62 euro (66 pages) and 55 euro (33 pages),so what are we talking about(in my case :o )

  2. Did anybody read the original post??

    I also would like to see Fox again.

    Because it is good???Don't think so but I simply want to make my own choice and for sure it is not necessary to start this ...who is better.... talking. :o

    So,on what satelite is fox ?

  3. I checked (on line) if money was transfered from my dutch bankaccount yesterday (every 29th of the month as agreed) and it was. :o

    100% sure that tonight,when I check (on line) my UOB account it will be in.

    The code in my bankbook will indicate that it is a foreign transfer.

    I not understand all this ATM and check business,if it can be that easy.

    I simply not believe that the banksystem in USA cannot do the same.

  4. My experience is from Holland (more near Belgium :o )

    Before I left Holland (definitively) in 1998,I arranged a non-resident account with my bank ABNAMRO.

    This included a internet banking possibility.

    I also arranged a fix amount in euro's to be transfered to my foreign account on a monthly base.

    Now I can change this amount-the frequency-the transfer date, as I please.

    I also can transfer any extra amount as I please,using internet banking.

    My monthly transfer costs are euro 10,-

    I also kept my (credit card)eurocard with them as well as an international ATM card.

    In the meantime I changed address from Indonesia to Thailand and everything went perfect.(as long as your own planning is timely and spottless !!!)

    For income tax please look at the (possible) tax agreement between your countries.

  5. Since 14.00 this afternoon (23-07-06) I receive the following message after attempting to open Internet explorer.

    Runtime Error!

    Program: C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe

    This application has requested the run time to terminate it in an unusual way.

    Please contact the application support team for more information.

    ....end of message.....

    I last updated (automatically) on 15 July 2006 (windows XP)

    Thanks in advance

    (please consifer my technical knowledge to be of the level of a monkey :o )

  6. I am sure this company is also situated in Pattaya.

    Company with the white pigeon on blue background.

    phone:044 269224 They can probably help you with address more near your place :o

  7. Last year I insured my property with:

    Bangkok Insurance Public Company Limited (in Korat)

    insurance for House building and it's contents.

    I had an inspection team coming in taking pictures and looking at the nbuiding drawings.

    My insurance is against fire-water-theft/robbery-weather damage and so on

    Even stay in holtel during rebuilding is covered.

    I got my offer nicely translated in english.

    Next week I will go to renew for another year.

  8. Hi KC,

    Every tuesday I play in Sikhiu at Voyage Panorama.

    I start around 06.15/06.30 and I play alone (mostly).May be too early???

    Don't bother about your score,that will improve rather quick till you reach the 100 and than it becomes more difficult.

    Feel free to join :o

  9. To-morrowI will visit Ratchasima Thonburi hospital and will ask my doctor about it.

    Hope I will not forget.

    mpdkorat:(Isaac),have to admit I thought the same

    Derk:don't bother what others are saying.You are the first to be resposible for your kid.

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