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Posts posted by dutch

  1. That just remind me: !!

    There is another guy frequently visiting Coffee world and he is A dutch.

    So if you would ask him if he is Dutch,he probably will answer yes.

    I spoke to him several times but suddenly he told me he like to stay alone??!!

    Now we sit seperately.OK with me.

    His english is poor.So please make sure it is me. :o

  2. I think,special for the mixed couples,this is a disaster.

    On the other hand I get already many years comments from my relatives and friends (all levels of society) not to come back because of the situation.

    If my son travels to the univerity by subway,he will absolutely not hear a single word dutch spoken.

    The dutch feel left alone and are not allowed to comment.(you are a racist).

    Above mentioned measurement is hurting the wrong people as so many of the "theoretical" rules by the government.

    Dutch people want new people to fit in their society not the other way around(The time of multicultural hapiness is long time passed)'

    Again this is not first hand experience ( I haven't been in Holland for 7 years now) but information by phone-email-msn.Umongst the friends people original from Phillipines-Suriname-Aruba-germany and Argentina and of course my son who is mixed Thai-Dutch.Young and old.

  3. OK Jeff1,I know you're not in town right now so I will start:

    Most of the weekdays(not weekends !) I will be zipping coffee with or without my girlfriend between 11.00 and 12,15 at Coffee world(very near the foodcorner where we will have our lunch).

    Around 13,00 I bring my fg to school and most the time I will return to the Mall to do some minor shopping and have a tea (also at coffee world) b4 I leave at around 15.00.

    To-day the "german speaking"group failed to show up,so there is no fixed rule obviously.

    I also went to the Immigration office (Korat) to do my 90days reporting.

    100% to be done there now !!!

    Visa still not possible.I told him I will show up in November to check if my renewance could be done by then. You do that he answered with a smile.

    Funny I spoke all the time Thai and he continue to answer in English

  4. I don't like to show up in a pub/bar/beergarden to find out that no one is there!

    A public place like the one or other coffee shop in the Mall is OK with me.

    I pass and see somebody than I pop in or just continue my walk.

    For the beginning to develop these informal and non-binding small talks is fine.

    Everybody his own tho :o

  5. I think you got my point joklaweil

    There is a great difference in back ground and age and lifestyle.

    Also the personal interest is important.

    I sure am communicative but not intend to join aspecial group many times.

    I also like the points of korat correct but for me not on a daily base.

    But helpful whenever needed and interchange information on an informal base OK.

    That's when you need a name and (may be) a phone number or email address.

    Last year the Korat immigration was asking me about the possible excistance of an expat club here.

  6. Having seen him for quite some time, to day I finally got the chance to speak to one of the "german"talking guys at the coffee world in The Mall in Korat.

    It was the first verbal contact after many months of friendly eyecontact.

    As he

    had to entertain other guests there was not too much time however he does play golf and it is for sure that the next time we will have our real chat.

    If this go well,we will cross our namecards and will more frequently having nice coffee talks.

    I am sure there are more of these possibilities.

  7. I pm'ed my info to Klaus (cc to jeff1)

    We always can have some kind of pre(meeting) on the Chat !

    As an example: Lately I see regular a small group of german language speaking (older :o ) men,who meet in the Mall ( Coffee world).They drink some and snack some.It only takes a few hours in the morning ( I have the feeling that they meet every Thursday).

  8. More or less the same as Ken.

    Although some more knowledge about the "background" of the expats would be welcome.( nationality-hobbies and so on, may some mutual interests).

    If I notice expats (?) sitting outside Pasinee around 12.00am with a bottle of beer ?

    Not my taste, but may be there are other points of interest at another time and another place :o

  9. Thank you meom,

    I did not notice that webservice sign in the right corner above !

    However it didn't bring me anywhere.

    The username and pincode ,provided to me by the revenue dept in Bkk, doesn't work.

    (this was for pin verification !)

    I also need the PND 90 in stead of 91.

    I think it will cost me a lot of telephone time b4 I am there where I want to be.

    Thanks anyway

    If you go to their site and click on webservices it redirects you to a page where you can click on PND91Service. After that under Demo there is an address ....PND91Service.aspx.

    Once you've clicked on that you have to fill-out your user name and password. I don't know what happens after that but you might give it a try although it could be only a program that calculates your tax liability.

  10. The cicvil and commercial code.

    Book VI,title III Wills.

    Chapter 1 section 1646; any person may in contemplation of death,make a declaration of intention by will concerning disposyions as to his property or other matters which shall take effect according to law after death.

    Chapter 1 section 1648; A will must be made according to the forms prescribed in Chapter II

    Chapter II section 1655; A will may be made in ANY one of the forms prescribed in this Chapter

    Chapter II section 1656; A will may be made in the following form, that is to say,it must be made in writing,dated at the time of the making of the will and signed by the testator before at least two witnesses present at the same time who shall then and there sign their names certifyinf the signature of the testator.No erase,addition or other alteration in such will is valid unless made in the same form as prescribed by this section.

    I did it as mentioned above

  11. Any body can assist me?

    Have my T*xpayers ID number

    Have my user ID number

    Have my password

    going to www.rd.go.th brings me a lot of information,however no log in possibility

    The local office doesn't have a clue.

    Before I call the service number in BKK ,I rather ask for some experience of members.

    Please don't HELP (???) me with remarks of any other kind

    Thank you

  12. Now retired for 14 months.

    2 times weekly golf

    2 times weekly SPA

    2 english language papers daily

    Taking ANY opportunity to be busy with Thai language

    UBC-IPstar-Dynasat and a giant dish for 400 other destinations (inc.1 dutch)

    weekdays coffee at coffeeworld in the Mall

    Involved with a local school (supporting them a little bit)

    1 time every 5 weeks to hairdresser :o

    The daily contacts about maintaining car/house/neighbours (this all in thai language)

    Now planning to discover a little bit more about the country

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