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Posts posted by msg362

  1. Before we all rattle on about a cover up. please read the report, there seems to be possibly three different causes. 1 Viral infection of the ? french lady, 2 the two older married people and 3 the others. The possibility that aluminium phosphides might be involved is suggested, which i imagine will rule out Chlorpyriphos but might suggest excessive use of some other pesticide.

    FWIW I don't think Chlorpyphos was responsible, you'd smell it! but it could have been excessive use of another non smelly pesticide and cleaning the room after the tragedy might have removed residues.

    time to call it a day I think.

  2. Look up Chiang Mai Expats club, lots of farangs with lots of experience, great way to meet and make new friends. Meets the 4th Saturday each month in the Shangri La hotel ,Chang Klang road ( at the end of the night bazaar).Should help you find your feet. BTW I'm older than you and have health insurance here.

    Good luck, take heart, lot of nice Thai women who aren't just out to rob you.. CM is a great place to live.

  3. If you have the time, go up to Tam Lod ( Soppong on the Pai/ Mae Hong Song Road) Go to Cave Lodge. John, an australian who has lived there for 25 years is an expert in caves, good trekking and canoe rafting too ( Not bamboo rafts, proper inflatables, great fun) Website is I think www.cavelodge.com. This would be proper caving.

    For 'commercial' caves, I know the one at Chang Dao on the 1317 road to the Sankamphaeng Hot Spring, worth a visit, about 30 Km out of town. ( the hot springs are OK too).

    enjoy yourselves!

    PS motorbikes are cheap and once out of town the traffic is OK. Wouldn't suggest tuk tuks, can't see, noisy and wil almost certainly charge your more than a 'red taxi ( songthau).

    self drive cars around 1000 Baht, driven car/minibus a little more.

    Thank You, Thank You!!!, The web site suggested was excellent and seems to encompass all the things we are looking to do in one place, with the exception of visiting the temples in and around Chiang Mai itself which I have done before myself and organising that not a problem. Have Plenty of time to get organised for this and other intended excusions ,Ankor Wat, Phi Phi, etc. As friend has just advised me arrival date 31st Oct. for 6 weeks. Once again thank you for reply and excellent information

    OOPs the cave on the 1317 is Muang On ,not Chang Dao, it's the one i've been sorry for the confusion

  4. live in CM but have a Boss < 3 years old, <8,000 Km in Chaing Mai. Bags, top box, etc PM me if you interested

    8,000 not 80,000!

    Ok,tell us the secret why you sell it at that price while you can get at least 4 times the money by just walking into any second hand dealer.

    The secret is the 8,000 is the km, I did not give a price!!

  5. Yes.. Amazing things.. They lay underground for 17 years and then emerge over a few days in their millions, and then turn into adults and mate. Then after a couple of weeks,they are all dead.. Its a strange life cycle.

    Apparently the males are attracted by clicking sounds, as it resembles the female mating call.. So maybe it heard something resembling a click click in your house.

    Thanks both of you, the video is just great

  6. If you have the time, go up to Tam Lod ( Soppong on the Pai/ Mae Hong Song Road) Go to Cave Lodge. John, an australian who has lived there for 25 years is an expert in caves, good trekking and canoe rafting too ( Not bamboo rafts, proper inflatables, great fun) Website is I think www.cavelodge.com. This would be proper caving.

    For 'commercial' caves, I know the one at Chang Dao on the 1317 road to the Sankamphaeng Hot Spring, worth a visit, about 30 Km out of town. ( the hot springs are OK too).

    enjoy yourselves!

    PS motorbikes are cheap and once out of town the traffic is OK. Wouldn't suggest tuk tuks, can't see, noisy and wil almost certainly charge your more than a 'red taxi ( songthau).

    self drive cars around 1000 Baht, driven car/minibus a little more.

  7. so to summarize:

    1- before packing get rid of electronics, tv's etc, or luxry items

    2- if you pack yourself you cannot be insured, if the shipper packs for you you can be insured

    3-ship it

    4- if you're thai after 1 year in europe you dont pay duties

    5- if you're on a 1 year visa but on your first year here you dont pay duties

    6- collect your goods in bangkok or have the shipper send them to your home and handle the duties for you.

    did I miss anything?

    Looks about right!

  8. with the current rate of exchange you can bring a container here for around 50K baht. that wont buy you a decent fridge freezer here.

    Bullshite There are tons of stuff cheaper than sweden here. :)

    Bullshite yourself matey. absolute crap in fact.

    a good fridge freezer, twin doors with water cooler and ice maker, plumbed not from some plastic tank.. costs well over 50K baht here.

    a good bed, divan, which isnt like a concrete block.. same

    you may prefer to live with ikea or worse, thats your choice, but IF you have nice stuff in your home country, why settle for camping here. I dont question your taste, dont question mine. and the pricing is very accurate.

    How is it I just bought recently ( 1 month ago) A top of the Range Samsung Fridge freezer as you describe for 40,000 Baht?

  9. I THINK that as long as the stuff in the container isn't brand new, you won't have much of a problem with import duties. Unless the customs are going to search through everything in your container and doing everything in their power to get you to pay some extras for them to put in their pockets.

    Nonsense. You are completely misinformed. You will be liable.

    Not True, If you are immigrating here you are allowed to bring your personal possessions and not pay duty once only ( I somehow managed it twice with Seven Seas, don't know how) I too recommend Seven Seas, very efficient. Shipping takes around 8-9 weeks and you have to take/get your passport ( not a copy) down to customs in Klong Toey

  10. and there wont be a lot of rioting in Banbury where he is going to stay with his aunty. B)

    I wouldn't be so sure, my nephew lives not far from Banbury and he has just posted, on his Facebook page, that thugs have just looted a vending machine and made off with a couple of bars of chocolate.

    My goodness, a couple of bars of chocolate, I think we need a curfew and martial law!. Barricade your homes, they will be after your chocolate!

  11. There was some flooding out near Bo Sang,, on the road to where I live, but all gone 2 days ago. Don't worry, no rain now for several days . the weather this morning is cloudy but I don't expect rain. Come, visit and I'm sure you'll both have a great time.

  12. Shot him in the back, shot him in the chest, what's the difference? Although this was not the ideal outcome the 'kid' was trespassing, breaking and entering, committing burglary and might have knocked the old farmer on the head if he hadn't have come out with a gun!

    The back means he's running away and not a threat, the front means he might be

    Try to work it out ,it's quite simple

    Self defence ( with a 'c') means stopping someone assaulting you, not shooting someone trying to escape. Trespass in the UK is not considered a capital crime. We are reasonably civilised!

    Not sure what the 'with a c' comment is about but anyway...It is not 'simple' if someone came into your house to burglarise it and you caught them in the act and they turned their back, you'd automatically think they were running away? Maybe they were looking for a weapon to try and strike you with! So no the back does not confirm or deny he was running away. I'd like to think I'd shoot a little git who tried to rob my home.

    'C'c is because we Brits spell it like that. Those from our old colony, armed to the teeth spell it with a 's'. We from the UK don't carry guns as a rule and tend not to shoot each other. But fine do it and feel happy.

    PS burglarise is a verb? Why not say 'rob'? much simpler ( it's old Anglo Saxon I think)

  13. I'm the happiest, most normal ,friendly guy you could possibly meet in the whole wold and I live ( near) Chiang Mai. All of my friends are happy, well balanced, jovial friendly and generous people. Many of us are married to beautiful, intelligent adoring Thai women. We are all well off, living on the proceeds of the ( UK) state and are very content cooking Moo Grapao every evening. Have you not met us yet?

    Seriously, don't talk such rubbish. CM is full, like every other city of the good, the bad and the ugly. Choose your friends with more care.

  14. Tony Martin. He shot someone who had repeatedly birgled his house in the back.

    Exactly. He shot him in the back. The British law is that you can use reasonable force and, thankfully, shooting people in the back is not considered to be reasonable force.

    Shot him in the back, shot him in the chest, what's the difference? Although this was not the ideal outcome the 'kid' was trespassing, breaking and entering, committing burglary and might have knocked the old farmer on the head if he hadn't have come out with a gun!

    The back means he's running away and not a threat, the front means he might be

    Try to work it out ,it's quite simple

    Self defence ( with a 'c') means stopping someone assaulting you, not shooting someone trying to escape. Trespass in the UK is not considered a capital crime. We are reasonably civilised!

  15. its just about the companies.. if you check projects being built by boat lagoon which is a western style company ran by an educated thai(probably oversea) you will see they have a lot of safety measure. My house is finished(built by boatlagoon) and i checked today and they were REmaking all the windows(remove all the concrete around) because they were not straight to their liking(obviously no extra cost)

    and if you drive by the elephant show thing they are building next to the bypass, there is a lot of security measures, a lot of western equipments and a safety guy checking everything.

    Of course then you have the municipal projects where they lookl for the cheapest offer to keep as much as they can in their pockets and you get manholes 10foot deep covered by 1inch of gravel

    Can you distinguish between the quality of the work and the hazards to the workers? they are very different but often related. I found that the best, most profitable companies were also the best at safety: Dupont/ ICI etc, while those disorganised outfits were generally a shambles both at making a profit and safety. Reflect on how things get done here! So yes, a western trained manager be it Thai or Farang will probably have a good safety record and produce good products

    edit spelling mistake!

  16. I'm astonished that it is the employees being held responsible for not following rules In real countries it's the employer who shoulders most of the blame, the cost and the appearance in a criminal court. What chance does a poor immigrant worker have if his boss just tells him to ignore the rules? He's caught ( in this example literally!) between a rock and a hard place. As an aside I constantly amused by the 'Safety First' signs at site in Chiang Mai and then I watch the labourers wandering around in flip flops, no hard hats, carefully avoiding sticking up nails and bits falling from above. I also enjoy seeing others wearing hard hats ( ? in case the sky falls in?) while working on new roads and again no foot protection.

  17. Paging Dr Moe; paging Dr Larry; paging doctor Curly.....:rolleyes: Never realized there were so many doctors on TV.

    Paging Dr Google...

    Thank you Sheryl for an spot on post which most seem to have ignored, forging full-speed ahead in their bid to provide the OP with the best misinformation available today.

    Hopefully the OP won't pay them more attention than they deserve.

    BTW: Seems like most "ailments" on the internet today have the same symptoms. And, whata shocker, all the websites about them just happen to sell something to cure it. Usually a handy pill or powder that does not require one to change diet or modify lifestyle.


    WOW! A TV member who can take a poke and laugh about it! How refreshing.

    I need to think of some kind of special award and nominate you for it.

    ?? Think you've got the wrong guy, I'm the one who doubts most or all or these so called remedies I think Sheryl was pretty accurate. so was the guy that suggested, if the OP really has Candida, taking Nystatin ( hopefully under medical supervision). ( BTW you don't have to be a medic to know about microbiology!!)

    I'm really getting bored now, back to cutting my toenails ( none left soon!)

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