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Posts posted by msg362

  1. Has happened me many times in restaurants.It seems strange to me also .

    Yes, me too. The other thing that happens and I find irritating is that if I order, say a beer in Thai, the waiter/tress will always speak to my wife to ask something. She says it's because they are shy/embarassed to try to speak to farangs. Who knows, but to me it feels like 'Does he take sugar' syndrome ( physically disabled people assumed to be mentally disabled too and never asked directly)

  2. This OP and his post has to be one of the weirdest and funniest pieces of posting I've seen for a long time.

    Quite how the BIB of Sankamphaeng come out of this as angels I really and truly do not know - you related to BIB? They did the bare minimum - virtually nothing.

    The OP estimates the cost of a broken mirror, broken plastic and brake lever at 10,000 baht, yet the cost of the new motorbike is 72,000 baht - mmmm really 10,000 baht I don't think so.

    The OP then goes on to say not once but twice that he gave the lady 500 Baht - er what? (but he didn't give her anything as we found out later). A really strange choice of words at best, particularly so, when you are supposed to be UK English!? You really English? or a BIB in Sankampaeng practicing English?

    A run of the mill incident brings out a post that frankly is hardly notable yet he posts here? For what reason?

    The main thing I read in the OP apart from the above stuff is how good I am being nice to poor Thais and how wonderful BIB are!!??.

    You for real?? You're having a laugh my friend :lol::cheesy:

    You didn't see the damage. How much do you think it might cost, can you estimate it from where you are? The police were helpful, do you have anything helpful to say apart from trying to be insulting? Yes I am English and yes the original posting was not clear, I corrected that several times. And no it was not about how 'nice I am' as I tried to explain, but clearly you don't want to read that bit.

    Living in Thailand has it's advantages and one is that a similar incident in the UK would have led to lots of paperwork, insurance claims, loss of NCB and costs. Here it was all over in a few hours, thanks mainly to the BIB. If you don't get that I'm sorry.

    If you don't like a good news story, sorry, go be miserable somewhere else.

    You are wrong I reduced her bill by 1000 baht, is that not giving her something?

    Would you care to explain why you think this story is weird? I really would like to know. I thought it was just a good news story. Why 'This OP and his post has to be one of the weirdest and funniest pieces of posting I've seen for a long time.?'

    Have I lost my sense of humour?, please help me!

  3. Not sure if this should be here or the 'Road Rage' thread..

    Yesterday I nudged my truck out of a blind soi into a main road, into the path of a motorbike..

    The rider was a cop.

    His life wasn't in danger, but he had to stop.. He got off his bike, looked at me..

    Based on advice I've seen on TV I thought "will he demand a bribe?" or worse.."incarcerate me in the monkey-house until I can raise the ransom!?".

    No, he smiled, waded into the traffic, stopped it and waved me on.

    Shame I don't fancy men in uniform, or I'd have bought him a coffee.

    Apologies for any typos, I'm on my mobile as usual.

    biggrin.gif This is life in Thailand, enjoy it!

  4. This OP and his post has to be one of the weirdest and funniest pieces of posting I've seen for a long time.

    Quite how the BIB of Sankamphaeng come out of this as angels I really and truly do not know - you related to BIB? They did the bare minimum - virtually nothing.

    The OP estimates the cost of a broken mirror, broken plastic and brake lever at 10,000 baht, yet the cost of the new motorbike is 72,000 baht - mmmm really 10,000 baht I don't think so.

    The OP then goes on to say not once but twice that he gave the lady 500 Baht - er what? (but he didn't give her anything as we found out later). A really strange choice of words at best, particularly so, when you are supposed to be UK English!? You really English? or a BIB in Sankampaeng practicing English?

    A run of the mill incident brings out a post that frankly is hardly notable yet he posts here? For what reason?

    The main thing I read in the OP apart from the above stuff is how good I am being nice to poor Thais and how wonderful BIB are!!??.

    You for real?? You're having a laugh my friend :lol::cheesy:

    You didn't see the damage. How much do you think it might cost, can you estimate it from where you are? The police were helpful, do you have anything helpful to say apart from trying to be insulting? Yes I am English and yes the original posting was not clear, I corrected that several times. And no it was not about how 'nice I am' as I tried to explain, but clearly you don't want to read that bit.

    Living in Thailand has it's advantages and one is that a similar incident in the UK would have led to lots of paperwork, insurance claims, loss of NCB and costs. Here it was all over in a few hours, thanks mainly to the BIB. If you don't get that I'm sorry.

    If you don't like a good news story, sorry, go be miserable somewhere else.

    You are wrong I reduced her bill by 1000 baht, is that not giving her something?

    This stuff is priceless - really glad to hear you're a happy chappy, keep smiling.

    I see you don't try to quote how much it might have cost, I was thinking of the costs that might be incurred in the UK, and how the lady would not be able to afford it. In the event the price was about 30% of what I had feared. You are just nitpicking,do facts make you uncomfortable? Yes, I was not clear to start with and for your information I first REDUCED the bill by 500 Baht then later GAVE HER an additional 500 baht when my wife suggested it. Happy now? Enjoy your life here!

  5. The OP then goes on to say not once but twice that he gave the lady 500 Baht - er what? (but he didn't give her anything as we found out later). A really strange choice of words at best, particularly so, when you are supposed to be UK English!? You really English? or a BIB in Sankampaeng practicing English?

    The discount on the amount she had to pay was a 'gift'.. Freely given.

    I see nothing strange with that use of English.

    His actual words were 'I paid her' and 'I gave her' as has been pointed out already non of that translates into "The discount on the amount she had to pay as a gift....freely given".

    Thats actually false if you want to nit pick.. He didnt say 'I paid her' as you claim, try not to make stuff up.

    He said "I said i would pay 500 Baht" quite obviously as a discount he would pay 500b (of the problem).. He also said "so I gave her another 500 Baht" again the 'gift' of a discount on the problem.

    However you slice it, the comment was quite easily understood so suggest the problem is behind your keyboard.

    If nothing else this thread has been great at seeing people whose company to avoid in CM.


  6. Have you thought about Moo Baans out along the 1317 new Sankamphaeng road, several there. One I suggest you look at is Naifaan 4 ( there is a website. ) A new Central is being built at Don Chan so an easy ride into a shopping area ,it's about 20 minutes into the airport and maybe 30 into the centre of town. As far as ISPs, they vary depending where you are, I've got TOT ( nominal) 6Mb and am reasonably satisfied,I can download 600 Mb from the UK in about 1 hour . Others have 3 BB and get fast speeds, it all depends on exactly where you choose to live and the time of day.

  7. This OP and his post has to be one of the weirdest and funniest pieces of posting I've seen for a long time.

    Quite how the BIB of Sankamphaeng come out of this as angels I really and truly do not know - you related to BIB? They did the bare minimum - virtually nothing.

    The OP estimates the cost of a broken mirror, broken plastic and brake lever at 10,000 baht, yet the cost of the new motorbike is 72,000 baht - mmmm really 10,000 baht I don't think so.

    The OP then goes on to say not once but twice that he gave the lady 500 Baht - er what? (but he didn't give her anything as we found out later). A really strange choice of words at best, particularly so, when you are supposed to be UK English!? You really English? or a BIB in Sankampaeng practicing English?

    A run of the mill incident brings out a post that frankly is hardly notable yet he posts here? For what reason?

    The main thing I read in the OP apart from the above stuff is how good I am being nice to poor Thais and how wonderful BIB are!!??.

    You for real?? You're having a laugh my friend :lol::cheesy:

    You didn't see the damage. How much do you think it might cost, can you estimate it from where you are? The police were helpful, do you have anything helpful to say apart from trying to be insulting? Yes I am English and yes the original posting was not clear, I corrected that several times. And no it was not about how 'nice I am' as I tried to explain, but clearly you don't want to read that bit.

    Living in Thailand has it's advantages and one is that a similar incident in the UK would have led to lots of paperwork, insurance claims, loss of NCB and costs. Here it was all over in a few hours, thanks mainly to the BIB. If you don't get that I'm sorry.

    If you don't like a good news story, sorry, go be miserable somewhere else.

    You are wrong I reduced her bill by 1000 baht, is that not giving her something?

  8. if you really wanted to be a nice guy you should have just covered the whole cost. If she can't afford 2900 she can't afford 1900. Good job trying to make it look like your a nice guy....also telling everyone about it was a nice touch.

    Not trying that, just telling everyone, they can make their own minds up. I've checked with Thais after, they say my response was about right, since the lady did the damage she needs to pay something they say. I really sent this out for three reasons, 1 to find out if what I did was about right, 2 to share my good mood in getting it settled in just a few hours compared with the UK and 3, to get cynical souls like you to be unpleasant from the cover of your Thai Visa ID .Anything positive to say? Have you had a similar experience? Tell us about it. (BTW I think you mean 'you're a nice guy' not 'your a nice guy' )

    nice...the lamest insult on the internet. What are you a girl? Girls are the only people that complain about misuse of the word your/you're. I think they think it makes them look intelligent...or not "ignorant" which is another word girls love to use.

    About this situation, no i don't have anything positive to say. I haven't had a similar experience...because any time some dumb ass hits my car because they are stupid, they pay for it. Or it goes to the cops and then goes through their insurance....which no one wants.

    No I am not a girl, besides is being a girl supposed to be an insult? I didn't complain just laughed!

  9. if you really wanted to be a nice guy you should have just covered the whole cost. If she can't afford 2900 she can't afford 1900. Good job trying to make it look like your a nice guy....also telling everyone about it was a nice touch.

    Not trying that, just telling everyone, they can make their own minds up. I've checked with Thais after, they say my response was about right, since the lady did the damage she needs to pay something they say. I really sent this out for three reasons, 1 to find out if what I did was about right, 2 to share my good mood in getting it settled in just a few hours compared with the UK and 3, to get cynical souls like you to be unpleasant from the cover of your Thai Visa ID .Anything positive to say? Have you had a similar experience? Tell us about it. (BTW I think you mean 'you're a nice guy' not 'your a nice guy' )

  10. Not sure, but why not try the I Studio/ Pro solutions shops. They are Authorised Mac dealers and can probably help

    iStudio in Robinson and Central, Head shop in Sirimungklajam road ( up past Kad Suan Kaew, left at the traffic lights) tel 05322 4058, people there speak good English

  11. Geeez...cannot say anything here......

    I would prefer to not get the help then if it was expected of me to offer them money for a service they offered to help out with.....its called kindness and doing something for someone with no expectations in return....or have you lot forgotten such things ?? dam_n sure i have not and i am not that old either.

    I agree with SJ

    It's the way here. I have a Thai wife and always, if she gets help, she offers something, be it money or a small gift. Her mother just had an operation in hospital and she gave small gifts to the nurses and doctors involved. It seems that how it is here, it's a way of showing appreciation. I think the OP , who clearly understands the ways here, did it exactly right. A great 'Good News Story' Thanks, we need more of them!

  12. if you hit her and damaged her bike,would she give you 1000 baht.somehow i don,t think so.i know thais who have everything but never show it unless you know them well.the farang can pay everytime.i think you were wrong,she should have paid for the damage as she would expect you to pay for her damaged bike

    Try reading it again,,especially my later posts. I was not clear in the original post, I REDUCED the amount by 1000 baht, she paid 1900

  13. BTW thanks everyone who showed me how to increase the type size. I can read it now! Can't promise I'll write anything more intelligent, more grammatical or sensible, but I can at least see it now!

    It works, I saw I'd added a full stop rather than a comma, so I've edited it!!

  14. You may have just invented a new scam in thailand. You will be like the Pied Piper with "poor" thais following you around to damage your bike for a 1000Baht reward. Why not just pay her a 1000 on the spot and save time

    My original post was not clear. She did NOT get 1000Baht, i REDUCED the cost from 2900 to 1900. She paid me 1900

  15. Isn't it wonderful that there are so many gullible lovely expats living in Chiang Mai. ;)

    This SAYS it all - never a truer word spoken in jest - do you play golf as well OP and tip the caddies 500 baht instead of the going rate? NO WONDER they all think foreigners are rolling in dosh!

    I dont understand why thanks to the police they were happy you could sort it out yourself

    Each to their own!


    No I don't play golf, no i could not sort it out on my own, clearly not as good at speaking and reading Thai as you are. Yes the lady had to borrow the money, I am richer than her. There are honest Thai people ( my wife is one of them and she suggested adding the second 500Baht)

    The police helped me, don't you understand?

    Why are you in this country? why get so upset with what is a nice story I think?

  16. Player.... sarcasm is lost on you ? I only eat 1000 B lunches 1-2x /week, tops !

    I'm glad the OP only cut the payment by 1000 B vs accepting nothing and then paying HER 1000 B. Wouldn't it have been much better to say "I gave her 500 OFF" ? Instead of simply "I gave her 500" ? Not everybody can write clearly...

    Overall I give the OP a pass for just being a nice guy in a good mood. We've all been there.

    I agree it was not clear. One problem I have that the font on my (24") Mac in miniscule and i often have great difficulty reading what i have written I've just measured the 'n', it's 2 mm high!, that ,combined with mutlifocal lenses make for interesting compostions sometimes!

    command "+"

    will make your font increase in size in most browser applications like firefox and chrome

    command "-"

    will decrease the font size


  17. Player.... sarcasm is lost on you ? I only eat 1000 B lunches 1-2x /week, tops !

    I'm glad the OP only cut the payment by 1000 B vs accepting nothing and then paying HER 1000 B. Wouldn't it have been much better to say "I gave her 500 OFF" ? Instead of simply "I gave her 500" ? Not everybody can write clearly...

    Overall I give the OP a pass for just being a nice guy in a good mood. We've all been there.

    I agree it was not clear. One problem I have that the font on my (24") Mac in miniscule and i often have great difficulty reading what i have written I've just measured the 'n', it's 2 mm high!, that ,combined with mutlifocal lenses make for interesting compostions sometimes!

  18. I assumed he meant he discounted 1000b (from the 2900) not paid her directly ?? No ??

    The police up here seem far more straight, but a small fender bender isnt where the rubber meets the road so to speak.. Get some biz conflict with a connected thai and the thugs out and see how they back you up (a buddy and ex poster on here had his wife kidnapped at gun point drugged etc and 2 nakhon si tammart hitmen put out for him over a land deal.. Police advice ?? Dont go home) or more heavy outcomes, I was closely involved when a drunk thai rider killed my buddys 15 year old daughter and the police tried everything to lose evidence and drop the case as soon as the guy was on the plane out of here.

    Yes you meet good ones.. But in general to be a policeman in Thailand you HAVE to be corrupt, its the nature of promotions and how the system works. The best thing is to have as little to do with them as possible IMO.

    Yes, sorry if it was not clear, I discounted it, she gave me 1900 Baht

  19. and the people you gave money to probably thanked Buddha so it's all makes some sort of sense now.

    Yes, I forgot to add they all told me it happened because I had not taken the bike to the Wat and 'Tam Bon' ( had it blessed!) by the monks. Maybe some truth in that who knows in this country!

  20. I don't understand it either. Actually I don't understand the point of the post at all. What do the S.K. Police have to do with anything?

    They sorted it out for me, try reading it again and maybe just sometimes it's nice not to complain but praise.

  21. Am I missing something here?

    The middle aged lady ran into your brand new chook-chaser causing 2,900 bahts worth of damage yet you gave her 1,000 baht.


    Cos she was poor and had a good heart, a son and a mother to look after, she didn't work and her husband was a security guard earning?? 6,000 Baht/month?. They were trying to build a new house.

    YES I know you will say it's a lies, but two Thais agreed and what would you do?

  22. So many times we read stories that rubbish the BIB, I'd just like to post my own first experience with my local police force and it was all positive.

    On Thursday i bought a new Honda PCX ( 72,000 Baht) On Friday morning i rode it into Sankamphaeng and parked it outside a shop,it had done just 21 Km. Just as I was leaving I heard an almighty crash. I woman on a motorbike pulling one of those 'rot ???) blue trolleys that they carry garden refuse in, had hit it and knocked it over. Broken brake lever, damaged mirror, lots of damage to the plastic.

    UGH. he lady was middle aged and clearly not rich. I looked and saw damage to about 4 plastic panels and I thought of what it might cost in the UK, so it was unlikely she could afford much. I thought it would cost maybe 10,000 Baht. The police were called and immediately said she should pay. Then a more senior man came , took details and said, get prices and come to the police station tomorrow. ( my Thai is just about adequate butI I needed a This friend to help)

    I went back to Nyom Panich this morning, got it priced and would you believe it the total was only 2900 Baht ( a front panel was only 430 Baht!!)

    Back to the police station, The senior man called the lady. While we waited I taught the policeman how to say ' show me you licence', 'show me your documents' in English, he complained that in Thai schools they are taught to read and write but not to speak. When the lady arrived, complete with husband ,daughter and son in law we chatted.

    I said i would pay 500 Baht and they agreed, all done amicably

    We left, and at the car park I phoned my wife ( Thai) she spoke to the lady who said that she had had to borrow the money, so I gave her another 500 Baht.

    We all left friendly, police/ lady and me. All done in a couple of hours.

    Now just compare that with a similar incident in the UK. Forms, estimates ( and how much do you think it would cost there? I guess about 5 to 10 X more), delays, paperwork

    So when people complain about things here, just remember, there are good policemen ( I think more than we allow for) and Thailand can be a great place to live.

  23. Sometime people in the wrong place at the wrong time and they die. So the maid is given some stuff to sprinkle around the room she doesn't know nor really does the person who gave it to her. Cover up maybe who really knows for sure not the guys on this forum.

    I would also say if it was some chemical sprinkled around the room how come the maid or maids haven't turned up sick or dead. I think they would have had more exposure than the people in the room.

    Sometime there is no justice even if there is it will not bring back one of those people. The deads family have lost someone they love my best wishes to the living.

    It was widely reported the owner of the hotel cleaned up that floor after the deaths. Another member here says they completely renovated the entire floor. Now I would call that a coverup.

    But that is by the hotel, not the authorities and could be expected. What was needed at the time was an immediate forensic examination of the room before any cleaning could be done, but from what I read, the Thai police aren't the best in the world at that!

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