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Everything posted by billd766

  1. How many students do you know to speak to? The ones you are talking about are in their late teens to mid 20s and are mostly found in Bangkok. What will they do when they get power, (and they will), I have no idea. Judging by this current lot in power, they couldn't do any worse however hard they tried. The trouble is that Prayuth, his cronies, their puppet master truly believe that the students want to tear down and destroy the current ways and rebuild from the ground upwards. Not a bad idea really when you consider the current state of affairs. Traditionally it has always been power from the top down for centuries which is why Thailand is where it is now.
  2. Many years ago I was sent by my company to take over and run a warehouse and speed up supplies and deliveries. That was the easy part. The guys were a contract company and weren't the best of the crop. It was a dirty and hard job so I introduced the last Friday of the month as a beer call afternoon. In the mornings I would bring in crates of beer and ice, layer them in dustbins for a 2pm beer call at my expense. Every second month was a beer call and free Thai food. I included the security guards as well as they had a crappy job and were paid less than my guys. Once I had sorted the paperwork out and the office guys were happy and the warehouse guys were happy, productivity went up as did morale. In all my time running field teams in a few countries I NEVER promised what I couldn't deliver. I took 50% of the job well done credit and 100% of the <deleted> stopped with me. If you treat your staff as you want to be treated, make sure that they have good working conditions, you are well on the way to be there. If you are a boss and your staff are Thai, find somebody sympathetic who can talk to your workers, and most of all, listen to them not just hear them, and where you can, help them out if they need it.
  3. How many Thai people do you actually know to talk to, bearing in mind that there are around 70 million men women and children. The ones that I know personally here in rural Kamphaeng Phet and those that have married well and live abroad hate this so called government. They are in the low end of the ladder and some are what you would call lower middle class. Their main concerns are jobs, food on the table, roof over their heads, children going to school. They have no interest in sharing the trough but what they do is help themselves first and then help others who are lower on the totem pole than they are. They don't have much chance of getting better and they understand this, but they DO want the children to do better and improve their lives away from where they live, That is why they voted for Thaksin before and would do again if they could. Simply because he actually did something for them which no other government before has done and certainly no coup ridden military government will ever do. This is what is scaring the PM and the government now. They can see that the youth don't need or want them (neither does a lot of the population either) and that the end of coups is coming.
  4. Well 8 dates for over $1,000 is around $125 for 2 people on a night out is just over $62 for each of them which isn't a lot for a theatre ticket for two, a drink or two plus a meal and transport costs. It wouldn't work if she was taken to a McDonalds for a happy meal takeaway and the trip there and back on a public bus. The good thing is that the guy found out early on that they were not compatible.
  5. Sadly he turned up his toes and popped his clogs yesterday.
  6. Actually Thailand does NOT have the government that it deserves. What it does have is a government which stole the country at the point of a gun, which scrapped a perfectly reasonable constitution that worked well. stacked the senate with cronies and family, ALL of them un-elected, changed the rules of the election, AFTER the election, illegally banned politicians and political parties AFTER the election, disenfranchised over 6 million voters all in the name of reconciliation, restoring happiness to the people, reforming the police, the military and the civil service and stopping corruption. It is currently trying to fix the next election so that it will cheat its way to a win again. And YOU think that this is the government that Thailand deserves?
  7. And every general who ever staged a coup is a white knight riding to the rescue of the Thai people!!!!! ???? ????
  8. I spend about 30 minutes every 3 months doing a 90 day report and about 2 or 3 working days once a year to complete my marriage extension (2 copies).
  9. Very difficult if you have lost your job and income. I have no idea of the child's circumstances, but if I were the teacher I would have visited the family at home to see if they needed help. I would even buy the correct shirt myself if it would help the child and the family. My son who will be 18 next week normally wears either a white short sleeved shirt, black shorts and black canvas shoes or a blue shirt and blue tracksuit bottoms and the same shoes every day. One set of blues is 800 baht from the school. White shirt and black shorts around 600 baht. Shoes are 350 baht, socks are 25 baht but grow holes quickly. One set of school uniform a week is not enough. At the minimum they need 3 sets of each to allow for laundering. A "special" shirt for a special occasion won't be cheap and my only be worn 2 or 3 time a year before the child, certainly at that age, grows out of it. For farangs that is a reasonable price, but for a Thai it is a fair bit of money.
  10. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2006_Thai_coup_d'état Actually Thaksin was not deposed by the courts but by the 2006 Thai coup d'état took place on 19 September 2006, when the Royal Thai Army staged a coup d'état against the elected caretaker government of Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra. The new rulers, led by General Sonthi Boonyaratglin and organised as the Council for Democratic Reform (CDR), issued a declaration on 21 September setting out their reasons for taking power and giving a commitment to restore democratic government within one year.[1] However, the CDR also announced that after elections and the establishment of a democratic government, the council would be transformed into a Council of National Security (CNS) whose future role in Thai politics was not explained. Does this sound familiar?
  11. But you have no idea what Thaksin could or would have done since he was deposed in 2006, some 16 years ago. Granted there may or may not have been the mass transit investment but that is only of use and help to the people of Bangkok and NOT to the people of Thailand as a whole. Ask the people of rural Thailand how many times they used the mass transit in the last year. Ask them where their nearest railway station is, (for me it is 130 km away in Nakhon Sawan), the nearest airport is also there for me. Ask them how many fewer buses there are because of the cost if diesel, how much more is the cost of food at the markets. Then ask them how they feel about the military buying submarines, UAVs, F35 fighter jets. Then ask the people of rural Thailand what they really think of Prayuth and his government and would they want Thaksin back as a PM. Try to understand that Thailand is NOT about you and the other farangs. It is about the Thai people and what they want.
  12. Easily. I first came to Thailand to work in 1993, back again in 1994/95/96 and 97 and life was much more fun then. Thaksin did not cause the financial crash of 1997 but he benefitted from it. Sure Purachai was a miserable <deleted>, but when I came back to work again in 2001/02/03 and 2004 it was still easy to drink late, no urine tests even in Bangkok. There have always been places to drink late, buy alcohol between 2 pm and 5 pm, drugs were and still are easily available for those that want them. Even now in 2022 there are always places to drink late, buy alcohol between 2 pm and 5 pm, drugs are still easily available for those that want them. Even out here in rural Thailand you can find them but the fun has gone in the last 8 years, mainly for Thais but for some farangs also I quit drinking alcohol 2 years ago and have never bothered with "recreational" drugs. If I need to I can go to any one of a dozen shops and fill my truck with alcohol between 7am and around 10 pm any day of the week. After 10pm it is a little difficult but still doable up until around midnight or so. Are the bars open later? I have no idea. Your problem is that you think as a farang and not as a Thai. Under this government millions of Thais lost their jobs and now scratch around looking for work to put food on the table and how to afford to send their kids to school. Ask them if they were happier and had more money in their pockets under Thaksin compared to now.
  13. I agree with you. IMHO when the civilian government declares a war, then not only the cabinet who made that decision but also all of their families age 12 or over plus their in-laws, brothers and their family should go and be sent to the front line. Younger children should be fostered out or put in care homes until the war is over.
  14. The military have no choice in where they are posted, USA or offshore, nor where they live, work, how many hours a day/week/month they work. Some in the submarine service submerge when they leave base, work watch about and usually have little idea of where they are at any time and may never see daylight for weeks or months at a time. It matters not where the funding comes from but that the funds are there as a compensation.
  15. Do you really believe in opinion polls? For every opinion poll that says one thing, there is another poll saying the opposite. First you start with the result that you want, you tailor the questions to suit the result and then you target your audience. You want Trump to look good you ask one set of questions to one audience, or if you want Biden to look good, use different questions and a different audience.
  16. It is strange that people are complaining about Thaksin yet he is the only PM in Thai history to have won a free and fair election and completed 4 years as PM. Not only that, he was the ONLY Thai PM to be re-elected for another 4 years. He was deposed in yet another military coup. To those who believe that his was the only party giving money out are incorrect, ALL the parties were doing it. The really odd thing is that not one of the military coup leaders was ever elected as PM through a free and fair election. They were all appointed to the position. Under Thaksin, Thailand was a lot freer, far more prosperous and a whole heap happier than it has been, certainly during the last 8 years.
  17. Actually the applications for a marriage visa are normally sent to the regional office, which for KPP is region #5 and Chiang Mai. The older lady that does the extensions normally rings my wife when approval is granted by CM. The birth certificate wanted, is for our son who will be 18 on Monday.
  18. I know because Wikipedia told me. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benito_Mussolini Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini (Italian: [beˈniːto aˈmilkare anˈdrɛːa mussoˈliːni];[1] 29 July 1883 – 28 April 1945) was an Italian politician and journalist who founded and led the National Fascist Party. He was Prime Minister of Italy from the March on Rome in 1922 until his deposition in 1943, and "Duce" of Italian Fascism from the establishment of the Italian Fasces of Combat in 1919 until his execution in 1945 by Italian partisans. As dictator of Italy and principal founder of fascism, Mussolini inspired and supported the international spread of fascist movements during the inter-war period.[2][3][4][5][6] Mussolini was originally a socialist politician and a journalist at the Avanti! newspaper. In 1912, he became a member of the National Directorate of the Italian Socialist Party (PSI),[7] but he was expelled from the PSI for advocating military intervention in World War I, in opposition to the party's stance on neutrality.
  19. That is OK on unarmed people and school children. It will certainly be difficult when the people you are shooting at, shoot back with bigger and better weapons.
  20. But it is specifically about the USA and the poll result, Please keep to the thread and stop deflecting. If you were talking about elections worldwide then say so.
  21. You would prefer an equally senile confirmer serial liar loser who used to be the POTUS?
  22. As I read the poll result it is only 1 in 3 people who voted. That is NOT necessarily 1 in 3 people in the USA. I gave up believing in polls years ago, as I figure that you start with the answer that you want, and adjust the questions to the target audience that will give you the result that you want.
  23. You keep bleating about the Democrats stealing the elections but fail to come up with any proof or links. You claim it is true. Now prove it.
  24. Naturally you have the proof and the links for this and will post them for us all to see.
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