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Everything posted by billd766

  1. Thursday afternoon close to 2 pm.
  2. Would that be because Gordon Brown did so well with the UK when he was Chancellor and PM, before Labour was booted out the last time? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Premiership_of_Gordon_Brown Do you remember this? https://www.bbc.com/news/av/uk-politics-24173270 As outgoing chief secretary to the Treasury following Labour's defeat in the 2010 general election, Liam Byrne famously left a note to his successor saying: "Dear Chief Secretary, I'm afraid that there is no money. Kind regards and good luck." https://www.buzzfeed.com/emilyashton/byrne-baby-byrne When Liberal Democrat MP David Laws became Treasury chief secretary in May 2010, his new private secretary handed him a sealed envelope. “Here’s something your predecessor left for you,” the civil servant said. Laws opened it with interest. “Dear Chief Secretary,” he read. “I’m afraid that there is no money. Kind regards and good luck! Liam.” Five years on, the hastily scrawled missive from Labour frontbencher Liam Byrne is still dominating the political agenda. For the Tories and Liberal Democrats, it's the perfect symbol of Labour’s supposed spending spree in office, which, they say, hugely inflated the deficit and precipitated the financial crisis. The note is mentioned by David Cameron and Nick Clegg in speech after speech, ministers relentlessly refer to it on TV, and parliamentary candidates rail against it at public meetings. The Conservatives never miss a chance to tweet about it. And you think that Labour should be back in power?
  3. It worked back then but it is a bit dirty now. Rinse and repeat.
  4. The time to do this is when reforms and corruption in the police, military and civil service are fixed and projects like this can invest ALL of its budget on the project and NOT lose 30% or more to corruption.
  5. Why are you living in Thailand then?
  6. But not so happy when other people have different opinions to yours.
  7. The second of three identical posts. I am sorry for these.
  8. But not so happy when other people have different opinions to yours.
  9. No. Most Thais at least in rural Thailand aren't bothered about it and there is nothing in it for the police, so they don't bother either. The Immigration people know but aren't interested either.
  10. 2 screenshots taken in the last couple of minutes.
  11. The only times that I wear longs is at my visa extension renewal and funerals or weddings, otherwise I always wear shorts. Around the house I don't wear a shirt. If I go off site then I wear a shirt.
  12. IMHO, Thaksin would be welcomed in Thailand and be a far better alternative than the current mob who, over the course of the last 8 years, have led Thailand into the twilight zone and disaster area. This is, of course why he is the current government's #1 bogey man. Really? If Thaksin were in Thailand were in Thailand and there was a relatively free and fair election, who do you think would win it? Thaksin and his party, or Prayuth and the PPRP. Please remember that our opinions don't count, as only Thais can vote.
  13. Yet another party hopping dinosaur at 69 years old, wanting to be the next PM with his minnow party.
  14. Not in Thailand but I think topic related. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-62949005 For days, a video has been making the rounds of social media in the southern Indian state of Kerala. It shows a man putting on running shoes and then making his way through an obstacle course - jumping over park benches, climbing walls and dodging traffic cones - while his friend cheers him on. "Is he training to join the army?" a woman watching the duo asks. "No, he's training to run from stray dogs," the friend replies. The satirical video, made by an ad agency, isn't unique - over the past few weeks, thousands of people in Kerala have forwarded memes and videos that express anger towards stray dogs. The reaction has been sparked by several recent reports of dogs - some of them pets - attacking people. Animal welfare activists and veterinarians say most people in Kerala do not have a friendly relationship with dogs and keep them at a distance. Thereis a lot more in the link.
  15. I have lived next to the Mae Wong national park for 18 years and I saw more elephants in BKK in 5 years than I have ever seen in rural Thailand,
  16. If you think that the number is made up, why not contact Nong Samo Hospital in Pong and ask them where they got their figures from?
  17. Coming Home by Rosamunde Pilcher in Ebook Mobi format. It is a very long and interesting book and not so easy to put down.
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dTnvhGHDGA
  19. The OP knows how to build commission and integrate cellular base stations world wide. Do you? I have been in the cellular industry since 1987 and cut my teeth on 1G, if you know what that was. Many people know far more than me about computers because I was never an IT engineer, which is why when I get stuck I am not too proud to ask for help. Your post however, is of no help at all.
  20. That is a good idea, I might try that.
  21. Are you denying that it happened?
  22. None of the dogs I had in Thailand ever bit me and over the years I must have had a dozen. NONE were pit bulls. None of the cats bit me either. So, NO it doesn't apply to any animal. You and all the other pit bull owners here can defend your dogs for as long as you like, but you cannot change reality. They ARE a dangerous breed.
  23. So all you need to do is to disprove the statistics and all will be well in the world, until of course the next pit bull attack.
  24. My 3BB router doesn't support the 5 GHz mode.
  25. I am still finding my way around the upgraded Win 10, which is much the same as the older version, except this version seems to update anytime someone as much as sneezes. I followed your instructions and this is what I have. It looks as though I don't have 5G WiFi While the system still works though the download isn't what I hoped, I will come back to this thread and have a better idea of what I need. Thank you for your help once again, and to all the other posters who helped as well.
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