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Everything posted by billd766

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viktor_Orbán Viktor Mihály Orbán[1] (Hungarian: [ˈviktor ˈorbaːn] (listen); born 31 May 1963) is a Hungarian politician who has served as prime minister of Hungary since 2010, previously holding the office from 1998 to 2002. He has presided over Fidesz, since 1993, with a brief break between 2000 and 2003. Orban's tenure has seen Hungary government shift towards what he has called "illiberal democracy" — citing countries such as China, Russia, India, Singapore, and Turkey as models of governance— while simultaneously promoting anti-Americanism, Euroscepticism, and opposition to Western democracy. I made bold and underlined the last paragraph. Yet he was welcomed in the USA and Texas. He also seems to be a hero of yours. I have to admit that you deserve each other. Now imagine Joe Biden, POTUS going to Hungary and doing the same thing. Would that be OK with you? I did notice that it was NOT an official government to government visit though.
  2. Thank you. I will dig a bit deeper into the bowels of my pc and hard drives to see what I can turn up with.
  3. I find it peculiar that the embassy's approval is needed for the release of the body for local cremation. The do little or nothing for us while we are alive, so why would they care when we are dead? It just makes more paperwork for them and for our Thai families.
  4. I lost a good friend 10 days ago who lived near Udon Thani. Though he was not married to the lady who has lived with him for the last 15 or 20 years, he had made provision for her. He had a lot of Facebook friends but a lot of Thai and farang friends too. My neighbour and my wife went and they have been there over a week. I stayed so that my wife could take the truck (he lived over 800km from us) plus our son is still at school (He was 18 on 1st August) so I am chief cook, bottle washer etc and I make sure that my younger neighbour gets him to school 15km away. Foreigners dying in Thailand also have problems with their pension rights being passed on, joint bank accounts frozen etc. I used to have a list of people to contact, banks, pensions, immigration, families in the home country etc. The school boy excuse that the dog ate my homework is now replaced by the computer at my documents. Does anyone have a list, preferably in .XLS as a starter to build on? Perhaps a topic or a forum could be created?
  5. You and your wife have the best idea. The price of tailor made clothes is not that high and (you) then have the choice of colours and materials that you choose yourself, (with some assistance from SWMBO).
  6. I don't think that he is short of a few dollars so he should be be given the option of paying up by a certain time, or be declared bankrupt and ALL his assets sold off, be declared a bankrupt. As an alternative he could be offer a jail sentence of 1 year for every $500,000 he still owes.
  7. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-62444302 Earlier on Friday, an economist hired by the parents testified that Jones, his media brand Infowars and parent company Free Speech Systems are worth up to $270m. Bernard Pettingill told the court that records indicate Jones withdrew $62m for himself from his company in 2021 as his legal troubles grew. "That number represents, in my opinion, a value of a net worth," Mr Pettingill said. "He's got money put in a bank account somewhere."
  8. It is odd to me that in this and other threads Nothing has been mentioned about which authority allowed to club to be built as it was with only 1 standard 80cm entry and exit door. Granted there were supposedly 2 fire exits, both it seems locked from the outside. There should be a record of the club's permit to build signed off by probably 3 people, plus the inspection record with the name and details of the person whose job it was to check the building stages. I suspect that that paperwork may also have got caught up in the fire also.
  9. And that makes it OK with you? He then went on to deny that it ever happened and that the adults were simply paid actors. He compounded this by denying that he ever said that whilst he was under oath. If you cannot understand his actions and the harm that he has caused to innocent people who had their children slaughtered, then there is no hope or sympathy for you. It puts you on the same level as him.
  10. Nothing is wrong with that at all. But what area do they cover? There are millions of stray/soi dogs over the whole of Thailand and dealing with 40 or 50,000 or so in the cities doesn't make much of a dent in the soi dog population. https://www.soidog.org/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw_7KXBhCoARIsAPdPTfj-A1Wy4Xb-nfa6_VWsGPyg2MpMLFTqU9_ntjAq6XBfQ1CfWycp9GQaAvU7EALw_wcB I can understand the sentiment behind it, but it needs a fundamental change of attitude in most of the Thai people (and an awful lot of foreigners) and especially in Thai vets to make a real change. If owners had to pay a large licence fee most would simply kick the dogs out into the sois and abandon them. There is a shop in the big village near where I live and the owners have a Husky. It is one of the must unsuitable dogs to own here with its think coat. What it does all day is lie in the shop by a fan, drink cool water and sleep. I have never seen it outside the shop being taken for a walk or exercised.
  11. Probably nearer home with less travelling time.
  12. Lucky both of you. My wife hears me but does not listen to what I say and she will rattle off something until I stop her. Then I repeat what I said and this time she does listen and tries to understand.
  13. Sadly the genie is out of the bottle thanks to Anutin. He and the BJT have had years to come up with proper rules and regulations but he couldn't be bothered. This is the net result with amendments flying thick and fast, the police have no idea what is right and what is wrong. It has gone from a <deleted> to a full blown <deleted> all down to Anutin, who in the beginning couldn't praise it enough and now has more reverse gears than a WW2 Italian tank.
  14. I followed the link and it seems that the author's name is Kavi Chongkittavorn. He also writes for the "other" EL paper. https://hrrca.org/kavi-chongkittavorn/ Kavi Chongkittavorn is a senior fellow at Chulalongkorn University’s Institute of Security and International Studies. He has been a journalist for over three decades with the Bangkok-based English-language newspaper The Nation, first as correspondent in Phnom Penh and Hanoi and later as leading writer and editor.
  15. The downside of having 2 doors open is that the fire will get fed twice as much oxygen and then burn twice as quickly. My mate who was a fireman in the UK got a good show for saving the guy above him on the ladder. It seems as though the onsite fire commander ordered the front doors of the building to be opened against the firecrews advice. This caused a fireball to blow out of the window between my mate and the guy above him using the hose. The guy dropped the hose and was falling when my mate saved him, but my mate buggered his back so badly he was eventually medically discharged from the fire service.
  16. More likely to be copy or fake parts IMO.
  17. quote "Remember who's pulling the strings and has final say so in most every circumstance." I have a small feeling that this is something that the protesting students want to be able to control. Not to remove that person, but to make that person understand that this is the 21st century and NOT the 18th or 19th century that the ultra yellow shirts want to push Thailand. Perhaps to make it something like it is with certain families in the UK and Europe.
  18. quote "Russia, on the other hand, is protecting their immediate neighbourhood and regions that they had in their possession historically, too." Rubbish. You need to do some serious research before a comment like that. There is so much history that you have completely ignored. The Ukraine for example was free from Russian influence from 1991 until Putin ordered an invasion of neutral and independent Ukraine under the pretense of de-Nazification. Certainly before WW2 Poland and most of the Baltic states were independent countries but many were annexed by Russia just after WW2. The Ukraine and what was East Germany were annexed by Russia just after WW2. If you want to go further back in history then Mongolia can claim most of Russia and eastern europe. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Territorial_evolution_of_Russia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Ukraine By the end of World War II the Soviet Union had annexed: USSR Republics numbered by alphabet 1 Armenia, 2 Azerbaijan, 3 Belarus, 4 Estonia, 5 Georgia, 6 Kazakhstan, 7 Kyrgyzstan, 8 Latvia, 9 Lithuania, 10 Moldova, 11 Russia, 12 Tajikistan, 13 Turkmenistan, 14 Ukraine, 15 Uzbekistan Western Belarus and Western Ukraine from the Second Polish Republic (see Territories of Poland annexed by the Soviet Union), annexed in September–October 1939 Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, occupied in August 1940 Bessarabia (Moldova), Hertsa, and part of Bukovina, occupied from Romania after an ultimatum in 1940 Karelia, occupied in 1941, Pechengsky Raion (Petsamo), in 1944, and parts of Salla, ceded in 1945 from Finland, and a 50-year lease on the naval base at Porkkala Carpathian Ruthenia, formerly in Czechoslovakia and occupied in 1944 Tuva (independent 1921–1944; previously governed by Mongolia and by the Manchu Empire) East Prussia (now Kaliningrad Oblast) from Germany, in 1945 The Klaipėda Region, annexed to Lithuania in 1945 The Kuril Islands and southern Sakhalin from Japan, occupied in 1945
  19. From an old childrens story of long ago. quote “When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’ ’The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things.’ ’The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master — that’s all.” Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking Glass.
  20. Don't forget the 2km of bungee cord to launch them.
  21. Perhaps some of you may remember this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frAEmhqdLFs
  22. You mean the war that Putin deliberately started. If the West gives up on Ukraine which country do you think that Putin will want to de Nazify next? I suppose that you won't want the west to help them either.
  23. From a Janis Joplin song "Oh Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz? My friends all drive Porsches, I must make amends Worked hard all my lifetime, no help from my friends So, oh, Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz?
  24. ABBA has it nailed down. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETxmCCsMoD0
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