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Everything posted by billd766

  1. Rolling would be a bit tricky, I think as it only seems to have 3 wheels instead of 4.
  2. But the Russian had NO plates on his vehicle. IMHO no plates, not even red plates, Probably means that the owner either 1) didn't have the car taxed and registered in the first place which means that it wasn't insured, or 2) took the plates off to show what a big important person he thought he is. Either way I very much doubt that the insurance company will pay out anything. Looking at the photo, the car has n/s/f damage, whilst carefully omitting any reference to the Russian driver and it is on a bend. Either it is a bad photo or it is dark, but I can see no sign of skid marks indicating the driver was braking hard.
  3. A very interesting lady Is Senator Tammy Duckworth. If you can spend 15 or 20 minutes from your incredibly hectic life you may find this article from Wikipedia interesting. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tammy_Duckworth She seems to have packed in and done far more in her 56 years than most men. She is definitely NOT a comic relief.
  4. Thank you for the second video. My biggest problem is that I am now 80 and humping that around without some form of transport will not be easy. My wife is 60 this month and I think it would be harder for her. However as we will need a crew to hack (prune) the trees down from some 15 to 20 metres to about 6 to 8 metres, they can do the hard work.
  5. Until YOU can get mu name correct, please do not bother to respond to any of my posts. It merely confirms your ignorance.
  6. It would be nice to have seen it in action on the video though.
  7. As long as there is NO 2 state solution, nor as long as Israel continues to slaughter innocent Palestinian men, women, children and babies.
  8. Of course, you are assuming that he was rich enough to actually own a car.
  9. And who should define who is a terrorist and who is a freedom fighter? You?
  10. And who will defend the innocent Palestinians from Israel and the IDF?
  11. So it is sad when 1,200 people were murdered. But the Israeli response is to murder over 42,000 Palestinian men, women, children and babies seems to be OK with you, along with injuring over 100,000 Palestinian men, women, children and babies, invading Gaza and destroying the infrastructure, starving the population, withholding food, water and medical supplies, stealing land and houses, Invading not only Gaza, but the West Bank of what used to be Jordan and the Lebanon, Syria, attacking Iranian consulates in other countries and killing people is OK for you. FYI I don't hate the Jews as a people, but I DO hate their PM, the warmongering government and its cabinet as well as the Palestinian leadership. BOTH have committed war crimes and crimes against humanity. Both leaderships IMHO should be arrested, put up against a wall and publicly executed on live TV and video.
  12. I agree that women are not equal to men. IMHO women are far superior in every way and in every type of job with the one exception of a job that requires the strength that men have more than women. Fortunately jobs like that are disappearing.
  13. I really don't think that will be a problem for me, as in 2054 I would be 110 years old and my wife would be 90.
  14. But I don't have to answer every post you make.
  15. Israel can stop the death and destruction today as well. All THEY need to do is get rid of Netanyahu and his murderous war cabinet, stop invading other countries and agree to a peace deal.
  16. What a load of cobblers and almost as bad as the OP. BTW OP. Is your god catholic, protestant, CSFC, Russian orthodox, Greek orthodox or any other brand of so called christian religion? Why do you believe that your god is more important than any of the other hundreds and thousands available to worship?
  17. It would. You could make a start with rebuilding West Germany, the European countries and Japan. then you could move on to defending South Korea from China and Russia and move on from there. If you need a history lesson from there, start doing your own research, as most people do.
  18. Only to Trump and not to real people.
  19. Actually, as I get up before my wife, I have ended up feeding the cat in the morning.
  20. And if the concrete truck driver had stopped, BEFORE making a U turn, (as he should have done), she would still be alive. She had the right of way, HE didn't. Nor does it appear that he even bothered to slow down.
  21. Our cat is a female stray that turned up one evening and adopted us. My wife started feeding it and she has never moved out. Absolutely useless at hunting anything though. A social cat when she wants to be, or when she is hungry.
  22. I should be able to get them as they fly out of my MIL old place onto the roof of our house.
  23. And your response is far less. And where is YOUR link denying it?
  24. No it didn't go right over my head. 9th of October is actually today and it would have been posted this morning UK time. It seems to me that you are making wilder claims just lately that few posters agree with. You used to make sensible posts, but no longer.
  25. I wonder if that will work for me. A few of the rats with wings seem to live above the ceiling of my MIL old house and they are certainly not scared of the cats we had.
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