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Everything posted by billd766

  1. Sadly that was a different generation.
  2. And do you have proof that what the vendor said and did was wrong?
  3. A simple easy question for you. Was it legal, and if it was, why are you complaining about it?
  4. You can do an online search for the Thai Immigration service, and ask for the contact details for the Immigration office you normally use. The only contact details that I have are for the Kamphaeng Phet Immigration office which is about 70km from where I live. I would suggest that you visit your local office (if it not too far) to get their contact details. I believe that they are also un the "Line" app but I have never used it.
  5. Is that the best you have to offer? Your interpretation against my interpretation?\\ https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=invasion+meaning&sca_esv=cc7df08423f9a468&sxsrf=ADLYWILeCJfZDC28VJy1mSTOwRinPJ2d2w%3A1729752737416&source=hp&ei=oe4ZZ4TuFtWTseMP55rw2Q4&iflsig=AL9hbdgAAAAAZxn8sSiw5_mRkhaL2wyssbx5jcIHTFQS&oq=invasion&gs_lp=Egdnd3Mtd2l6IghpbnZhc2lvbioCCAIyCBAAGIAEGMsBMggQABiABBjLATIIEAAYgAQYywEyCBAAGIAEGMsBMggQABiABBjLATIIEAAYgAQYywEyCBAAGIAEGMsBMggQABiABBjLATIIEAAYgAQYywEyCBAAGIAEGMsBSJxaUMQOWOsxcAF4AJABAJgBgwGgAegFqgEDNy4xuAEByAEA-AEBmAIJoAKwBqgCCsICBxAjGCcY6gLCAgQQIxgnwgIMECMYgAQYExgnGIoFwgIHEAAYgAQYE5gDDJIHAzYuM6AHlTM&sclient=gws-wiz An instance of invading a country or region with an armed force.
  6. Good for her. He is NOT a typical Brit tourist, but he is a poor example of the direction that the UK is heading lately.
  7. That would be you. Once in 23 years is not a bad track record. OTOH I have never claimed to be perfect. Most posters on this thread are sensible and offer advice. You, OTOH don't.
  8. That happened to me once except that I went more than a month overdue. An expensive and very stupid mistake on my part.
  9. Not really. A very sensible poster. Of course, there are always numpties who think that they can cheat and beat the system.
  10. Well, you could always try contacting Immigration as they suggest. That is the simplest and easiest thing to do. Nobody here will have any idea why your 90 day report was rejected.
  11. Why would anybody want to buy a watch. If you have a $200 smartphone, it has a clock built in. If you have a pc of any kind, it has a clock built in. Both will tell you time anywhere in the world. For 200 or 300 baht you can buy a battery powered clock from the market.
  12. As we have never met (and never will), how could you "think" that you know me?
  13. What! Even if they pay all the required taxes and charges that entitles them to claim?
  14. Reading your post means that 80% of the NRA are NOT democrats. Would those 80% be republicans or third rate party members?
  15. The office of the President IS respected, however the occupant has to earn the respect. Trump never did. Does January 6th 2021 ring any bells about respect for the office of President?
  16. Really? When Trump's handlers tell him the truth, he can't handle it, so he simply ignores them or fires them. (I hope they get paid 6 months in advance).
  17. Trump is a convicted felon and a convicted sex offender. IMHO the real question is why is he not locked up anyway?
  18. Who has said that you cannot stop being a Jew? You can stop being of ANY religious religion that you wish to be. It is YOUR choice.
  19. That is in your opinion and not mine. Please do not presume that you know me well enough to know how and what I think.
  20. It is not strange to me at all. They are simply believers. They believe what they are spoon fed by Trump and Vance and they not believe in anything that anybody else says, even when the stories are fact checked and proven to be lies.
  21. I also think that the Jews should live in Israel. NOT in Gaza, or the West Bank of Jordan, or in Lebanon, or the Golan Heights in Syria, or any other country that Israel has invaded since 1948. How about you?
  22. And what if it was acid that she threw? Do you think that might hurt?
  23. The only peace that Netanyahu wants, is the complete removal of ALL Palestinians in the countries surrounding Israel. men, women, children and babies, dead or alive. Then Israel will have more land and space for ALL Israeli's to steal and live in. He doesn't seem to want to understand that he is talking about genocide.
  24. There are definitely strange people worldwide especially in the USA, but I suppose that is called freedom of expression.
  25. Still pushing the Fox "NOT" news channel as your prime source of information I see.
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