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Everything posted by billd766

  1. I know about Oct 7th going all the way back to 1948. How about you? Because this did not start in October 7th 2023 but way back in 1948 or were you not aware of that. The details are a bit vague, but it was happening many decades before that, or did you not know that either.
  2. If you tell the truth, the fact checkers have nothing to do. and you have nothing to worry about. OTOH if you lie and the fact checkers catch you out there is nobody to blame but yourself. Claiming that everybody else is wrong and only you are right especially when you are fact checked and called on it, simply makes you look stupid.
  3. Kenneth Williams has got the best line for Trump. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZWTjQW49eg
  4. The US says the Israelis have the right to defend themselves. Don't the Palestinians have that same right to defend themselves? Does that right mean that they have a free hand to invade Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon and in the past few days to attack the UNIFIL. To starve the Palestinians in Gaza, destroy the infrastructure, water and sewage, to destroy apartments and hospitals, to kill an estimated 43,xxx Palestinian men, women, children and babies, to injure over 100,xxx an estimated Palestinian men, women, children and babies? That is only in Gaza. How about the West Bank and in the Lebanon. I don't think that is what the Israeli people want either. It is certainly what Netanyahu and hi war mongering cabinet want.
  5. Thank you. Perhaps it should be shortened to NIMBY.
  6. What I find amazing is that the human rights supporters et al, never seem to take asylum seekers into their own homes and personally provide support for them, whilst down crying governments for not doing enough.
  7. The special election should be at their OWN expense.
  8. IMHO the retirement age for ALL politicians should be that of the normal Thai workers. An exception to that should be that if they reach the retirement age during that period, they should be barred from standing for parliament.
  9. What a great idea. I wish I had thought of it.
  10. Quote "What a bunch of completely brainless creatures in uniform ". Actually the people to blame are not those who endeavour to enforce the local bye laws, but those that sit in air conditioned offices dreaming up and passing the laws in the first place.
  11. Better still, cleaning the sewers and the drains. A useful public service.
  12. There are UPS available at a price but if you are old and poor, you may not be able to afford one. I am a little surprised that the hospital did not supply a UPS with the equipment. Having said that, equipment supplied by the state hospitals is not always returned when the user no longer needs it.
  13. It you are bed ridden and confined to bed it is very difficult to get up, travel to the PEA office and explain the situation. I tend to think that her family would normally pay the bill, perhaps at a 7/11 if that were nearer. Again I think that her family could have gone to the PEA with a letter from her doctor explaining the mothers situation. Here in rural Kamphaeng Phet, my meter is read on 23/24 monthly and the payment date is the 3rd of the following month. If I forget, a reminder is put in the electricity box on the 10th of the following month. How many bills you can stop paying before before being cut off I have no idea. 2 or 3 perhaps, depending on the size of the bill.
  14. But it was an issue with the Spanish when the Spaniards living in La Linea, who work in Gibraltar couldn't cross the border to go to work
  15. IMHO there is a vast difference between playing a hero on screen and reality. The first is fantasy where at the end of the day you take off your makeup, and go home at the end of the day, and being in the front line where people really are trying to kill you and you don't get to go home for weeks or months. Where you live on cold food or even no food and sleep where and when you can. Cold, wet, dirty and hungry. In many cases you go home in a body bag weighed down with dirt or sand if they can't find or recognise enough bits of you. In some cases you do go back home with bits of you missing, to a "heroes" welcome after which you are simply tossed aside as no use to man nor beast.
  16. It was made quite clear at the 2 referendums that the majority of the Gibraltar people want nothing to do with Spain.
  17. I am so upset that you have ignored me. I think I will go to my room and cry. OTOH you are ignoring me so you won't see my posts. I, however will still be able to see yours. It sort of defeats the object like burying your head in the sand so that nobody can see you.
  18. It wouldn't be the first time that the border was closed, and I don't expect it to be the last.
  19. Not true at all. Many people use some parts of the cannabis on medical grounds. Are they deluded potheads too?
  20. I think a lot depends on what part of the cannabis you use, how much of it you use and the way you use it.
  21. You didn't even bother to think or ask what the people of Gibraltar even want, and they are the ones who will be affected the most.
  22. There have been 2 referendums in recent years. The overwhelming majority Of the Gibraltar people voted to remain British. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2002_Gibraltar_sovereignty_referendum https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1967_Gibraltar_sovereignty_referendum Try not to presume what other people want. What you presume may well not be what the people concerned actually want.
  23. Why not completely ignore what the people of Gibraltar want? They only live there.
  24. Have you found the bottom of the barrel yet, or are you carrying on scraping?
  25. Of course I have no idea. Then again I didn't bring the subject up. YOU did.
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