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Everything posted by billd766

  1. For me, I would spend everything I have on my Thai wife. She is worth far more than I could ever give her. She knows to the nearest 100 baht how much money we have simply because I tell her, and she adjusts her spending to fit what we have. Where I come from it is called trust. I have known her since 1993, we have been married since 2000, and we have a 20 year old Thai son going to University in Chiang Rai.
  2. Black ones like Papa "Doc" Duvalier and his son "Baby "Doc", neither of whom anyone would like to meet. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/François_Duvalier
  3. There have been men under the golden umbrella who should have stamped down on the military coups very hard. If they had, Thailand might not be in the state that is in now.
  4. The biggest mistake is in not rejecting every military coup since 1932 and in NOT punishing the generals who led those coups.
  5. Try going to 7/11 or any market in the country, then buy something for 20 or 30 baht and offer to pay with bit coin, Then come back and give us the result.
  6. Try doing a search of the internet. It only took a few seconds to come up with this. https://www.google.com/search?q=mini+heart+gesture&rlz=1C1CHBF_enTH1087TH1088&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  7. When they scrape the barrel and all they can come up with is this lie, you start to realise (if you haven't already ) how desperate team Trump must be. If you think that is sad there are millions of people in the USA and even a few here on AN that actually believe it It must be true, because Trump says so and J D Vance agrees with it.
  8. What a pathetic answer.
  9. That would be you.
  10. Sad and deluded poster.
  11. Why would you NEED Artificial Intelligence? Don't you have any of your own, or do you trust somebody else's intelligence more than your own?
  12. I have a feeling that she is a lot smarter, far more popular, she can influence far more people than you ever could in 10 lifetimes, and a lot richer that you will ever be. She is entitled to change her boyfriends without asking YOUR permission if she wishes. You are sounding bitter and twisted about her.
  13. Actually without the US supplies of Lease Lend the UK could not have supplied anything like the amount of supplies that the Soviet Union required. The UK was fighting a war against Germany in Europe, Germany and Italy in the Mediterranean and in North Africa, Japan in Burma, India and parts of the Far East with the help of the ANZUK forces, the Indian Forces, South African and East African Forces and as far South as the Falkland Islands, and that was about the time when Japan attacked Hawaii and Pearl Harbour and the US joined in full time.
  14. Simon, I stopped using stuff like that in 1987,when I was a Telecom Engineering Technician for Surrey Police at Shalford near Guildford. I actually was taught the other way to remember the colour code decades ago. Bad Boys Rape Our Young Girls But Virgins Go Without
  15. I am 80 years old and was born in 1944. I was taught that along with inductance and capacitance also in series and parallel in my first year of training as a Boy Entrant at RAF Cosford in 1960. I was also taught the resistance colour codes Black Brown Red Orange Yellow Green But Violet Grey White Also a gold band was within 5% tolerance, silver within 10% and no colour was within 20% tolerance. Totally useless nowadays. I also was born and raised in Poole, plus I went to Henry Harbin secondary modern school from 1955 to 1955, when it was in the area behind the Poole Town football stadium complete with a speedway cinder motor cycle track, the old fire station, the old telephone exchange and the railway line. Poor try, but I am neither Bob (who is on my ignore list) nor Boob whatever that might be. I can tell you lots more about Poole but unless you lived there in the 1940s, 50s and 60s it would be completely meaningless to you.
  16. And where would they learn. Of the 5 schools that my son went to from P1 to M6 only 1 school had a swimming pool. The klong across the road from the house only has water deep enough to swim in for about 3 months of the year.
  17. It is not just the food but also the rental of staff, tables and chairs, bottles of whisky, soda, beer, water ice and soft drinks for the children. Music and a clear up crew the next day all mount up, Sometimes you can get the drinks on (sort of) credit until they count the unopened ones for the returns, so you only pay for what is actually drunk.
  18. I learnt all that stuff in 1960 and 1961. Never used it since and have long forgotten how to do it.
  19. There is a much easier and quicker way that that. Just hover over the posters profile name in the thread name in the thread and his profile will become visible. Scroll down to the bottom right corner, and click on ignore while will take you to your ignore list. Then click on the bits you don't want to see and the click on add to the ignore list. It worked very well when I put DougieMax name onto my ignore list a while ago.
  20. What would you call an organisation which uses armoured vehicles, tanks, bulldozers etc, aircraft. helicopter gunships etc to invade another country, kill perhaps 40,000 men, women, children and babies, injure perhaps 100,000 more. destroy infrastructure, water, sewage, hospitals, starve the population of that country, make homeless half the population, let your own country people steal houses and land and settle perhaps 700,000 of your own people on somebody else's land. Would you call them freedom fighters, militants or terrorists?
  21. What exactly IS the flag of Hamas, or are you talking about the flag of Palestine?
  22. If it is coming towards you, you can only pass it and NOT overtake it.
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