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Posts posted by billd766

  1. On 1/15/2024 at 12:05 PM, riclag said:

     “The Tuk Tuk messaging campaign aims to remind the public about the plight of the innocent people being held by the group”.

     Say their name, Terrorist .

    Those Terrorist should of released all the hostages by now.

    Please explain the difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter.


    Nelson Mandela was called both a terrorist and a freedom fighter, yet ended up as President of South Africa.


    I would call Netanyahu a terrorist and a war criminal for what he has ordered to be done in the Gaza strip, and has been doing for years.


    But that is just my opinion, which is worth the same as your opinion.

    • Confused 3
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  2. 4 hours ago, fredwiggy said:

    Who would have empathy, or rather, sympathy, for a murderer, especially of her own child. Circumstances mean nothing. There are millions living in dire poverty that don't kill their own, and many who have money that do, in all countries. I fully understand raising children, as I've had 6, and they cause you to lose your mind sometimes, as all parents who care will attest, but no matter the situation, you don't take your anger out on a small child. If you need help, it is available, because stress from children is very real. So many, especially here, have children with men that have no intention of sticking around, or paying for that child's future. That's the court's problem here, and it won't change until fathers are made responsible for the children they make. Then they would think twice before having sex with many women and creating children that a lot of the time end up with grandma. Women raising children by themselves do have a very hard time, as well as dads that have custody, but again, it's no excuse to hurt those children. They are innocent victims of their parent's inability, or lack of desire, to care for them. Get help, as it's available, before you do something inexcusable and ruin your own life.

    Few people would have sympathy for a person CONVICTED of murder, but many will have empathy for someone alleged to have committed the crime.


    Though in your case, it seems the court of YOUR opinion is more important than anything else

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  3. 6 hours ago, cowellandrew said:

    Asian woman, a single mother raising two children under challenging circumstances.


    What nonsense free nhs, free schooling, benefits etc,




    So much empathy, and you obviously know all the facts and details about the lady's circumstances, which you didn't bother to post.


    She is a single mother, is she divorced or a widow. How long has she lived in the UK for example?

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  4. 1 hour ago, grain said:

    If foreigners are classed as tax "residents" and pay tax in Thailand, then will they be issued with any sort of card that distinguishes them from the general tourists, so the tax payer will no longer have to pay the foreigner price at national parks and museums and historical sites, and will be charged the standard price at hospitals?

    They are all different departments and most probably don't talk to each other on a day to day basis, let alone on paying tax or issuing a tax paid card.


    Which department do you think should issue such a card, assuming that such a card exists now, or possibly in the future,


    For example if the RD issued such a card and you rolled up at a national park, what do you think the chances are of the NP staff even knowing about it, let alone acting on it?

  5. 1 hour ago, The Cyclist said:


    I have no idea if it is 100% correct or even complete.


    But it would still not surprise me if a statement to the effect that


    * Pensions


    * US SS


    * Insert others


    Are exempt as we already know the details by the remittance code.

    But are those exemptions for the US ONLY, or are they world wide exemptions for every country with a DTA?


    If is for the USA only, then it is country specific and only of limited use to US citizens.


    OTOH if it applies world wide then it will be generic and useful for all pensioners whose country has a DTA with Thailand.

  6. 1 hour ago, scorecard said:


    And my family, myself and others have bought from the Lazada site at least 100 times. Never ever had one issue or problem.

    I have had a couple of problems over a few years, and that was because I misread what I thought I ordered.


    I have just ordered 3 separate items from 3 different suppliers this weekend (1 is a re-order as I have already used the original up). The shipping cost alone is much cheaper than the cost of travel to buy the items as they are not available locally, even if I could find them locally.

    • Like 2
  7. This thread is getting like the pantomime in the UK.


    As in


    Thaksin is in the prison hospital.


    "Oh no he isn't".


    "Oh yes he is".


    The UK pantomimes are usually quite funny.


    This is simply boring.


    7 pages and 192 responses and for what?


    If there is nothing we farangs can do, and there isn't, why so much concern?

  8. 2 hours ago, Mike Lister said:

    A good question, I need to think about that.


    But your joint bank account idea needs some thought because joint banks accounts are closed on the death of one of the account holders and the account subject to Probate. A better approach might be to open an "either, or" account which means that both parties own the account individually and separately, both can transact on the account independent of the other and the account will remain open if one person dies. One of the two owners must be nominated to be responsible for tax on the account, that can't be split. But be aware that a joint or an either/or account will not be accepted by Immigration for visa extension purposes which must be in your name alone.

    Thank you for that information. I had not realised about the either or option on a joint bank account.

    • Like 1
  9. 3 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:


    If you had billions, would you fly on a private jet without a medical team or trained physician with such a condition?

    A rhetorical question with no answer. From my experience with2 blackouts last year, you get no warning. It happens just like that.


    Unless your private jet is the fully equipped version of a complete hospital, all the money in the world won't help.


    How many times in Thailand have there been when some numpty has deliberately blocked an ambulance from passing?

    • Agree 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Ralf001 said:


    Happened to me last year (January ----> March)

    Except I drove myself to hospital.

    Lucky you.


    I am 79 and I woke up in hospital last February after a blackout. I had no idea of where I was, how I got there, the time or date or even if my wife had any idea where I was. I still have a blank spot in my memory of 4 or 5 hours.


    I had a second one in July which was not so bad. I was watching Youtube on my pc and the next thing I know, was my wife beating me to wake me up, my neighbour fanning me. It seems that I had woken my wife by moaning like a ghost on a Thai lakorn show, and she came down to find me hanging out of my chair.


    The ambulance came very quickly and they took me to the local hospital emergency  room, who checked me out and sent me on to the provincial state hospital another 50 km away. 


    Just my personal view about something I DO know about and understand,


    Then again, I am not a keyboard doctor or surgeon like many posters on this thread, so what do I have to offer apart from personal and practical experience.


    I think that soon I will have to pack a grab bag with some underwear, a shirt, shorts etc, some meds and a list of the meds I take.


    When the ambulance crew take you, they take you as you are.

    • Like 1
  11. 23 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


    Any actual basis or fact in any of this Thai bash of yours ???







    And do you have any proof that he is right or wrong, instead of your usual kneejerk reaction.


    If you believe he is wrong, then explain to him and us all, why he is wrong, and don't forget the verifiable links and facts.

    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
  12. 2 hours ago, Mike Lister said:

    Below are sample copies of the tax form showing the structure of the form and examples of the TEDA (tax Exemptions, Deductions and Allowances). The TEDA codes used in the earlier examples have been updated to remain consistent with the RD terminology. The purpose of posting these forms is to familiarize you with them and to show where certain information can be found. I can't help very much with further information about them because I file online and the RD staff do this for me. When I prepare my tax return I do so using a basic spreadsheet and make the computation in advance so that I know what the bottom line is. I leave the form filling to the RD staff who are most helpful.



    Structure of Information in PND 91:  Assessable income, exemptions, deductions, allowances






    (Revised) Abbreviations and Acronyms 

    TEDA = Tax Exemptions, Deductions, & Allowances

    OAE = 190,000 (over age 65 years exemption)

    PD = 50% of pension received, max 100,000 (deduction for pension income received)

    PA1 = 60,000 (personal allowance for the tax filer)

    PA2 = 60,000 (personal allowance for spouse)

    ZR - zero rated for tax - 150,000 (the zero rated tax band in the tax tables)

    (Note: there are additional TEDAs depending on your personal circumstances but these are the major ones most commonly used)



    Thank you for that information.

    • Love It 1
  13. 1 hour ago, UKresonant said:




    2. = Taxed only in UK


    "Article 19 Governmental Services...
    (2) (a) Any pension paid by the Contracting State or a political subdivision or a local authority thereof to any individual in respect of services of a governmental nature rendered to that State or subdivision or local authority thereof shall be taxable only in that State."



    (I'll have the same 3 Types of pension as you have in just over 6 years time hopefully :smile:, for DTA purposes).






    However you will only be taxed on your military pension once you exceed the tax free personal allowance.


    My company pension is taxed at 20% and my military pension is taxed on the balance of my tax free allowance and my state pension combined, minus the personal allowance. Probably because it is easier for HMRC than taxing a company pension.

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