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Posts posted by billd766

  1. 5 hours ago, lordgrinz said:

    There, fixed it for you.



    That must be your opinion only.


    IMO Thaksin should be freed immediately, given a billion baht as compensation, and ALL the generals involved in ALL the coups should  be executed for treason.


    There, I fixed it for you.


    After all, that is only my opinion and is equal in worth to your opinion.

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  2. 1 hour ago, RayC said:


    France's borders total nearly 4,000km. There are natural barriers in places e.g. the Alps but nevertheless, imo it would be all but impossible for France to reinforce their borders to the extent that  illegal migration is eliminated. Even if this were somehow possible, there would also be a huge opportunity cost in diverting resources to do so. It is a similar story throughout the rest of Europe.


    Imo the problem needs to be tackled at source i.e. implementing measures where the illegal migrants originate from. However, I have no idea what these measures might look like.

    Thank you for your prompt and polite response.


    Polite and informative answers seem to be harder to find on the forum in the last few years.


    If it isn't France directly then it is most likely an EU problem. All they will do is talk it to death over about 20 years.

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  3. 6 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Here you go



    Britain spends £500,000 a year to keep Channel migrants' boats piled up in a car park in case the 'owner' comes forward to claim them - and now plans to build a £2MILLION processing facility in Dover


    According to The Times, many of the boats are disposed of after the 12 months because they are no longer seaworthy or cannot be used for another purpose. 

    Thank you for that information. Perhaps it would be an idea to only keep them for 3 months before auctioning them off or sub contract it out to a scrap dealer and let him do as he wishes with the boats.


    If somebody comes along to claim a boat, send them down to make a full report at the central police station.

    • Confused 2
  4. 6 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Good advice. I don't see that particular poster as he made too many personal insults against me, but I see his posts when he is quoted. I particularly enjoyed his "out of touch racist, terrorist supporting serial poster" insult, but if I were to be called that myself I'd be putting a poster that resorts to such abusive language on ignore.

    I sometimes read his posts but I don't answer them as after my last answer in response to his post, he accused me of both lecturing him and trolling him. By not responding to his posts I have lost nothing.

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  5. 1 minute ago, Georgealbert said:

    So why are you posting again to me, stop complaining about my posts that have nothing to do with you. If you don’t like my comments to someone else, let them defend themself. That is where the failing is, because that poster ignores everyone that disagrees with him.


    i do not care what you think of my posts, if you do like them you are welcome to comment. 


    Have i ever been rude or insulted you before?


    It is you making a fuss, 3 times you have tried to lecture me. You do seem to have some sort of superiority complex.


    Maybe stop trolling me or I will have to report it.

    Is a response to your post a troll post?

    • Agree 1
  6. 1 hour ago, RayC said:


    Illegal immigration is a Europe-wide problem and the numbers in the EU dwarf those in the UK.


    Imo it is too easy to point the finger at France. Indeed, the data suggests that France is taking the most 'hard line' approach to illegal immigration among European nations.




    The number of actual boats used on a daily basis is small (+/-10) and they are usually reusable.

    Perhaps France should be re-enforcing their other borders to stop them coming into France.


    If the rubber boats are reusable who would reuse them? They wouldn't or shouldn't be shipped back across the channel, so who would own them, or are they simply dumped onshore as flotsam, and belong to anybody who wants to claim them. 

  7. 2 hours ago, RayC said:


    Given our electoral system, Labour are the only viable alternative.


    Why Labour should be elected is a harder question to answer as it's unclear what they stand for. Perhaps, the most convincing answer is that they can't be worse than the Tories (can they?).


    I agree with you up to the point where you say, they can't be worse than the Tories.


    However the current lot of chinless wunderkind most probably are worse that the current Labour lot, I think.


    If I were to be honest, now I have my vote back, I don't think that I would vote for either lot, so my proxy vote in Taunton will probably be a wasted protest vote.

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Georgealbert said:

    You seem to say he has his opinions and they are valid, but I can’t have an opinion about what he says and reply.


    I have zero on my ignore list, because I do not censor opinion, but that means when someone posts nonsense, I reply, or do you support censorship.

    I offer facts and links, but that poster just says IMO so he does not never have to back up his posts with any facts or truths.

    Do you really think my post was insulting him? 

    Have a good day, but please stop trying to censor my views, on an out of touch racist, terrorist supporting serial poster.


    Remember in your own words “If you personally don't like his posts, you have the option of skipping over his posts thus ignoring him, putting him on your ignore list”, so you can apply that to my posts, if you want consistency. 

    Then why are you complaining about his posts?


    I don't like a lot of your posts either, so I simply skip over them in case there is one or two I do like.


    However I don't bother to make a fuss over them because they are your opinions and not mine. His opinions are his and not yours.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 2 hours ago, placeholder said:

    You want to make it illegal to sell rubber boats etc to them? That kind of measure is always so effective.

    Well apart from the fact that I never said that at all, perhaps it is a good idea. But that would be down to the UK and mainly the French governments to sort out.


    I could also have suggested towing the boats back to the 3 mile limit and sinking the boats. After all the illegals have life jackets, but the protestors in the UK and France would have a field day with that suggestion.

    • Sad 1
  10. 3 hours ago, RayC said:

    Despite the best efforts of the ERG-backed Johnson administration to purge the Tory PP of traditional 'One Nation' MPs, it remains a sizeable faction. It will be interesting to see whether this group prevails over the more extreme right-wing groupings led by the likes of Braverman, Rees-Moog, etc. 


    In any event, it is clear that the Conservative Party in its' current state is in no condition to lead the country, so imo the sooner the UK has an election and is rid of them the better.

    But which party should replace them and why?

  11. 13 hours ago, youreavinalaff said:

    A large percentage of the public are concerned about immigration.


    They blame it for the problems with NHS, housing crisis, education and the economy.

    And they are most probably correct.


    IMO the biggest problem is France as all the illegals have made their way from their home countries, into the "relative" safe haven of Europe. Many of them will travel further across Europe, ignoring the safe haven of the EU countries to the shores of France, where they get transported across the English Channel to the UK.


    They believe that the streets of the UK are paved with gold and where they believe that they will be given everything that they need or desire.


    I know it is not an easy question tp answer, but where do they get the rubber boats, engines, fuel, life jackets etc from? They obviously don't bring them from their home countries, so where do these things come from?


    Presumably there is a big business supplying them, and whoever is selling them must be making a lot of money.


    Obviously, smarter people than me must have worked out where the stuff comes from, so why have they not cracked down on the suppliers?

    • Confused 1
  12. I did mine last month.

    I had to fill in a form with the government to register as an overseas voter, another form to the local electoral office to register as a postal voter followed by a second one to the same office to register my proxy voter.


     I emailed all the forms off, after editing them in Adobe Acrobat.


    For some reason the local electoral office also wanted a photo of me. I think that is weird as I am unlike to go back to the UK and the electoral office anyway.


    The photo was simply a screenshot from the camera on my pc.

  13. 1 hour ago, JCauto said:


    I have forgotten the details because it was so long ago, but did the ANC undertake rape and murder operations similar to 7 October? Did their charter call for the elimination of every white South African from the soil? Did they engage in random bombings or rocket attacks on the white civilian population? Maybe they did, but I can't remember that happening. But that's the difference in case you didn't know.


    This is just a disingenuous comparison, but that's what I have come to expect from you but only it seems on this topic. You have more sensible posts about other things, perhaps you should question why that is the case.


    I would also call Netanyahu a war criminal so we're in agreement there.

    The reason that I have different views on other topics is that they are not about the elimination of all the Palestinians in Gaza, be they men, women or children, innocent or guilty of being a supporter of Hamas.


    I think that for every Palestinian, innocent or guilty, slaughtered by the IDF in Gaza, there is another supporter of Palestine created somewhere in the world.


    So, IMHO it will be impossible for Netanyahu to kill every supporter of Palestine and/or Hamas inside of Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon or elsewhere.


    It is long past time that the people of Israel stopped him and his Zionist war cabinet. The other option is for the US to stop supporting him.


    They have been talking since October 7th, and they have achieved nothing, and yet every day more people on both sides are killed and injured.


    The exact same thing should also happen to all the Hamas leadership.


    All of them should be locked in a big room along with all of the Israeli leaders and left to fight among themselves to the death of ALL of them.

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  14. 1 hour ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:


    Well, if you think the world would be a better place if more people supported the murderous, barbaric, proscribed Terrorist group, Hamas, it might be time for some introspection; if, of course, that firstly, you know what that means, and secondly that you have the prerequisite conscience that doing so would require … I have my doubts on both counts .  ¯\_()_/¯

    What a sad little closed minded person you are.


    You cannot seem to respond to any post without insulting the poster.


    Don you have any original thoughts or ideas of your own?

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