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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Are you "happy" or content? Not the same thing.
  2. There is no such thing as happiness. Finally said something I agree with. Happiness is an illusion promoted by salesmen and women- buy this and you'll be happy, marry me and you'll be happy, etc etc etc. It's all BS.
  3. Strange how you guys complained when Trump didn't stop it on day 1, and now you complain that he doesn't prolong it. Make up your mind.
  4. You should immediately go to Ukraine and win for them. Don't waste your time on here, just do it- go win win win for the good guys. Maybe Zelensky will give you a medal, if you survive.
  5. Does anyone? IMO it's all just guessing, and those that guess the best get to be rich. They like to deflect with those fancy graphs, which mean nothing in reality. The best they can do is try and explain why it went wrong, after the event. If they actually knew anything the Great depression would not have happened, nor 2008.
  6. Unless the plan is to burn it all down and start over. I admit that I find that to be a possible solution to the madness of current life.
  7. The elephant in the room is obviously AI robotics. One only needs to see one clip of an entirely robot operated factory to know what is coming. In NZ they are inventing machines to harvest fruit- no more humans needed. It's going to be the biggest and most destructive event to happen to human employment since the Luddites were marching. As usual the politicians are asleep and when it's happened they'll be like "what just happened, oh dear, what will we do?" ( perhaps they could ask an AI about that ). Young people should be looking to service and health related jobs if the want to be employed in the future, or be reduced to surviving on the ill named "living wage".
  8. and they are the ones saying he's stupid, LOL. IMO the stupid ones are those that fell for the BS about BBQ dog etc. They are so busy running around screaming Trump bad, Trump bad, that they don't see what's really going on.
  9. He's not wanting to continue the killing like your lot do. Next.
  10. When Trump wobbles on about taking Greenland what else would you expect. I assume it is a negotiating stance on Greenland, but with Trump one never knows, and it could just be pub talk.
  11. Sadly, I have to agree with that. He lost a lot of good will by that post.
  12. Perhaps it's an unknown concept to you, but a bit of honey works better to get what you want than bullying.
  13. Despite the MSM propaganda painting Putin as satan personified, some of us can see through the BS and as usual there are two sides to this story. I'm not a Russophile, as you so quaintly put it, because I don't care about either side. My only oar in this boat is anti war. War is a vile thing to do, especially when used as a proxy by a country that has no interest in sending it's own young men to die in it. Humanity has no right to call itself civilized when it spends it's treasure and young men in stupid conflicts that never had to happen.
  14. You do realise you are posting on a Thai oriented forum and that most of the guys reading it probably use Thai prostitutes, don't you? If you are going to imply something from that go ahead, but don't expect to be lauded for it. If nothing else, prostitutes work out cheaper in the long run than a woman with a ring.
  15. I thought you were better than that. I was wrong. From being a guy that writes interesting posts ( even if somewhat too long - are you a reincarnation of another poster that did that a lot on the God thread? ), you are now reduced to wittering about sucking testicles. That's an image that will reappear every time I see a post from yourself.
  16. Why do you guys keep saying something that isn't going to happen? The winning side doesn't give up and go away. Do you think if you say it enough times Putin is going to say uncle and go hide in the Kremlin?
  17. He needs to be fact checked before making silly speeches. Biden in Afghanistan. French senator says hurty words Trump says go and
  18. That looks like an AI photo. I'm getting pretty good at recognizing them as they are all over the internet.
  19. Next stop, the Matrix. Perhaps we could use all the ex government drones to power people's toasters, which would likely be the first useful thing they did since opting to "work" for the government.
  20. and yet you won't put me on ignore. Can only be because you want to read my comments that you find so repulsive. Are you related to Mary Whitehouse?
  21. You still won't say how many more dead people you find acceptable. I don't care about Putin, Russia or Ukraine. None of them affect me personally. There are enough problems where I live to care about without worrying about Ukraine. I just dislike war, and support Trump stopping the farcical proxy war.
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