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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Dunno about his dad, but Trump will be head of the most powerful military on the planet. Certainly bigger than your dad.
  2. Not I. I expect him to put America first and last and devil take the rest. If it results in America no longer trying to rule the world, some of us will be happy about that.
  3. Seems Trump is becoming more and more like a normal politician every day. I prefer the 2016 version.
  4. The Jewish society in Britain is not large enough to attract much attention. Also, they did not arrive in a leaky rubber boat and expect to be treated as honoured guests. However, I think their children should also be educated in a secular school. Being religious should not take priority over becoming a part of the society one lives in.
  5. Correct, it's not necessary to be married to have a large number of kids and expect the state to hand over large amounts of other people's money to feed them. They can even get a state house to live in.
  6. and yet, as you wrote that, the British are intimately involved in the US war against the M E. The causes of the conflict which are in large part because of British actions post WW1 and in 1947. As a citizen you are part of that.
  7. It should certainly take priority. Easily solved by politicians with a spine. Ban religious schools and require every every child in the country to attend a school based on national culture and not religion. The next generation will not be so dogmatic over religious beliefs.
  8. I would if I could. Unfortunately, having foolishly married the wrong woman I'm not financially able to do so.
  9. You overlook the reason medical equipment is so expensive. It's because western countries are so insanely litigious, and a large part of costs of medical equipment is insurance and covering their liability when sued. Get rid of that and costs would be way less.
  10. You might as well ask why large corporations want data on people. The OP is what happens when greedy western companies ( and the NHS is basically a company ) and countries give away their own industries and outsource everything to China. It's all about greed. The Bible warns about greed, and likely it will lead to the downfall of western civilisation. IMO.
  11. Correct. A "good" Muslim can never live according to western ideals, and only lapsed Muslims are able to, if they are ever able to break away. However, when the politicians bend over to their desire for a two state country, what to do? Unless we get leaders with some spine, I see nothing changing.
  12. Not sure what you are claiming, but neither Vietnam nor Desert Storm were wins. Success in war is not measured simply by the number of deaths, including civilians killed, but by what comes after. Germany and Japan became allies post war, North Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan etc did not.
  13. Probably because it's not just the Americans involved. Hard to cover something up when other nationalities are involved.
  14. Say what you will, Riyadh, when I lived there, had probably the least crime of any place I've been because they actually punish criminals, unlike western nanny states that allow crime to flourish.
  15. More western organisations are coming out against israel in Gaza. Amnesty not long ago. I expect the trickle to become a flood, as what is happening gets too obvious to ignore. Hopefully it results in similar to the world wide movement that swept away apartheid in Sth Africa.
  16. Cameron! Thou jest assuredly. While not confined to the UK, I can't remember the last decent PM/ president of a western country, though JFK came close.
  17. It's amazing that he manged to fool so many for so long. Diabolical little man. Gordon wasn't much better.
  18. You can't equate the first time to now. He hasn't got Sessions stabbing him in the back, he won't have losers like Kelly or Bolton sabotaging him. He's 8 years wiser than when he first moved into the W H, a chicken waiting to be plucked and roasted by the swamp creatures. Also, unlike the first time, he has supporters or at least those too afraid to go against him in congress. I'm pickin' this time won't be anything like the last time. He'll be harder and more bloody minded, and he'll be out to settle scores with the swamp creatures. I'm really certain that there will be no BS Russia hoax clown shows by the Dems, or made up impeachments. This time it'll be full steam ahead and the Dems better get out of the way or get run over by the Trump train. Toot toot!
  19. Here's a thought. No one knows the future, so any guess is probably as good as any other guess. Best can do is consider the alternatives and pick the best looking one. Then it's up to fate if it works or not. I have that sort of decision to make all the time and it's not easy to choose. Add the entire world and there are probably about a zillion things affecting any decision. I just work on the principle that it's always likely going to get worse for me and so far rarely been wrong. If there is actually a working crystal ball in the W H, it's been kept secret, but as they get it wrong all the time, I doubt it.
  20. IMO the only reason Biden won was that he wasn't Trump.
  21. and still racking it up. "Loan" my left foot. Ukraine is broke and can't even finance the war itself. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/12/10/us/politics/20-billion-dollar-loan-ukraine.html U.S. Transfers $20 Billion Loan to Ukraine
  22. I've noticed that they never mention covid when denigrating Trump's economy. It's like it never existed for them. If it wasn't so pathetic it'd be funny.

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