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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. All military machines only function with massive logistical support, spare parts and trained mechs. I've heard that there are 10 soldiers supporting 1 that actually fights. A combat aircraft requires mechanics, storesmen, trucks and drivers, fuel tankers and their drivers, radio techs, instrument techs, weapons techs, armourers and loaders and with modern planes computer techs, none of which are normally cross trained, or at least were not when I was in the green machine. Of course there are many other specialities such as cooks, administration/ pay officers, radio ops, radar ops, anti air ops, transport and their support services, medics, hospital staff etc, but Ukraine would already have them. All of the above to put one aircraft into the sky and keep it operational.
  2. LOL, from the vdo I've seen of Ukraine, finding a similar road in Ukraine might be a problem. They have to be strong enough to take one landing, and best not just mud.
  3. IMO more despicable actions by Britain re israel. Perhaps he fears the ICC might set it's sights on certain British politicians. Sooner Sunak gets the order of the boot the better. Will Labour be any better though?
  4. If he watches a replay and doesn't accept his political days are over he will be obviously incompetent and can be removed by some political mechanism I know exists but don't remember the name of. Harris fills in till January.
  5. Agree. However his deterioration has only become apparent recently. Not so long ago he used to do a little jog onto the stage. Now he can barely walk.
  6. No 90 year old sharp as a tack would try to be POTUS. Biden, IMO, exposed his mental deterioration simply by thinking he had it for another 4 years. The only alternative IMO is that he was to win and let Harris take over quick quick. Perhaps after this debacle of an election that has reduced the US to ridicule in the world, they will bring a constitutional amendment to restrict the age of POTUS candidates. Likely it isn't already in it because most people didn't live that long 200 years ago, and the ones that did were not mad enough to try.
  7. Always a possibility. If the Dems can find a good one hiding somewhere entirely probable. They need to dump Harris though. Trump didn't "win" though, Biden lost. I'm having trouble imagining why his minders thought it was a good idea to let him do it, unless they realised that he should never be allowed to become POTUS again and sabotaged him. I guess it depends on how fast they find the replacement ( that just happened to be handy ). Who knows, they might even wheel Clinton out for another go, or Swift would be a shoo in. She likes private jets.
  8. Did you watch the debate on CNN? If so I have to assume that the black guy was Van Jones. He was looking a bit teary at the demise of his hero, IMO. It's going to be uproar in Dem institutions all over the US right now, and party party in the GOP places. The only question is will Biden accept the fat lady sang already?
  9. IMO no one with a brain cell that watched the debate could imagine that Biden can do 4 more years. I'll be very surprised if his electability is above 10% now ( there's always a few that will think Biden is God's gift to the planet, LOL ). That's not to say they want Trump to win.
  10. I would be but my life would have been short and <deleted>. People are so ignorant about the benefits of oil. They obviously have no gratitude for it. Cut off oil tomorrow and most of the worlds population will be dead in 6 months or less.
  11. and yet while it is possible to have had nuclear for many decades ( France has ) it's not used much. Nuclear does not need storage. No accidents in France and the storage of waste product is not a problem if prepared to pay for it- blame governments for not doing so. The problem is that governments are incompetent and greedy, not that solutions do not exist.
  12. I agree. I've said a few times on here that private cars should be banned in cities, but they need good public transport. I never had a motor vehicle in London the 10 years I was there.
  13. So no free speech then. There is no reason to ban dissension on historical events unless one has some ulterior motive. Only speech likely to cause physical harm should be proscribed. Will they lock people up for saying israel is committing war crimes now?
  14. I have no interest in reading any more of that sort of pointless insults so off to ignore you go.
  15. Will this law also apply to BLM thugs that destroy businesses and property, or is it just for those outraged by israeli crimes in Gaza?
  16. Sooo, no free speech in Germany then. Why do they feel so threatened by one old woman that they lock her up for saying something they don't agree with? I have my suspicions but best not to say them on here lest I get banged up for it.
  17. I'm sure there is a plan for the new world order, and Ukraine is part of it, but more than that I know not.
  18. 2. Ukraine has US$ 110+ billion on the way, now arriving from various sources. Money never wins wars. Willing boots on the ground do. Ukraine has run out of willing boots and is resorting to unwilling ones. I doubt the war will end on the battlefield, Wars since last century never usually end on the battlefield. They usually end on a table somewhere and people negotiate an end, as will happen with this one. The Pacific war didn't end on the battlefield either. It ended in Nagasaki.
  19. You might want to rethink that. I wasn't aware that you had "called me out", to resent it. If I ever thought enough about it to have an emotional reaction along those lines I'd put you on ignore.
  20. Of course. No dispute with me on that. We were just lucky enough that Japan thought they could win against America. If not for the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour likely Hitler would not have declared war on the US, Britain would have fallen, Germany would have won in Russia and it's goodnight for us.
  21. Topic isn't about Russian culture. Try and stay on topic.
  22. Having watched the debate that's not applicable any more. It's only open if they find someone to replace Biden.
  23. That's the second time I've seen that mentioned. If he did actually have one he's toast, even if it's just a hearing aid, IMO.
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