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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Old age get's us all. Yes it does, but only Biden is so demented he thinks he can be POTUS for 4 more years.
  2. Their cupboard is so bare all they have is the "fascist" insult. It's like misogynist, antisemitic in that it doesn't work any more.
  3. They must have known, but didn't want to admit they made a mistake.
  4. Xi, Putin and the north Korean guy are probably going to meet up in Vladivostok and party till they fall off their chair. What's Russian, Chinese and Korean for "cheers"?
  5. Where are all those "Biden's gonna win" posters? I'm waiting to hear how Biden actually won, or he just ate something that paralyzed his vocal chords, anything at all. C'mon guys, you know who you are. Give it your best shot. As he is the chosen one I think only he can change it. I'm waiting for the Johnson speech. Right now he's probably tied to a chair with his eyelids held open and being forced to watch re runs of it till he uncles.
  6. That has to be the creepiest photo I've seen. Perhaps it will be an actual robot in his skin next time, aaaaarrrrrrggggghhhh!
  7. I saw it, my opinion has not changed, the free world has a muppet in charge. The election is about President Harris. Trump, but only in comparison, as he could actually speak properly, regardless of what he said.
  8. My initial reaction to Biden walking on was "This is going to be a push over for Trump", but at the end it was "Wow, did that actually happen for real"
  9. In the after debate analysis on CNN the Dems side were saying that they blame his minders for even allowing him to go on the debate. One of the GOP guys said that Trump had Biden beaten from the start and should have been more statesman like by easing up on the attack dog actions, but Trump being Trump and likely being really PO by Biden's 3 year attack on him went for Biden's throat. The problem for Trump now is that he likely thinks he won the debate, but he didn't, Biden lost it. A better candidate could have wiped Trump, but Biden is gone baby gone in the brain department. I'm wondering when one of the Biden sycophants that have been crowing about how great Biden is will come on here and try to tell us that Biden is a winner. One of the pre debate talking heads on Al Jazeera was saying how never in the history of televised US presidential debates has the debate changed the election outcome, but IMO this will be a first. I just don't see how anyone that watched it thinks Biden has a way back from that fiasco. I actually felt sorry for him when it became obvious he has lost it, but had to keep going on, and I despise the man, that's how bad it was for him. In other countries the reaction is IMO likely: China Russia North Korea Iran israel 😪 Europe Ukraine 😞 Most of the rest of the planet
  10. Thanks for clearing that up. I thought you had become demented when I read your first post.
  11. That must have been a different debate to the one I saw. When even the Democrat side on the after debate analysis on CNN thought it was a disaster for Biden it likely is. They were all saying that top guys in the Democrat party are aghast, and wondering what to do, so it's serious. The best comment that came out was that the election is not about Biden ( if he is still the candidate ), but about president Harris. Right now in the US, in every Democrat institution, likely there is fevered debate going on about where they go from here, given the unmitigated disaster that Biden was. As Biden IS the candidate, they can't just slide someone else in, and it only changes if he agrees to it. As for Trump, he was himself, brash, arrogant, lies left and right etc, but at no time did he look as if he was off in space somewhere else, he didn't look like he was going to fall over, he uttered understandable sentences, and he looked energetic, fired up and ready for business. Biden looked like an old old man that should be in a nice armchair having a cocoa and watching tv before going to bed.
  12. Why don't you ask a Russian? How the <deleted> would I know what goes on in Russia, so go deflect on someone else.
  13. Yes, it's very unpopulated, and the bush is full of wildlife to eat, but while waiting for our world to end, you better have loadsacash if wanting a decent place to live in.
  14. The difference between a terrorist and resistance fighter is which side one supports. The British thought Begin was a terrorist, but the israelis elected him PM.
  15. Most of us can barely afford one base.
  16. Somewhat strange comparison. Most cars won't drive that fast. Species have been evolving and becoming extinct on planet Earth since life became possible, so what makes anyone think humans are too special to go the way of the Dodo? I imagine the dinosaurs were not happy about a dirty great rock from outer space landing in their backyard either, but that's how life is on planet Earth, brutal and not particularly long, in a cosmic sense. 50,000 years is just a mere blink in cosmic time. The difference between us and the dinosaurs is that the dinosaurs didn't cause their own demise.
  17. Apparently, there is a real risk that if the Greenland ice cap melts the current will reverse or something like that. It's been in the news for quite some time.
  18. But but but, Russia has nothing. Didn't you know that?
  19. You seem to have vivid dreams. Russian nuclear warheads will malfunction and drop on them. Oh dear, seriously? Remind us how US astronauts were transported to the ISS after Obama pulled the plug on the US's only means of doing so.
  20. Perhaps you can point out just how Ukraine is winning. Another counteroffensive on the horizon, perhaps, or how they saved Avdiivka from capture by Russia. If not that, how the F 16 is going to win the war for Ukraine, just like the Leopard did.
  21. and far as I know they only did so because Hitler was a madman and declared war on the US. Otherwise it's likely that the US would have confined it's military response to the Pacific. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_declaration_of_war_against_the_United_States
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