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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. There is always an exception to the rule. You were just lucky.
  2. IMO getting married is the most appalling attitude. One is far better not being subject to some woman that only cares about transferring as much of your money to herself as possible. If one wants a woman as a bed companion they are not too hard to find in LOS and when they become too demanding or stop having sex they can be easily replaced.
  3. If you are living long time in Thailand why are you doing visa runs? 100% Chinese with MBA.
  4. Are you mad? By all means live in Thailand but think seriously about getting a wife and then give yourself a slapping. Why spoil a good thing?
  5. Given the ease with which drones and missiles have changed the battlefield, they will have to develop a solution, else war as we know it will be history, and fought by autonomous machines- what could possibly go wrong with that? Nobody in their right mind is joining the forces these days either. Ain't that the truth. Given western countries make being unemployed a career choice, that's not going to change. I loved being in the military, and it gave me skills I use all the time since I left it, but in the end, a peace time military eats itself and gets taken over by the incompetents, so I got out. Seems it hasn't changed much given how many are leaving it in NZ. It's so insignificant now that I wouldn't even know we still had one, except for news articles on the radio about how the airforce can't find a plane that works to take the PM overseas
  6. Most of them are cold countries with a mainly similar population. Singapore has a tiny population, but likely most will die if the water supply from Johor gets turned off. It doesn't even have land to grow enough food as they have built on most of it The UK freezes if the warm ocean current stops flowing. NZ will have problems that I can't discuss on here.
  7. To answer just a small part of your post ( us ancient people need to preserve our energy, don't you know ), in the real world the great forests and jungles of the world are being destroyed as fast as humans are able to light fires in them. That's so they can raise cattle for hamburgers and plant palm oil trees to make soap and such like. Why do they need to do that, you ask. Because the human population keeps growing and needs more hamburgers and soap, and that makes the 1% very very rich. After all, doesn't every peasant dream of being rich and living in a mansion with a tv in every room, a huge yacht, a private jet and a car for every day of the week? Your lot can blather away about sequestering carbon and such like as much as you like, but while the world's population is on a vertical graph line increase, it's a lost cause. IMO humans are the author of their own demise because they just keep making too many of us. That's never going to stop till Gaia removes us, so why worry, be happy ( till you can't ).
  8. Seems pretty plain to me. If anyone else can't understand it I'll explain very slowly.
  9. He's back, safe ( perhaps ) and sound ( hopefully ). Political study courses will no doubt use his case as an example of the desire of corrupt regimes to cover up their crimes and crush anyone that tries to expose them.
  10. I hope he loses. Unfortunately I doubt his replacement will be any better. They seem to all be rotten these sad days.
  11. In case you hadn't noticed we do have robots everywhere. They just don't look like the ones in comics.
  12. Why? It's supposedly autonomous, so it's as likely to go Terminator as obey it's orders. Do you really want a load of autonomous kill bots in the ocean, that you might be sailing on?
  13. Has Britain got any aircraft carriers that work now? Do they even have enough sailors if they do work?
  14. This topic lost me right there.
  15. We'll all be better off when an AI can run the country and politics is banned. IMO politics is more toxic that second hand cigarette smoke. For a very good reason political discussion was banned in the military when I was in it.
  16. If those two are allowed on here it will be like every other thread on the subject and become all about them, IMO. Perhaps someone cares enough to start a thread just for them, but it's not me. I get enough of that on most of the threads on world news.
  17. I didn't know the thread was only about leaders. I thought it was about any politicians. I voted for one last election, but there weren't any others I'd vote for, but only for those of the least bad party, so voting against all the politicians in the other party. Bit sad that politics is so bad that I only know one politician on the entire planet I'd vote for.
  18. Do we unconditionally support the incompetent warmongering maniacs that run certain countries of the world, or do we want their crimes exposed for all to see? Hmmmmmm.
  19. I certainly agree with that. We only need watch the fiasco in the US presidential race to see it. Not just there of course. In a few other countries that I'm acquainted with it's the same, IMO. When I have to think very hard to remember some good politicians and can barely get enough to use one hand to count them on, it's a sad day for western democracy. IMO politics has become so toxic that only a certain sort of person wants to be a politician, and I won't describe them on here now
  20. Other than Al Jazeera I don't watch any main stream tv news from any country. Haven't done so for many years. I wised up to the propaganda, and in any event being lied to constantly didn't improve my disposition. Watching the news just made me angry and I finally woke up and realised that was their intent. It's why they only use bad news and disasters. When asked why they don't ever report "good" news, the usual response is that it doesn't make money, which is a despicable reason for not doing so.
  21. I wonder how many of the warmongers used to love Lennon's song "give peace a chance" and vow to make the world a better place when they grew up?
  22. I'm sure they are quaking in their boots, given the response to the ICC arrest warrants for citizens of a different country involved in a different conflict.
  23. IMO Putin already won. All he has to do now is wait till the west runs out of money ( and the west is already broke - how much does the US owe already? ), and it's all over for Ukraine, whoever wins in November. He's seen it all before when the US and it's puppies allies go to war in "defense of freedom" ( and massive profits for the 1% ), and after wasting billions of $ and losing thousands of lives they give up and leave. Apparently Russia is gearing up for a long war, but the west certainly isn't. They can barely afford to raise their military spending to the previously agreed amount, and didn't spend enough for decades. One only has to look at the British navy to see the result of that.
  24. Seems we have a lot of armchair warriors demanding more deaths in Ukraine while at ZERO risk of being involved in the conflict itself. There are probably enough of them on here to form a platoon to serve there. One wonders why they didn't volunteer to fight for Ukraine 2 years ago. They could be flying their flag over the Kremlin by now had they done so.
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