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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Sounds like you need an expert ( obviously not Somchai the village electrician, and not advice on here ). Good luck finding one.
  2. So why didn't you link about that instead of the vaccine? IMO she destroyed lives, not saved them.
  3. Likewise. I would never have been vaccinated except they made life too difficult without their stupid card saying been vaccinated. So I had the normal vaccine, not the experimental one and got infected not long after. I know someone that almost died after his second dose of the experimental vaccine.
  4. Did you live in NZ at that time? If not you are bloviating about something you know nothing about. She was hated by everyone I knew for what she did.
  5. Your link is about the vaccine. Whichever party was in power would have done the same and she was the PM not the person that delivered the vaccination program. Do you think if Key had been PM that he would have said no vaccine? She was responsible for the destruction of the economy, which is what I said before you deflected with a silly comment about saving lives, as if she personally went out and injected everyone.
  6. Prove what she did saved any lives at all. You've been supping the kool aid again, I see.
  7. Why even bother with legal visas then? just let anyone in.
  8. If you are a criminal you should not be allowed to marry a US citizen. Illegals are by definition criminals. So, you are saying that if I returned to Thailand illegally, and remarried my ex wife I should be made a citizen? Do you realise how barking that sounds?
  9. and in the case of NZ the person responsible was quite rightly excoriated for her actions. IMO she should be in prison serving a very long sentence for the destruction she imposed on the NZ economy. Notably, she did a runner before the election that IMO would have seen her humiliated.
  10. But he has brought out his book at a politically significant time. Did it really take 3 years to write so it can come out during the election campaign? Just for that he deserves to be hassled, IMO.
  11. Anyway, it's nothing to do with the land itself. It's about breaking a legal treaty, and must be dealt with on that alone. You are deflecting onto something not relevant to the situation
  12. Then the Apache can take the Sioux to court. You are overthinking too much IMO. If your turnip farmers benefited by using stolen land, then should they not pay anything?
  13. So long as Harris will become POTUS when Biden resigns ( anyone taking bets on how long he lasts yet? ) I'll support anyone except Biden. If Biden does another freeze during the debates he'll be done right then and there, IMO. I suspect they will be taking precautions for any further public outings, but it'll be a bit hard to have a minder at his side during the debates.
  14. You'll have to do better than a 16 second clip of one woman to change my mind. Anyway, a real feminine woman would never wear jeans. Feminine women love being a girl, not a wannabe man.
  15. Femininity is a state of mind, not a body part. I've seen ladyboys that beat a lot of real girls for femininity and a lot of women that beat a man for masculinity. They used to say that Thatcher was the only man in her government. That was not a compliment to the men.
  16. If you exclude Britain then you are almost correct. I had a couple weeks skiing in St Anton at season's end. After the snow melted I went to Innsbruck and St Moritz on day trips. Never saw anything that made me want to go back.
  17. I was an active bar goer in Pattaya for many years, and never came across one of the mythical "underage" girls. You must know a lot more about it than I. I did once have a chat with some Brit guy that claimed to have seen dozens of underage girls with farangs. He had to be educated that they were the farang's daughters- something that had not occurred to him.
  18. Been drinking the PC kool aid have we? I can think of a lot worse fates than being bonked by a fat old farang. Eg working in a sweat shop for 9,000 baht a month or even worse, as a maid to a Thai household. I had a Thai GF that tried that- back to the bar pretty quick.
  19. I've seen them on tv and I would be as likely to bonk one of them as one of Santa's elves. I've never been that desperate.
  20. Which isn't hard to do, considering what a shambles their leader is, IMO.
  21. OOH, you caught him there, LOL. How many times since Trump lost have we heard Trump haters say that a wall doesn't work?
  22. Agree on that. There are legal treaties that were broken by the US government.
  23. Which is probably why he will lose. Chaos is so much more profitable than sense, just as war is is so much more profitable than peace. When a one time missile costs millions, why invest in tractors and better food plants?
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