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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Sure. I'd vote for a crazy a****e that never started a war over someone that looks likely to slow walk us into WW3. If you are dying of radiation poisoning will you still vote for Biden?
  2. I never said they didn't. They kept quiet about it though.
  3. If that is referring to me you are lying.
  4. Stop lying. I was there till just before covid.
  5. Apologies to all. Elder brain fart. I confused Pai with Phayao. I once passed through the bagpacker area of Pai and put it on my list of places not to visit. My wife worked in Phayao, not Pai.
  6. He has missed the real issue by miles. People never visited Thailand for better trains. They visited because it was exotic and different and not over run by hordes destroying the environment. They accepted less than optimal infrastructure because it was cheap, cheerful and friendly. Now it's expensive, not cheerful and not friendly. I loved Thailand when I first arrived, and made it my go to place for decades. I wouldn't be interested now. If they want to make it popular again they could start by 90 day visa exempt stays renewable by a border crossing indefinitely, like it was for NZ decades ago.
  7. The rule for me was if she looked too young she probably was.
  8. despite the notable absence of Russia and China. What planet do those numpties live on? Can't be planet Earth.
  9. I can almost guarantee that if one of the victims killed one of the criminal scum the plod would be along pronto to arrest the one that did the community a favour.
  10. If anyone doesn't know what BS looks like it's the above, IMO. Seems the plod are too busy arresting people for posting something on line to deal with actual criminals.
  11. As long as that includes all THEIR children I have no problem with that. It should also include females. It's sexist to only send men to die in futile wars for oil and resources.
  12. So, Trump gets dumped on for saying he'd like to date his daughter if she WASN'T his daughter, but it's OK for Biden to actually shower naked with his? I suspect you are baiting.
  13. unbiased media like CNN, CNBC, Vox, NPR etc. I didn't know this was the comedy forum.
  14. If anyone in this country admitted to that, likely be getting a visit from the plod. I don't know where you are from but it's not normal behaviour in any country I've lived in, or at least no one admits they do it.
  15. I'm stating that it's not a good idea to use obviously fake AI photos in your posts. It might lead to people thinking everything about your posts are fake.
  16. Given that IMO they are both old delusional fools that is a sure bet.
  17. I hope we get to see Biden walk on then. If he walks funny then we can suspect..................................
  18. Trump isn't going to lose his voters unless he actually falls asleep during the debate, but Biden a/ IMO doesn't have a base- just people that don't like Trump. b/ will lose loads of supporters if he does badly. Biden, IMO, has far more to lose than Trump in the debate. No Trump supporter is going to change to Biden just because Biden doesn't talk to dead people during the debate. Trump supporters will still hate Washington whatever happens. BTW it's not an good idea to use obviously AI fake photos in your posts.
  19. and what, may I ask, are your sources? US, UK, or OMG, Ukrainian?
  20. I have no idea of what point you were trying to make. Next.
  21. It's good to know that in Britain crime has fallen to such low levels that the plod can be used to arrest someone for something they said on line. No wonder the police are now regarded with such disrespect.
  22. If I can write Biden's name on here I'm sure you are capable of writing Trump's correct name. You negate any possibility of being taken seriously by posting garbage.
  23. Seriously? Do you have any stats to support that claim?
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