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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. If the photo is of the sole Russian defense against Ukrainian air attack on Crimea it's already over. All the crafty Ukrainians need to do is send more than 2 missiles and it's game over for Crimea. One suspects it's not that simple though.
  2. Sadly, IMO, the people dying don't really count to the people sending them to the front. IMO the war will end once it becomes politically impossible to keep making western taxpayers buy missiles for Ukraine. Still a ways to go till we reach that point though. They put that day off by pretending that Russia is paying by stealing Russian money in the west. That's going to go down well with all the other counties depositing loot money in the west.
  3. Biden, betrayal! Say it isn't so. It's not at all likely that the US will do something as underhand as that, surely? Oh dear oh dear, what a terrible thing to say about the leader of the free world. ( sarcasm alert for the humour devoid ).
  4. LOL. You imagine that Putin would not be replaced by someone else just the same? Gobachev is in his grave, not waiting in the wings. Had not some nutters started on about NATO in Ukraine likely none of this would have happened. Always some nutter looking to stir the pot.
  5. I was intending to see a lot of places in the world, but once I discovered Thailand I never saw the rest as Thailand was The Place. Never needed to go anywhere else. Do I regret it now? Just a little. I'd like to have seen Petra and scuba dived in the Red Sea, but we don't get everything we want in life.
  6. Another western "full of BS" doco, no doubt. Even the title is BS. There are no "red lights" other than traffic lights in Pattaya.
  7. If the visit to the gym is a big deal it's not surprising you get bored easily. Why don't you use your time to help the less fortunate? The Pattaya Orphanage is always looking for farangs to help out. You might even like it.
  8. I have zero idea of what that means. IMO the only difference between Pattaya and C M is that Pattaya has a decent night life and C M has a pathetic semblance of night life ( ignoring that Pattaya has a beach and is closer to Bkk ). The traffic is just as dire, and the buildings are just as ugly. Oh I forgot. Pattaya has way better public transport than C M.
  9. I'm only surprised it took Hamas so long to start using IEDs. IMO favourite weapon in Iraq after the main war ended, and far as I know uses unexploded bombs for the raw material. Perhaps israeli bombs are more reliable to explode now, not providing explosives any more. I'd have thought they would have brought in explosives through the tunnels before October 7, in preparation for the expected response.
  10. Of course I accept that Biden might win. I just hope he doesn't. I'd prefer that Trump isn't POTUS, but if it's a potential Harris presidency I'm willing to accept another 4 years of Trump. Since when did politicians have to be intelligent? Plenty of them that are dumber than a rock, IMO.
  11. Unless anyone believes that we humans are the smartest species in the universe, it has to be a possibility that they are in the vicinity. IMO waiting to make sure that Elon's Mars shuttle doesn't work, but if it does destroying it. No way any intelligent species wants a bunch of warmongers from Earth loose in the galaxy.
  12. IMO they are all as bad as each other. I haven't seen a decent government since I understood politics. Promise everything when it's election time and rarely follow through. Sooner an AI becomes the government the better IMO. Get rid of all those bureaucrats too.
  13. I just read your link and as expected long on assumption and short on verifiable facts. Just because some guy writing for NBC ( LOL ) says that I'm supposed to believe it, LOL. You'll have to do better than some opinion piece from NBC. Something from someone that actually heard Trump say that would be a start, and then they need to be an unbiased source to be acceptable. BTW, the link in the OP just leads to a load of articles and no way I'm wasting my time looking through them all for something when they are from NBC. You don't even support the article 100% given your use of "it is a possibility that Trump did not ban bump stocks because he wanted to do something good". Next.
  14. I try not to read propaganda from either side. BS is boring.
  15. Nobody except you is talking about NATO countries. He likely means arming countries like Syria, Yemen, Iran and Iraq to attack US bases in the area.
  16. Blah blah blah. Excuses excuses. If Biden didn't like the terms of withdrawal he should have stopped and done it differently. The buck stops with the guy currently in the big chair. If it was the other way around I very much doubt you'd be blaming your guy, and it would be all Trump's fault.
  17. LOL. Hitler lost. If he had nuclear weapons would he have lost? Different times, different scenario.
  18. You apparently don't get it. a/ neither is going to "win". Russia winning would be all of Ukraine- not going to happen. Ukraine winning would be Zelensky marching into the Kremlin- not going to happen. b/ Russia can hold onto what it wants, which is what it has, while Ukraine is destroyed and thousands more dead Ukrainians. not yet fully accepting a dawning realty. and what reality would that be? 10 F16s perhaps, LOL. More Leopards perhaps, LOL. Out of men and sending the press gang out on the streets is an act of desperation.
  19. Accepting reality is not the same as support.
  20. Who said it's going well for Russia? He's got what he wants, so he now wants to stop the attacks from Ukraine. Only the believers in western propaganda think he wants all of Ukraine, IMO.
  21. Are you obsessed with sex ?
  22. On the other hand, if you're dating someone who is working, you're going to be alone (or working yourself) a lot of the time anyway. That's what it was like with my wife. I liked that I had my own space while she was working. Or, when you goto a dinner party and people ask what you do you tell them I sit by the pool and drink all day and they all sneer at you. Easily solved- don't go to dinner parties, or lie.
  23. You don't seem to know much about it.
  24. Rubbish. Speak for yourself. I had no problem living in Chiang Mai by myself for a year. I'd checked before moving in that it was guest friendly, but the bar girls in C M were so average that I didn't bother. BTW, I was surprised that so many hotels in C M are not guest friendly.
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