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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Does any thinking person take any notice of propaganda ( from any source ) now? It's all about fear. Fear the evil dictator Putin who will kill us all if you don't give up a few billion more $.
  2. Well said, and a gold cup to you too. Just a +1 isn't enough. 🏆 What is somewhat disturbing about it all though is that some of them post on a different war topic subforum with 180 degree posts. I sometimes wonder if I fell down the proverbial rabbit hole and ended up behind the looking glass where what is said on one side is the opposite of what is said on the other side of the glass.
  3. I don't recall that they were "humiliated" at all. They left because Gorbachev took over and made them leave. A political decision. Humiliated is the US shoving helicopters off flight decks to make room for more fleeing as the North Vietnamese broke down the gates to the presidential palace, or leaving millions of $ worth of military equipment as they shambled out of Afghanistan, beaten by a bunch of guys in turbans with AK 47s.
  4. That IMO does not refer to the number of soldiers that died, and he did not specify soldiers. It refers to the number of Soviet citizens that died, but according to one very informed book I read the figure was closer to 40 million. Barbarrosa by Stewart Binns.
  5. Hilarious, IMO, that he thinks China is going to play nicely by the west's rules. This is the same west that Biden runs and he is making rather unpleasant noises about China. Having made the initial mistake of joining a conflict that is IMO none of NATO's business ( no treaty with Ukraine ), and not looking good for NATO, Stoltenberg cannot have it both ways.
  6. It's just a guess, but given the F16 is probably a money spinner for the US military industrial complex, they probably don't want to take any chances of them going the same way as the Abrams or the Leopards. Might put a dent in the sales orders.
  7. Hammer, nail and head come to mind. I doubt Biden and Putin read AN before making any decisions.
  8. Nah. I don't feel like that at all. I was too young to care about the Cuba crisis, but IMO that was the closest we came and didn't all die. IMO the stakes are too high for anyone to start using nukes now, but if NATO puts a boot over the Ukraine border all bets are off. If I misunderstood your post and it's not about nuclear winter, yes, we are at the literal cliff edge for western civilization, but IMO our leaders are too incompetent to save us, so whoops, over we go. We are, IMO somewhat like the lemmings in our behaviour, running full tilt to destruction.
  9. In the past discussion I have more than once pointed out that this is a Russian/ Ukrainian squabble and we should not get involved. Seems the idea of bleeding Russia was too tempting for the neocons that IMO run the USA to ignore, unfortunately. They have a track record of trying to do that ( Afghanistan, anyone? ). Pity that Britain ( which wisely stayed out of the US adventure in Vietnam ) has become such a poodle to the US, and jumped in boots and all.
  10. Amazing that no one has brought up Biden's cover for people like that. Seems it's OK for israelis to say things that if a certain president said it about a certain population in a certain country would have the self same Biden up in arms saying how vile that president was. IMO our civilization is sick that such hypocrisy is rampant at the very highest levels without question by the MSM.
  11. Oh my, I wonder if the author of that has written a follow up, or If s/he is still employed/ employable. I just looooooove the "decisive surge", LOL.
  12. The conference reminded me of the last scene in Animal Farm, when the pigs and the men became indistinguishable.
  13. Q When is a peace conference not a peace conference? A When the winning side isn't invited. Do those numpties know how daft they look? Good on Thailand for not playing along with the fiasco.
  14. Had I grown up in the US, rather than NZ, the chances are high that I'd end up a dead conscript in Vietnam or damaged for life because of it. Birth and life is just luck when it comes down to it.
  15. I take it you believe we have civil liberties in the west. If so the brainwashing has worked, IMO. Just because boys can decide they want to be girls, or cats, and we are running out of initials to categorise what gender we want to be, it doesn't mean we are free to choose. The only difference between us and Russia, IMO, is that the control is more subtle.
  16. You dreamer you. Never been such a time in the past 50,000 or whatever years humans have been bashing each other's brains out. I'd rather have my side last a bit longer, but IMO we've completely lost the plot,and when the barbarians ( that we invited in ) take over, it'll be our own fault ( see end of Roman Empire to understand how our version ends ). Those that forget history are doomed to repeat it.
  17. Take it up with your congressman then.
  18. Their job is to uphold the law as it is written. Do you want them to interpret it according to their political bias? If bump stocks need to be made illegal then congress should pass a law making it so. Take it up with your congressman.
  19. I do so enjoy opening an occasional post of yours to see what comedy club sketch you have written. Keep 'em coming.
  20. It's highly likely he will be on drugs to make him seem normal, IMO.
  21. If there is a legal agreement between the native Americans and the US government, then that agreement stands. Shall we disregard the US constitution because it was written a couple hundred years ago?
  22. I support Trump and I think the land should be handed back if it was in a treaty- so you are wrong on that. However, it's likely that you are living on land that was stolen from someone in the past. Much of the land in the UK was stolen by many invaders, lastly by the Normans. Britain stole Diego Garcia from the owners to lend to the US for a military base. The US are still there and the legal owners are not.
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