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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. He may be fat, but nowhere near as obese as many Americans. I don't even know if he is in the obese category.
  2. That has to be under the last ( vile ) government. Hopefully it won't be happening anymore.
  3. Exactly. Seems some don't understand that he is just acting the part of a hero, he isn't one himself.
  4. Such arrogance You don't know sarcasm when you see it? Probably lacking a sense of humour. Unless you can prove that the sea is rising in places other than NZ your evidence is dubious. I can see the sea level on the beach near where I grew up is basically the same as many decades ago. I trust my eyes more than your "satellite measurements". BTW if that "evidence" was from you, likely I didn't see it as you are ignore and have been for a very long time. I only see your posts when quoted by someone else.
  5. Natural events. Nature doesn't care if every human dies. I have yet to see any solutions from you.
  6. Violence is hard wired into human genes. IMO there is no way any change is coming.
  7. not much difference between migrants and immigrants. If illegal should be returned from whence they came. Genuine asylum seekers stop in the first safe country- they don't shop around for the place with the best welfare.
  8. Are you the only person on here that never saw the news clip with Obama grovelling to Putin?
  9. Duh! The UK had a Labour/ Tory coalition which negated the need for a general election. You really should get the facts before posting. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Churchill_war_ministry The Churchill war ministry was the United Kingdom's coalition government for most of the Second World War from 10 May 1940 to 23 May 1945.
  10. Are you saying that that makes it OK to bomb thousands of children to death? How about using special forces like a civilized army would do? Israel is being labelled genocidal as much for using starvation as a weapon as for the bombing.
  11. That's ridiculous. Irish need no visa to enter the UK. When traveling from Dublin to Hollyhead there wasn't even an immigration checkpoint when I entered the UK.
  12. Is that some sort of bad joke? I think NZ sent some old missiles a long while back, but not aware of any current contribution. In any event, NZ does not possess any attack warplanes, ergo no ground crew familiar with F16s.
  13. Shouldn't that be "would you want to survive all out nuclear war?" I wouldn't.
  14. Wrong generation. The Russians were there long ago. Gorbachev gave up and withdrew the troops. Stallone made a movie about how he won the war in Afghanistan with his bow and arrows, or was that Vietnam? Perhaps it was with a helicopter in Afghanistan.
  15. Skytrain in Bkk has loads of feminine women on it. Dress nicely for work. A feminine woman is feminine even in shorts and baggy t shirt. It's a vibe they give off, not something they put on in the morning.
  16. I never mentioned feminism, which has zero to do with being feminine. Feminists have zero femininity as they are wannabe men, IMO. Feminine women are attractive, unlike feminists.
  17. That's interesting. Perhaps being hard to get to has kept away a lot of customers. There were at least 3 resorts on Than Sadet, so were they all falling apart? Did the Scottish lady still run MaiPenRai? She had a great music collection. If I had the money, I'd live there till I died. It had a great vibe that is lacking on more popular beaches. I don't need electric 24 hours, or cable tv or even hot water. Comfy bed, restaurant, great scenery, and a friendly face to wake up to are all I need.
  18. Japanese certainly. I'm not sure how wearing insulated clothing goes with being feminine.
  19. No. Being feminine means liking being a woman, and not a wannabe man.
  20. Are you blind? Thai women are more feminine that western women by miles and miles. Femininity has nothing to do with sexiness/ seduction etc. Thai women actually like being female, unlike western women that want to be "equal" with, dress like, and act like men.
  21. De Niro used to make good movies but now he makes junk ( Fokker movies etc ). IMO his brain got fried along the way and he imagines he is important enough to tell us what to do. IMO you only like him now because he hates Trump.
  22. Westerners are IMO mostly completely closed to alternative lifestyles, and any exceptions are a tiny minority. I put it down to religious indoctrination.
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