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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Is that the opportunity to bully people on social media, or live in mummy's basement and look at porn? You do realise that AI robotics is shortly going to remove most jobs from humans, don't you? It's already happening if one wishes to open one's eyes. BTW, in my day we had unlimited opportunities in the jobs we had available- real jobs, not BS ones in "media". Jobs like carpenters, mechanics, electronics, telecommunications, plumbers, or farming. The dole was not an occupation, as it is now.
  2. Answer back to a drill sergeant, or do National Service? I was called up but I had already volunteered. Nothing wrong with making the ratbags have a bit of enforced discipline, Might stop some of them becoming criminals.
  3. Perhaps you don't know this, but bad people have zero problem getting all the guns they want in the US. Restrictive gun laws only affect the law abiding.
  4. Another loss for Biden and his IMO plan to deprive the general population of guns. Keep losing Biden, all the way to November.
  5. It's easy to tell when a candidate has nothing positive to offer the electorate as they resort to attacking the opponent. Biden's got nothing but Trump bad man, Trump bad man.
  6. The legal system has never worked for me, so I'm lovin' it when he makes a mockery of it.
  7. Correct. If popularity was a quality desired in a POTUS, Swift would win in a heartbeat.
  8. While you may have a point it's a bit irrelevant when his opposition is worse. In this election, if people vote for someone that can walk without falling over, doesn't talk to dead people, doesn't try to start wars, doesn't waste billions on a couple of wars, doesn't have Harris as a VP and doesn't need a teleprompter to know what to say, Biden is toast, IMO.
  9. I don't think he wanted them to come in and did his best to keep them out, but Biden sabotaged that. Trump came after Obama so he inherited a mess, and didn't have a co operative congress to sort it out.
  10. It's a good idea- sort the ratbags out, but has as much chance of succeeding as the poll tax.
  11. Sooooo, still in the thousands then. 55555555555555
  12. LOL. F16s are not defensive weapons, Leopards are not defensive. Pull the other one. When Ukraine runs out of Patriots they will have to negotiate an end to the war, which means many Ukrainians will not die. It is YOU that wants the war to continue, which will result in many more dead Ukrainians. You are the warmonger, not I. I want an end to the war, and it needs to end soon.
  13. What question? Edit. I just twigged what the question is- the post wasn't well written. Perhaps they hate Trump as much as any Democrat, but want to win or keep their seat in congress. Wouldn't you keep schtum if your career was at stake?
  14. So that makes it all right then, does it? How many illegals do you support, or is that just for other people to do? In other words, do you actually support illegals or are you just another NIMBY?
  15. Sounds like what the US does. There are no clean hands in this conflict.
  16. I said a while back that if Ukraine targeted facilities in Russia they could expect a response. IMO this is part of the response. They have already destroyed much of Ukraine's electricity generation and will likely continue to do so, but seems that isn't enough to dissuade Ukraine from drones in Russia. I'm not saying it's right to do so, but annoy the bear and expect a swipe or two in return.
  17. Rogue Russia threatens the world, not just Ukraine Surely, surely you can't be serious? Russia almost got whupped at the beginning of the Ukraine invasion and you think they can invade the rest of the world. Excuse me while I have . It's called propaganda, BTW.
  18. That is a very bizarre post. He didn't have to rush to israel to kiss netanyahu's <deleted> soon as it kicked off. He sure looked puppyish to me as he grovelled to netanyahu. Doesn't give him much wiggle room to take a less sycophantic position now. I wonder if he will still support netanyahu if arrest warrants are approved?
  19. What is many? Hamas will be getting all the recruits it needs, and given they are still operating in the north ( after israel claimed to have cleared the area ) it doesn't seem to be thousands.
  20. Good post. IMO the rest of the world is going to opt out of the IMO US controlled UN and set up an alternative organisation without a few countries having veto power. One of these days the US is going to wake up in a world that doesn't kowtow to it any more ( I was going to include the UK, but does any country kowtow to it anymore- I doubt it ).
  21. Because they have ignored international law since 1967 and got away with it?
  22. As heard on Al Jazeera, israeli officials say they will continue the invasion of Rafah. We know that israel will probably refuse to obey, and that the US will continue to use the veto to enable israel to continue, but where it may make a difference is in the countries that support israel but are signatories to the court. How will Sunak feel about publicly supporting netanyahu when he is breaking a binding order from the court, and Britain is of course a signatory. Must be some very interesting conversations in number 10 right now. It's going to get even more interesting if the court finds israel is committing genocide.
  23. Thai leaders will be looking at the US vs China. What they see is a country that has two geriatrics competing to be POTUS, a country colluding in destroying a group of people that have the effrontery to want their own land to live on, a country spending billions of $ to fight a war that is none of it's business ( no treaty ), and China, led by a ruthless party that is taking over a large part of the planet without firing a shot, but has made the lives of many of it's citizens better than before Mao ( not that I have any love for Mao, or the CCP ). Hmmmm. Decisions, decisions.
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