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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I expect that in the future entire psychology courses will be devoted to TDS and the implications of wide spread mental disorders on a population. If, as claimed, Trump is a narcissist, all the attention he is getting must make him wet himself with joy.
  2. Domestic terrorists that haven't actually killed anyone? LOL. Deluded old numpties perhaps, but the idea that they could actually succeed is barking, IMO. BTW, a successful coup requires a few more people than can fit in a van.
  3. So, just what numpty thought it was a good idea to send him out in the rain to make his speech? Was getting wet supposed to improve his image or something? IMO he was just an idiot for not at least using an umbrella- I'm sure they have a couple lying around.
  4. Given Starmer is probably worse than Sunak, and I despise Labour for what they did when they were in, it's no matter which loser is in charge, IMO. Bad whichever wins.
  5. I lived in London for 10 years and never needed a vehicle of my own.
  6. If talking about Khan, I disagree that a man that has accepted no public toilets in a tourist city is "successful". Just another timewaster that thinks they are important IMO. BTW I don't care if a Martian runs London as long as they reopen some of the closed public toilets. It's a disgrace.
  7. He could always stay the <deleted> out of the UK, and stop bothering everyone with his presence. Look up "burning his bridges" on google and it probably gives Prince Harry is an example. BTW, isn't it time for him to be stripped of his titles and become plain Mr Wales?
  8. Let's say that I agree with everything that you say about Trump. The question then is why 74 million US citizens voted for such a man, rather than Hillary, such a fine example of the Washington elite establishment? Why was he elected and not her? Could it be that millions of Americans hate Washington ( or her ) so much that they would vote for such a man? Perhaps nothing illustrates the arrogance of the Dems so much as that they have done nothing to improve their own <deleted> establishment, and put up a befuddled geriatric that can barely walk unaided, and needs a teleprompter to know what to say as candidate for POTUS. Even worse is that they have included Harris in the selection, and does anyone think she would make a good POTUS?
  9. Why would he? Do you make copies of everything on here? It's up to the person that said something happened to prove it, not to those that read the claim to do so.
  10. If ever a man deserved to be caught in that trap it is IMO Macron. I'll bet he is regretting to be seen as such a lap dog to netanyahu in the early days of the conflict. Nobody is forgetting that little show.
  11. When it involves using other country's men to do the dying, that is an abomination, IMO. Either go for it- WW3, Armageddon, the end, or stop interfering in other people's conflicts to enrich your own arms industry with tax payer money. It's vile and immoral IMO.
  12. Do you think that is a good idea? I do not. NZ apparently has a lot of troops overseas as observers, which IMO is acceptable, but I don't agree to western nations picking sides around the world or that contributing to the military industrial complex is a good deal for the tax payer. I absolutely think we need defense forces, but they should stay at home and not be teaching other nations how to kill people. Defense forces are essential in natural catastrophes, if nothing else.
  13. Reminds me of the time I went to work on a ward and had handover with 2 nurses from different countries. They both spoke English, but not as each understood it. I had to explain what each had said to the other. I worked with many Filipina nurses and while they spoke excellent English I was somewhat bemused that they referred to fruit in the plural as fruits, rather than fruit. I suppose English has a lot of strange things that are not apparent to native speakers.
  14. Not entirely nothing. I gained a lack of respect for teachers that don't teach, knowledge that bullies ( both adult and child ) win, and that a piece of paper saying a student graduated means next to nothing, except the holder of said piece of paper has a good memory.
  15. This thread is a very good example of westerners that are are so arrogant they think they know better than the population of a country they are not part of. I'll bet that while they will moan on this forum about how bad the Thai education system is they will never approach the education officials to promote their solution of oh so superior western education that graduates kids that can barely read.
  16. I hope that you are filling the need for that education by taking it on yourself to provide her the education she needs. Education doesn't need to be confined to school time. My own teachers were so universally rubbish that I learned nothing from them, but I was able to educate myself post school years.
  17. Strange question. What difference would that make? The results of western education are apparent in society, and they have nothing to be proud of when it comes to state schools. The answer to your question is that as a white male I would never work as a teacher, because the entire apparatus of state power will smash any male that has a whiff of suspicion. It's not just myself with that opinion as apparently male teachers are rarely found in schools these days. Just as while I worked in a children's ward in the 1980s, nothing would make me do so now. It's a minefield of PC for males, and we in NZ have a very good example of lies destroying a male and seeing him in jail. Unfortunately, he died not long before having his conviction overturned.
  18. Nonsense is something that makes no sense. Do your posts make sense, or not? Not liking them does not make them nonsense. I prefer to say that everything is BS till proven otherwise. The only time I use the word "nonsense" is on this forum, but I really mean it's BS.
  19. Of course there is. Tell her before getting serious that you will pay the bills but they must earn their own money. The users will be gone in a jiffy.
  20. I tried twice and was used both times. If there was a way to know that she was actually a good woman I might again, but both seemed right for at least one year. People change, PERIOD. I'd never marry or live with someone just to not live alone.
  21. First big mistake. Never give them an allowance. Pay the bills but not for her to do nothing but spend your money. You did not buy it, and you do not own any part of it. It is hers to do with as she wishes. Paying for it is not the same as owning it. Second big mistake- living close enough to the family for them to be able to visit. Only asking for trouble. Best to live in a one room condo with no room for the bludgers to stay. I sense that you think she should be grateful to you for her good life. Big mistake. If someone does not have to work to get something they will never be grateful. Unless living on a marriage extension, MOVE, GO, ESCAPE- no forwarding address, change the phone number, new e mail address. Take the dogs- they don't care where they live.
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