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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. What is Boo? An illegal drug, alcoholic beverage, porn, a female, a male, something people say when trying to scare others? Do tell.
  2. and how much did your phone cost? The laptop I'm using cost me $200 3 years ago and does everything I want or need. I don't need aps or any of that stuff. I'd hate having to use a tiny keyboard, or try to watch anything on a tiny phone screen. Anyway, IMO most people using computers outside of work are just wasting time. I do nothing of any importance whatsoever on a computer other than e mail, and I include social media and porn ( apparently the most used categories on the internet ) as a complete waste of time. Yes I'm as guilty of wasting my time as any.
  3. I think more voters hate Washington/ Dems than hate Trump. Biden as a candidate is just rubbing the electorate's face in the Washington arrogance.
  4. I agree with most of that, but I don't count supermarkets as a "service". It's an industry. Service, IMO, is hairdressers, manicurists, pet care, etc, where face to face contact is important. Humans have made themselves totally dependent on technology. How long will most city dwellers last if the power went off for a month? How much food can city dwellers grow themselves ( no fridges and no fossil fueled cookers for raw food ). Let's remember that most people live in cities now, completely dependent on food trucked in from elsewhere. If diesel supply is blocked, no trucks, no food. We live a precarious life, but most do not realise it.
  5. Oops. Seems that interfering with the natural order has unintended consequences. Did anyone seriously think it was OK to mess around with a body by the use of drugs and not have problems? Nature gave us a reasonably well functioning biological transport machine, within a certain time frame, but trying to modify it by artificial means was never going to work out well.
  6. I was going to post about that. Seems israel has finally gone too far, but will it be enough? From the news on Al Jazeera even the White House is making noises about how awful it was. https://www.timesofisrael.com/no-longer-justifiable-israel-faces-international-condemnation-for-strike-in-rafah/ France's Macron: 'These operations must stop' ‘No longer justifiable’: Israel faces international condemnation for strike in Rafah Palestinian Authority, Egypt accuse Israel of deliberately targeting civilians at displaced people camp; EU’s Borrell ‘horrified’; Qatar says strike could hinder hostage talks It's all starting to fall apart for netanyahu https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/egyptian-guard-killed-shooting-rafah-border-israel-egypt-investigating-2024-05-27/ A member of Egypt's security forces was killed in a shooting incident near the Rafah border crossing between Egypt and the Gaza Strip and an investigation is under way, Egypt's military spokesperson said in a statement on Monday.
  7. I can see Trump's lawyers already getting ready to use that as a reason for an appeal. IMO the judge must be a numpty to not realise the potential consequences of not sequestering the jury, on such a politically sensitive trial.
  8. 1/2 a million is not millions. If Ukraine lost even 1 million I think they would give up.
  9. Completely irrelevant unless you assume that the US is going to launch a first strike on Russia. They can have every nuclear missile in western arsenal in the eastern Med, but it's not going mean spit unless they use them. Do you think the west will trigger MAD just because some tactical nukes are used in Ukraine? If you do, I think it is yourself that has a vivid imagination.
  10. Hmmmmm. I thought this was going to be about android sex bots. How disappointing.
  11. See a good chiropractor. I had all sorts of problems that went away after I had a few sessions with one. If that doesn't work, then go for something else, but see a chiropractor first. BTW, if they don't take x rays they probably ain't a good one. They don't have x ray eyes. Mine said the best prevention of recurrence is walking, and lots of it.
  12. Not about defending her husband. She treated those women despicably. Said everything I needed to know about her character.
  13. Oddly, IMO, the jobs least likely to vanish soon will be service jobs like hairdressers and waiters etc. It's going to take some time to accustom the surviving populace to having a robot waiter or hairdresser. Trades will vanish. Cars already diagnose themselves and humans merely change parts, easily replicated by a machine. Fruit picking- machine, Movies- AI replicates any actor perfectly, already. Doctors- humans make mistakes- an AI/ robot doctor will not. Surgery can be done by computer controlled machine already. Cars- self drive already on the way. Etc etc etc. BTW, we went along with it. There were no demonstrations when machines replaced humans in banks, supermarkets, cinemas and parking buildings etc. Want to blame anyone- look in the mirror.
  14. Excellent post and I agree with "head in the sand" 100 % It's coming whether we like it or not. The benefits to industry leaders and the 1% are too great to believe otherwise. The problem will come when billions are unemployed and without prospects. No wonder militarized police forces are being created. Given that the unemployed will not be buying anything, they must have a different business plan in mind, as simple profits will vanish. I'm actually quite happy not to be here when it kicks off, and very happy I didn't have children to suffer.
  15. Good news. I hope Oz does the right thing and withdraws support for israel over it's crimes in Gaza. If it does so it will be standing with many of the countries of the world that no longer ignore israeli crimes in the illegally occupied territories.
  16. What is this "sick" excuse? First time I heard it. Does being sick make one unpleasant?
  17. IMO she's a nasty woman. She also has no dress sense with that ghastly pants suit. It'd be like a male candidate wearing a hoodie for the debates.
  18. Her treatment of the women that came forward about affairs with Bill, and her abandonment of the men in Algeria. The Algerian fiasco says it all about her lack of commitment to the men that serve the US overseas. Between her and Trump, Trump. Between Bernie and Trump, Bernie. I'm of no fixed party or political wing. I'll vote for the best of 2 options or if no best to talk of, the least worst.
  19. The presidential election in the US does not depend on the popular vote, so no it doesn't count. The point I make is that despite Trump being an awful choice, and almost anyone else would have won easily, she was so horrible that she didn't get enough votes in the states where she lost the election. For a man that had just recently had the pussygate tapes released, to win had to mean that enough people either didn't vote, or voted for him over her, which means she was just too horrible to vote for. Had Bernie been the candidate I reckon he would have been in in a landslide over Trump. I'd have voted for Bernie over Trump, but never in a million years would I vote for her.
  20. I was going to suggest pills and a bag over the head, but I hadn't thought of insulin. That would probably be the least traumatic for a non medical person. I once had to put down 8 working dogs at one time. Not a happy experience as a vet should have been sent, but wasn't and I had to do it myself. I used an injection in a vein, which was not traumatic, but getting the needle into an awake dog's vein is not that easy, so that was the hardest part. Insulin doesn't have to be given in a vein- just injected into the fat layer under the skin.
  21. While it may very well be a radar facility, and if Russian planners decided to build a gigantic radar facility that would be one of the first things to be destroyed in the event of an actual conflict, without having a backup somewhere, they would be extremely lax. Apparently the US has a bunch of people in the Pentagon that do nothing but think up possible scenarios, and would the Russians be less likely to have the same? Of course, western people like to imagine that the Russians are barely advanced intellectually from cavemen and would never be as clever as western people are to think of such a thing. As one poster used to describe them, nothing more than a nation of orcs.
  22. I assume it's because he knows it's a lost cause and he needs more money for his losing campaign.
  23. I thought he was being sarcastic, but I'm not familiar with his previous opinions on the topic. Short of nuclear war, which would likely be triggered by western actions ( NATO troops in Ukraine etc ), I don't see how "millions" could die in a relatively small scale war.
  24. If the "remaining battalions" are in Rafah, who are the israelis fighting in North Gaza? Also, if is actually a key location for Hamas, why did israeli forces tell Palestinians to relocate to it as a designated "safe area"?
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