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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Ah, the old "personal insult when got nothing better to say" attack. That's a very American response. Shall I expect a 2,000 lb bomb next? The thread is about China ( and the US ), but you seem to have overlooked that. Entirely on topic.
  2. If they were serious they have to be insane, and if they were just talking about it they are innocent, IMO.
  3. They did so as a rebuke to israel for it's war crimes and crimes against humanity, IMO. They probably know nothing will improve life for the Palestinians as long as the US uses the veto to cover for israeli atrocities. This is probably the only thing that they could realistically do for Palestine.
  4. As I said I could not find anywhere in LOS, and I don't buy stuff on line. Rough edges doesn't matter with the pipe as can get those round covers that go over the pipe just for that reason. I did smooth the sharp bits with an ordinary half round rasp to avoid damage to the plastic pipe. On the outside wall filler takes care of the rough hole, and if a large bit of concrete gets broken off, as usually happened.
  5. I never found anywhere in Thailand that sold those. I did look.
  6. Just use a very small drill hole as a guide for the larger. Putting a bit of masking tape on the tile helps avoid drill skid.
  7. Don't forget safety goggles for the helper too. You guys are obviously not good with safety precautions.
  8. Any decent hardware place sells long drill bits. Hammer drills often see large chunks of concrete break off on the opposite side, which is why you drill from the tile side. I used a lot of wall filler in my time. Luckily it comes ready made in a pot.
  9. Not that easy with the tile, and need a hammer drill for the concrete bit. As noted already start with a small bit and work up in size. For the tile, mark the outline of the pipe, drill very small holes all round the edge and use something metal and strong, like an old screwdriver to join the holes together, and remove the waste bit of tile. DO NOT use the drill on hammer on the tile, or it will get smashed- I have learned that the hard way. Use safety googles or a sharp bit of tile/ concrete may entail a visit to hospital and an operation. I know that it's possible to get a proper hole drill to use on masonry, but I never found one in Thailand.
  10. If Vlad Putin kicks off into Europe there will likely never be another election in Britain, ever ( same in most of the northern hemisphere ).
  11. Even during WW1 they had a general election in the UK.
  12. Before posting erroneous claims, it behooves posters to find out the facts.
  13. Seems we have some posters ignorant as to who funds the royal family.
  14. If that happened Andrew or Edward might be in line. BTW, even the monarch is not above the law. Ask Henry 2 about that. Perhaps you could have phrased it differently, as in "if an asteroid killed the entire royal family, except for Harry, would he be the next king.
  15. You beat me to it. She probably despises Trump, but knows that he is a better candidate than Biden/ Harris. No matter how much other GOP politicians dislike Trump, they will probably hold their noses and vote for him, as they have seen the disaster that the Biden presidency has been.
  16. He's a billionaire, ergo no hero of mine. If I support him it's only as the better of two very bad options. However I agree with his policies on illegal immigration, and oil. If nothing else, I'd support him as less likely to start WW3 than Biden, and he would, hopefully stop US arms to Ukraine his first day in the W H. IMO he would be even worse for Palestinians than Biden, which is my main problem with him.
  17. I watched Biden and Ruto this morning, and it struck me how visibly old Biden looks. He looks older every time I see him now. Remember when Biden did a little run on his way to the podium? He sure ain't doing that any more. It even looked like he grabbed Ruto's arm to steady himself as they left the podium.
  18. TDS much? Prove that thousands of people crossed the bridge to attend Trump's rally or it's just you making it up, again.
  19. I don't care who does it as long as Starmer doesn't get to be PM. Good luck to Andrew.
  20. Go back before Kuwait to when Saddam was feted by America when he had a war with Iran. Seems the US likes dictators as long as they do what the US wants. BTW, Gulf war version 2 was done on a lie. IMO the US had no reason to go into Iraq then except for the neocons wanting a war there ( and of course warmongering Bush the lesser younger )
  21. Why has this thread got taken over by posts that should be in the Gaza sub forum?
  22. Thailand has 100% more affinity with China than any western country. They have zero reason to get involved in western squabbles. From your username I assume you are American- news flash, IMO most of the countries on the planet are not aligned with the US and have no interest in getting involved with it's warmongering. They saw what happened to Vietnam and do not want any US "help" for themselves.
  23. If Thailand has a clue, neither. If it really came down to it- China. Many of the elites have Chinese blood from ancestors that moved to Siam. Thailand owes nothing to the west, and China is next door.
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