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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Are you sure about the bars closing at 10pm? Back when I visited Thermae, the bars were open till well past 2 am, many somewhere around dawn. Hollywood Royale was still going at about 8 am. I don't know what time it actually closed as I never last that long.
  2. IMO Thermae exists mainly as a legend as the reality ( when I last visited it ) is not that great. A dark basement so noisy it's difficult to hear what a possible for the night might be saying. Back when it was becoming legend, it was probably the only place to go to for free lancers, as the girls in Nana etc ( in general ) didn't go freelance after the bars closed a/ because they probably didn't close till near dawn ( my favourite bar was open long after daylight ) b/ it was likely to cause trouble with the mamasan if the bar wasn't getting it's barfine. All that changed after thaksin's evil henchman purachai did his best to destroy the farang scene and brought in early closing. As the girls were not able to get barfined as much, they resorted to freelancing on Sukhumvit, and the entrepreneurs stepped in with pavement bars. It's a completely different scene now to what it was before purachai ( may he rot in hell ). It's a bit like Maya Bay, which is just an average beach, but everyone wants to visit it because it was in a movie. Thermae isn't anything special, but people go there because it has a reputation. In my opinion.
  3. Do you even know what a brothel is? Thermae is not a brothel.
  4. It's just so disappointing, isn't it, when certain posters don't keep their word?
  5. If Blinken is involved I wouldn't put too much importance on it. IMO he's just a big bag of wind.
  6. You should be more cynical then. The time to stop China becoming what it is now was before Nixon opened up their ability to join the world. Far too late now. We gave them all the money they are using to build their military- more fools us.
  7. There are brutal wars all over the planet right now, Sudan, Burma, etc, but the US isn't sending them billions of $ worth of aid. Ukraine isn't our business any more than them ( no treaties ). It's hypocritical to claim that Ukraine has a right to western assistance while ignoring other evil conflicts. The only difference I see is that the Burmese hill tribes can't use million $ weapons so the profits are probably not worth getting into the conflict, and then there is the unavoidable comparison in skin colour.
  8. No one is saying that we should. I and others say not to live close enough to them for them to be able to invade one's space. When I lived with my wife in Pattaya and they lived in the north we were fine. It was only when we lived in C M and the evil nephew came to stay whenever he liked that it fell apart. When the family moved in as well it was time to call it quits.
  9. On that I agree 100% I'd include 2 terms as PM or whatever leader's title is. Thatcher was an example of too many terms making someone think they can do barking stuff, like a poll tax. It's getting so bad now that I'd like to get rid of all human politicians and replace them with an AI that was programmed to make life better for humans and the planet- no more wars for a start.
  10. It is indeed good news and I hope that more western countries follow suit. From the news item on Al Jazeera it seems that many of the world's countries have already done so, but as they are not Euro don't count in the halls of western power. It's not as though it's going to change anything for the Gazans getting blown up, but it's sending a message to israel that it's war is unacceptable to civilized countries and more importantly telling America that it is on the wrong path.
  11. I expect that in the future entire psychology courses will be devoted to TDS and the implications of wide spread mental disorders on a population. If, as claimed, Trump is a narcissist, all the attention he is getting must make him wet himself with joy.
  12. Domestic terrorists that haven't actually killed anyone? LOL. Deluded old numpties perhaps, but the idea that they could actually succeed is barking, IMO. BTW, a successful coup requires a few more people than can fit in a van.
  13. So, just what numpty thought it was a good idea to send him out in the rain to make his speech? Was getting wet supposed to improve his image or something? IMO he was just an idiot for not at least using an umbrella- I'm sure they have a couple lying around.
  14. Given Starmer is probably worse than Sunak, and I despise Labour for what they did when they were in, it's no matter which loser is in charge, IMO. Bad whichever wins.
  15. I lived in London for 10 years and never needed a vehicle of my own.
  16. If talking about Khan, I disagree that a man that has accepted no public toilets in a tourist city is "successful". Just another timewaster that thinks they are important IMO. BTW I don't care if a Martian runs London as long as they reopen some of the closed public toilets. It's a disgrace.
  17. He could always stay the <deleted> out of the UK, and stop bothering everyone with his presence. Look up "burning his bridges" on google and it probably gives Prince Harry is an example. BTW, isn't it time for him to be stripped of his titles and become plain Mr Wales?
  18. Let's say that I agree with everything that you say about Trump. The question then is why 74 million US citizens voted for such a man, rather than Hillary, such a fine example of the Washington elite establishment? Why was he elected and not her? Could it be that millions of Americans hate Washington ( or her ) so much that they would vote for such a man? Perhaps nothing illustrates the arrogance of the Dems so much as that they have done nothing to improve their own <deleted> establishment, and put up a befuddled geriatric that can barely walk unaided, and needs a teleprompter to know what to say as candidate for POTUS. Even worse is that they have included Harris in the selection, and does anyone think she would make a good POTUS?
  19. Why would he? Do you make copies of everything on here? It's up to the person that said something happened to prove it, not to those that read the claim to do so.
  20. If ever a man deserved to be caught in that trap it is IMO Macron. I'll bet he is regretting to be seen as such a lap dog to netanyahu in the early days of the conflict. Nobody is forgetting that little show.
  21. When it involves using other country's men to do the dying, that is an abomination, IMO. Either go for it- WW3, Armageddon, the end, or stop interfering in other people's conflicts to enrich your own arms industry with tax payer money. It's vile and immoral IMO.
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