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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. To stop the river flooding Bkk they need to build river walls and pumping stations ( which they have been doing for decades ) not to build a new city. If they do it'll be more about money made than because of BS about rising sea levels.
  2. Bangkok is sinking, as most of us probably know, due to too much ground water being extracted. Nothing to do with the "rising sea level" BS. Perhaps he's being paid by the contractors that want to mint it from building a new capital.
  3. If Pelosi doesn't like it it's probably going to go end badly for Biden. Good news.
  4. I never thought it would be Jeremy leading the battle against PC, wokism, and the anti white male agenda of the colluding man hating men grovelling to the feminist shower. Good that he is.
  5. I came to the same conclusion a couple of months ago, but I dare say it's a point of view held by many more now than then. If the objective was to eliminate Hamas, blowing up as much as possible including schools and hospitals is not the way to go about it. However, if the objective is to destroy Gaza to the point of being uninhabitable, it's exactly the way to go about it. Allowing settlers to stop food going into Gaza is one way for eliminating living people. Crowding them into a small area without health care is a way to promote disease. Forcing them to run from one "safe area" to another is a way to make people stressed and fatalistic.
  6. 1,000,000 % correct. All rich, famous and powerful men have more groupies than they know what to do with.
  7. Here we go again. IMO a load of gold diggers looking for a pay off for accusations of things that happened so long ago that he will likely be unable to prove he didn't. Isn't it funny ( not haha ) that such things were not happening ( the accusations that is ) in the past. If Marilyn Monroe were alive today, she could probably become a multi millionaire with her likely accusations.
  8. When Fox is described as "right wing" it follows that all that are to the left of Fox must be left wing. Such is an example of how barking US politics is. I watched a lot of Fox while in LOS and IMO it's barely to the right of center. It was certainly more interesting than CNN with it's constant moaning about how bad Trump was.
  9. Perhaps you can explain why, if Trump is such a well known evil businessman that shafts every person he contracts, how he never seems to have a problem getting more wanting to do business with him? Is every contractor in the US ignorant of his reputation? IMO if someone has a bad reputation, it would behoove contractors to decline his business, or is common sense in short supply in the US?
  10. Only one of us can be correct, so we'll see how it goes, IF it happens. IMO Biden's handlers will find a way to weasle him out of it, but who knows- perhaps they are looking for a double that can actually walk onto the stage without being held up.
  11. IMO if the Democrats brought in a talking donkey they would win in a landslide. IMO millions of people just don't want Biden as POTUS and millions more certainly don't want Harris as a likely POTUS. IMO if Biden/ Harris go away, Trump's appeal gets eliminated for all but his hard core base of Washington haters. The ball is in the Dem's court.
  12. No man will ever understand women ( and no woman will ever understand men ), IMO.
  13. On that I agree with you. Unfortunately they went with the geriatric that could drop dead 5 minutes after being inaugurated allowing that woman to become POTUS, and if that happens then God help us as we are IMO doomed. BTW does anyone on here think Harris would make a good POTUS?
  14. Another one that chooses to forget that covid had something to do with the decline in the US economy 5555555
  15. Jeremy looks like a normal male in their 60s, not some professionally sculpted image of what men think women like. Women, despite what men like to imagine, are not all about sex, but look to what is on offer, and a large bank balance is as sexy as it gets, plus he is a funny guy in a way that women can relate to. Finally, he comes across as a bit of a "bad lad" without actually being "bad" that is a huge turn on for women.
  16. What's the matter? Did you not get picked for the title?
  17. Only men are stupid enough to imagine that physically attractive women are a good catch. Women look beyond the illusion ( looks fade- a huge bank balance does not ) to see what is more important- will he be a good provider? There are plenty of attractive women out there that are toxic harpies- I should know as I got trapped by one, to my everlasting regret.
  18. I see you bring that up as though it's an excuse to steal Arab land. The Americans didn't take German land after WW2, did they? Also you ignore the reasons they did so, which was because the British and French were a lying pack of backstabbers that told them that in exchange for aiding Britain defeat the Turks in WW1 they would get independence, which was an outright lie- see the Balfour Declaration. They thought that if the British were defeated they might get their land and independence.
  19. Correct. Before the land was given to them by old white men half the planet away, Arabs and Jews lived together in Palestine. Zionists were the ones that stirred up the hatred.
  20. You continue to ignore the fact that Palestinians live on their own land, and expect them to move to live as refugees in a foreign land. Why should they? Israel should get the <deleted> out of the West Bank and Gaza and let them have their own state. Israel has zero right to that land.
  21. Has Starmer said he will cancel it? IMO both the Tories and Labour are just the same, with different notepaper headings.
  22. Having read the linked article, IMO the Colonel is a moron. He says we must act to prevent WW3, yet he proposes exactly the actions that will make WW3 inevitable- NATO boots inside Ukraine. Furthermore he ignores that we now have nuclear weapons, something not available in 1939. If idiots like this are in charge, IMO WW3 is inevitable, and a local conflict between Russia and Ukraine will be the least of anyone's problems.
  23. Not if the AFD had over 50% of the vote.
  24. Given that you are on ignore I probably never answered you. I'd make the israelis stop killing Gazans. The Houthis are only doing it because of the Gaza conflict.
  25. WOW. THREE months since anyone commented on this thread. Is that because the Houthis stopped attacking israeli aligned shipping or because it just wasn't very interesting?
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