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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. ?????????????? State law is made by the states, or are you suggesting eliminating states? BTW, your claim that there are intelligent people at federal level is not necessarily correct.
  2. He's as entitled to federal assistance when natural disaster hits as any state that is all into the IMO man made climate changed scam.
  3. No point in posting sense on the IMO man made climate change scam. Like science, opinions are fixed, are they not?
  4. The only relevant thing would be if it was moved to a higher location. Was it? If it was put at the same elevation it's still indicating that sea level rise is just another hoax by the man made climate change lobby looking to cash in on the gullible.
  5. Oh dear oh dear. Now if only the US government had passed the money bill ages ago ( money wins wars, doesn't it? Nothing to do with soldiers, LOL ), if only the Ukranians had more bullets, if only they had more Leopards, if only they had F16s, if only they had more men, if only superman came to help, if if if. BUT they didn't and they don't. Is that the fat lady warming up her vocal chords?
  6. NATO, right? It somewhat amuses me when some posters want NATO boots in Ukraine. IMO the EU soldiers are powder puffs in comparison to battle hardened Russians- brought up soft, easy lives does not make for a good soldier. The Russians are getting their troops from the lower echelons of society- the criminals etc. A hard life makes a hard soldier. Seems to me that western thinking is that war is just technology, and don't need hard men anymore, but when it comes down to it, wars are won in the mud by men close up. I'm not so sure about the US military though. They get a lot of soldiers from the lower echelons of society, though the ones I met during training back in the 70s were not very hard. Since then there have been quite a lot of US wars, so perhaps that has changed.
  7. Much truth in there. Obviously you know more about it than I, but did Zelensky need boxing in? IMO he's as bad a warmonger as the worst of them.
  8. Strange that posters are angry? Nothing strange about it. Out in the real world people are angry; angry about everything. Their world is collapsing under a tidal wave of crime and barking governments, and the madmen in power just keep on going more and more warmongering. The Ukraine war never needed to happen, and it should have ended a year ago, but western governments are determined to fight to the last Ukrainian. IMO it's insane and it's going to end very, very badly for all of us if the maniacs are not stopped.
  9. When it's IMO propaganda by a link to a JINSA site It's relevant. IMO it's 80 warmongering generals and admirals that want to see the ME in flames. This constant interference by the US in the ME has got to end before they destroy everything.
  10. Who says she is good in bed? Perhaps she is a horrible person in private. We will never know till the book comes out.
  11. Fear the government response more than the disease.
  12. I'll use antibiotics if I need to, but I'll use probiotics after to repopulate the gut.
  13. I experienced thousands of patients over my time as a nurse, and I can assure you that most will never look for the broad uplands of knowledge that concern our and our relations well-being. There is nothing better to destroy one's faith in humanity than by experiencing enough humans.
  14. You miss the point. Antibiotics kill good bacteria as well as bad ones, so if you take an antibiotic for a viral disease, which won't cure the virus, you destroy the good bacteria in your body.
  15. The cloud has to be the greatest scam in the history of mankind, IMO, but the sheeple probably think it's a great idea to give their government all their information. You know, the sheeple that will get a brain implant as it will save them having to do a money transaction by inputting some numbers into a machine. No wonder our civilization ( if not our species ) is doomed.
  16. I dished out drugs to patients for decades, I am capable of deciding which is appropriate for a particular condition, as I did in Thailand, where we are not treated as morons by a nanny state government. If I needed advice I was always able to ask the pharmacist for help deciding- it's what they do. BTW shrinks don't prescribe antibiotics.
  17. True. No sooner have they trapped one, but they start changing him. Once they have changed him they decide they don't like the new version and dump him.
  18. I don't. I know that loads of men get destroyed by the system, which is only working for women, IMO.
  19. Rising Sea Levels: As a state with extensive coastlines, Florida is particularly vulnerable to sea-level rise. Extreme Heat: Increasing temperatures pose health risks and exacerbate existing environmental issues. ............................................ Frequent Flooding and Severe Storms: Climate change is contributing to more frequent and severe weather events. IMO none of the above can be changed by laws, or paying more taxes. The market will be more efficient at changing things for the better than laws. If people can't insure or pay for insurance, they won't build in inappropriate places like on the waterfront or in forests.
  20. Good news. The fight against the myth begins. Contrary to the propaganda, it's not proven that we caused it, or that it can be changed only if we make Elon very rich and build lots of bird killing windmills.
  21. Most likely scenario. My wife's family stole anything they could from me.
  22. Not in my case. The culprit was my wife's nephew and she refused to do anything about it. We ended up leaving the village, much to her displeasure, to escape the noise.
  23. LOL. I don't doubt that they had that life, but I don't think it's typical of village life in rural Thailand. Simple it may be but peaceful- hardly. The monks chanting broadcast very loudly by the village loudspeakers very, very early in the morning, the talking petrol pump next door when the workers fill up the m'bike tank on the way to work. It's quieter during the day, but gets noisy about midnight when some moron decides to practice his electric guitar on full amplification. Aligned with nature? Hardly. It's all machinery now. I never saw a single buffalo being used. Shops sell every known bad food product, saturated with salt and sugar. integrating into a different culture, If being discussed by the old biddies gossiping is integration, I was well integrated.
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