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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Given the mechanicals are looked after by a different mob than the interior cleaning, and have to pass checks to fly I think you are being somewhat alarmist. I used to fly Saudia, and on one trip part of the wing fell off. Rather more important than if the seat legs got cleaned properly. I never had a flight on Thai when part of the wing fell off. NHS hospitals were pretty filthy when I used to work in a few, but the important bits, like the theatres were pretty good. The cleaners didn't maintain the operating equipment.
  2. Not when I was flying with them, and I did so for 10 years. I swore never to fly again with British Airways and Air NZ after experiencing their terrible cabin service, and Thai was just fine. However, I didn't like the seats on the 777, preferring the 747.
  3. Given the cost of an EV, the only way I'll ever have one of those if it's a mobility scooter. Till then I'm driving on petrol and happy to do so. NZ probably pollutes less, with all it's cars added together, in a year than London does in a week. An EV will be a rarity here, IMO, but I don't live in that cesspit Auckland, the home of the luvvies.
  4. Given my opinion that all the 91 or something cases against Trump were cobbled together after Trump decided to run again, it's not surprising to me that they are rubbish have problems.
  5. Your own post supports what I said about the tanks that exist being a bit busy to parade around Moscow. How are those Leopards that were going to win the war doing? Is Zelensky winning yet?
  6. I expect that after a few days or weeks it will all be forgotten and the elevator will remain broken, or if it is fixed the next time it breaks down it will be ignored. Pattaya has never been disabled friendly.
  7. What a cheek! Israel only exists today because the UN approved it. I hope the US isn't able to veto this resolution.
  8. Had I had an affair with one of my patients I think I'd have been trouble as I'd be accused of using my position to influence her. Even more relevant because of the longer involvement for teachers. Were it a male teacher and a female student we all know how it would end up, which irks me a lot, as female's that use their position to obtain sex get an easier ride, IMO. Re the impact on the victims involved, LOL. I expect the lads will be quite chuffed at getting a leg over an older woman
  9. Isn't every politician attempting to "influence an election" when they trot out their lies about how much they care for each and every one of us, and how they are going to make it so much better in the future? I'd like to see several politicians in court for false advertising.
  10. None of which would be necessary had Britain had a bit of common sense in the past 50 or 60 years.
  11. Hardly a new thing. That ghostly laughter is probably Enoch's from his grave.
  12. Well knock me down with a feather. I have to agree with Greta. Never thought I'd be doing that.
  13. You didn't explain why a Middle East country is in a European contest.
  14. It just occurred to me that the same question could be asked of Zelensky. So, if the Ukrainians are not giving up, why should Hamas?
  15. Simple. a/ they will likely never surrender because they know how they will be treated if they do. b/ They have forced israel to back down on it's intent to deny any food water, fuel etc into Gaza, and they even got to the stage of signing a ceasefire agreement that gives israel little of what they want ( IMO the destruction of Gaza so all the Palestinians have to leave ). c/ They are winning the propaganda war, and millions that used to ignore the Palestinians, or support the israelis, are now demonstrating in support of Palestinians. Israel may win the conflict, but they have lost the support of much of the world community ( except for the so called "leaders" in western countries )
  16. Given the blatant bias of western media to israel, perhaps Al Jazeera needs to balance the books a bit. Anyway, they have no shortage of western experts willing to condemn israel for its crimes.
  17. Yes changed to blocking aid altogether. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2024/5/10/israels-war-on-gaza-live-aid-operation-completely-crippled-amid-attacks This is happening while Israel has closed aid crossings to Gaza for days, allowing almost nothing in or out as tens of thousands are fleeing Rafah amid a dire humanitarian situation.
  18. Of course, it's us naughty humans that are to blame. Sooooo, even if it is all down to us, a/ what are they going to do about it, b/ will whatever they do about it actually work, c/ what do they want to change it to? Given that ( IMO ) we can't do anything about it, let's do what is necessary to adapt to it, and that doesn't include giving countries that behave badly lots of money. If a country that behaves badly is going to suffer because of their own actions, then, IMO, they can sort their own problems out.
  19. Every time I come on here I see more evidence that the western world is rotating slowly up it's <deleted><deleted> into oblivion. Whether the kiss was consensual or not, it was done in public, and she didn't slap his face or knee him for it. To waste court time on it is IMO barking. I think he lost his job over it, so been punished already and humiliated. Is that not enough? Of course, being a male, it's not really surprising that he's being crucified. Gotta show us men who is in charge.
  20. I've never included Hamas in my posts about thousands of innocent Palestinians being killed by israelis. It's only your side that keeps rabbiting on about October 7.
  21. You could have included that with the original photo. As the person in question is IMO not a Palestinian supporter it could have been a set up photo to cast doubt on the protestors. I have no doubt there are plenty of fake protestors causing trouble. That's what the forces of darkness do.
  22. Send me the money and I'll rush out to buy an EV to save the planet.
  23. Since when is even 29 C "excessively hot"? That's nothing compared to Saudi- https://climateknowledgeportal.worldbank.org/country/saudi-arabia/climate-data-historical Summers in the central region are extremely hot and dry, ranging from 27°C to 43°C in the inland areas. If it's too hot in the UK, send some of it down to NZ where it's too cold now.
  24. The tank in question is a WW2 tank, so appropriate to use in a parade to celebrate their defeat of Germany. Perhaps the other, more modern tanks are being used to defeat the Ukrainians, and a bit busy to take part in a parade in Moscow.
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