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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. It's OK. I remember things that turn out to not have happened as well. Something to do with old age I suspect. Half the time I don't know if it's something that actually happened or if I dreamed it. Somehow I doubt that Trump wants to die in MAD any more than anyone else.
  2. Just because you consider the age of consent to be 15 does not mean that it's plain sailing for any man of 40 years of age to be bonking a 15 year old. Anyway, as the girl is apparently 18 the legal aspect is taken care of, though there are about a zillion other reasons for a 40 year old farang to steer clear from any involvement with an under 20 year old, including having acquired a bit of common sense by 20.
  3. Consider yourself lucky then. My western ex's daughter was boy mad at 13 and her mother put her on the pill. She managed to get to 18 before getting pregnant. She had a constant stream of boys after her, which was annoying.
  4. Young Thai women are not averse to trading sex for money to buy mobile phones and suchlike. I doubt the farang in question knows her well enough to know why she is interested in him. Has he met her parents?
  5. We are talking about a Thai girl, are we not? Simplest job to use an older sister's ID or get a fake one. How would Joe Farang know if it was real or not?
  6. IMO any middle aged man that wants to bonk a 15 year old should be very very careful. After all, what could possibly go wrong with that?
  7. Forgot to add, if an under 20 that is still living at home it would be foolish to have sex with her without parents consent. They may have plans to get a big sin sod which will be thwarted if she is known to be bonking a farang, as only virgins should get sin sod.
  8. Isn't that enough? I take the view that an 18 year old doesn't know anything about sex and is likely to change her mind anyway. A bit of experience goes a long way to satisfaction.
  9. It's easy to obtain a false ID card in LOS. I'd not go by an ID card. If she looks too young, likely she is too young. While it may be tempting to bonk an 18 year old, for safety stick to 20 and over.
  10. As you haven't proven it, your deflection does not mean that you didn't make it up. Unlike you I post links if I post a fact.
  11. You joker you. IMO you excel at mentioning Trump in threads that have nothing to do with him. I'm not really defending Trump, but he's all we have to defeat Biden so we need to support Trump against the BS. The thought of president Harris freaks me out.
  12. That could be the very reason that Trump is continuing to annoy the judge. IMO his election strategy is to delay all his court cases as long as possible while he uses them to motivate his base and potential voters. Perhaps he laid a trap for the judge with his refusal to stay silent and the judge has fallen in to it. If the judge does not jail him he will look weak, and if he does, there will likely be unpleasant consequences. Biden must be concerned as the plan to eliminate Trump by a multitude of court cases during the election campaign is backfiring and only making Trump more popular. Who would have guessed?
  13. The only thing likely to happen, IMO, is that Trump will use the incarceration to enrage his supporters, and as a club to beat the Biden campaign with. The judge may come to regret being the one that got the case- damned if he does, damned if he doesn't.
  14. A battle of wills and Trump has a lot more supporters than the judge does. Should be very entertaining as it goes on.
  15. Perhaps he is actually a thick, evil, deranged thug.
  16. I'm sure the judge knows what will happen if he does and is EXTREMELY reluctant to do it. If he does it's likely to be house arrest, but good luck stopping Trump speaking to his base.
  17. Yeah, just do it then, but don't complain at the consequences if you do.
  18. I'd like to agree, but about 5 minutes from the northern hemisphere being destroyed the gangs will likely move to take over- they are the ones with all the weapons since the last government did it's best to disarm the lawful citizens. Not a happy idea. No point in posting facts. The fearful need to believe that they are in imminent danger of being taken over by the Orcs, then they will turn to the government to protect them,
  19. The point was that the only person using a gun was a policeman. Mentioning guns that were not in evidence and were not used is just deflection.
  20. Proof is required that Trump thought it up. No proof means it's not true.
  21. and then they can vote against him, can't they? Stop lying so much. Your nose will grow till you can't leave the room. I don't "idolise" Trump, but the other guy is just too bad to tolerate a moment longer than we have to put up with him.
  22. I don't think it's nearly as astonishing as claiming that there are more than 2 genders or that myself driving an ICE car is going to end the world as we know it. If anything, in such an obviously barking society as we live in now, having two blatantly unsuitable candidates for "leader of the free world" is IMO eminently appropriate. When kindy kids are apparently as intelligent as grown ups our "civilisation" can't be going to survive much longer, IMO.
  23. It's all smoke and mirrors anyway. Court cases just make Trump more popular and guilty verdicts don't stop him being on the ballot.
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