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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. After all, human's time on planet Earth will be less than a blink of a cosmic eye. Took us about 50,000 years to progress from beating Og's head in with a rock on a stick to laser guided bombs ( not forgetting the atomic bomb ), and I doubt we'll be around for another 50,000. We are just far too good at killing each other for our own survival. Somewhat ironic that a bunch of dumb dinosaurs with a brain the size of a pea will have lasted longer than us.
  2. I was writing my post about the constitutional republic same time as you, but you pressed submit first. Apparently some posters don't understand what that means.
  3. The US isn't a Democracy per se, It's a constitutional republic and the founding fathers determined that a majority vote for POTUS was not a good idea. Don't like it, amend the constitution. The POTUS does not decide who is a judge on SCOTUS. He nominates and the Senate decides.
  4. He's probably got too much sense to get involved again, or perhaps he's too busy smokin' big cigars with Monica to bother.
  5. Snap. IMO the greatest lie perpetrated by the climate luvvies is that the "planet is being destroyed by man made climate change". Far from being destroyed, once we are gone the planet will get along just fine without us filling the oceans with our sewage and plastic garbage, burning down the rain forests to grow palm oil and hamburgers, and polluting the stratosphere as we travel by thousands of aircraft to enjoy a holiday slugging by a swimming pool and swilling booze, while staying in a concrete monstrosity that destroyed the very reason the beach became popular in the first place. I'd love to do a Monty Python type rant about tourists and tourist destinations, but the above will have to suffice. I do feel sorry for the kids growing up in what is to come though- they didn't choose to be born, but I'm quietly satisfied that my genes didn't get reproduced to be part of it.
  6. Excellent post. Congratulations for being a scientist that doesn't claim that "science is settled".
  7. IMO you have got that wrong. People know that climate is changing, it's pretty obvious, really. What people ( including myself ) don't believe is that it's all because of human pollution. Perhaps human pollution caused part of it, but that's all, and because the noisy scientists are aligned with the money makers/ tax makers, people rightly don't believe them. When Al Gore and De Caprio, despite being at the forefront of "it's all our fault" still fly private jet, some of us realise it's just BS. BTW, whatever the reason for it, buying an Elon car only makes Elon richer, and isn't going to change the weather to something else. Likewise with windmills and taxes.
  8. Summer in London was very oppressive due to the stuffy heat, and that was over 13 years ago. I wonder when they will start blaming Putin for it?
  9. I have not heard or read anywhere that who recruited the fake electors is part of the trial, but IMO the only way to prove Trump did so would be some irrefutable proof that Trump himself spoke to them and invited them to do so. Otherwise it's just accusations.
  10. Thanks for admitting that there is no proof that Trump recruited them.
  11. That would be off topic, just as who recruited fake electors is off topic. I didn't call you a liar, if you comprehend what I said, which was "prove it OR you are making it up" If you could prove it, you would not be a liar, would you?
  12. I don't know who did, so why don't you tell us with a link to a believeable source?
  13. Prove that or you are making it up, again.
  14. All very well, but the case depends on whether Trump actually had an affair with Daniels. If they can't prove he did, then it didn't happen and no need for any payoff, no need to disguise any reimbursements. Trump walks, the opposition loses, again.
  15. Before Kennedy's death in 1963, the American press didn't expose his womanising, but people now don't say that was wrong. Seems that it depends on who is "in" or "out" with the American media who they cover for. Remember the media cover up of the Hunter laptop before the last election?
  16. Having had some dealings with the cops in London, I can understand why people don't like them very much. They are, IMO, their own worst enemy and should do better. It's like they just don't know how to deal with people in a polite way when those people are not causing a problem.
  17. He probably didn't have a choice as Britain had run it's military down too much. It was only because of Churchill and his allies rearming Britain that they had an airforce capable of saving Britain from the Luftwaffe , and it only just managed to do so. Another day or two of German attacks would probably have won it for Hitler. Agreeing to sacrifice Czechoslovakia probably gave the British time to build their defenses enough to survive the Battle of Britain.
  18. You apparently believe the propaganda. So when the UN comes and asks you to share your house with some refugees, you will be happy to have them, will you? After all you have plenty of room for them, don't you?
  19. It's good to see you write a sensible post that isn't about body parts and such like. Well done you.
  20. Thanks for that, but isn't that just to make arms companies richer? Just making more bullets and rifles for Ukraine isn't salivating to send British boys to die. I'd like to know where the extra money is going to come from- are they going to bring back rationing, make people stay home at night etc? When all is said and done, with they be able to have enough sailors to man enough ships to go rescue the Falklands again, should that be necessary; will an aircraft carrier actually move under it's own power or will tugs have to tow it; will they have any planes on board? So many questions, so few answers.
  21. I doubt they will let facts get in the way of the propaganda. After all, how could the leaders justify spending billions of taxpayer's money to make arms companies rich, without a good reason.
  22. I wasn't around at the time to "remember", but I've read up on it and Russia saved Europe at the cost of some 40 million lives. I'm not supposed to give history lessons on here, but the information is all out there. Sorry John Wayne, but you didn't save us after all.
  23. I think my reply went over your head a bit, or perhaps you got it and are replying in kind. 🙂
  24. Israel started the war in 1948. This is just the latest battle in the war. Why should other Arab states take them as refugees? They have their own land to live on, or they would if israelis didn't keep stealing it.
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