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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. You are right, they don't want the criminal to win again.
  2. She can't even get her propaganda right. The constitution specifically prevents unchecked power with 3 branches of government. However, like husband like wife, lying through her teeth.
  3. I missed that photo first time I came on here and had to go back to see it. A very, very scary thing indeed- verily the stuff of nightmares. We were sooooooo lucky that Trump was able to defeat her in 2016.
  4. and I thought you didn't care who won ( from a post you wrote a while back ). Guess I wuz wrong on that.
  5. Loser HRC is hardly unbiased, is she? As for saying Biden is committed to civility and avoidance of vitriolic attacks, that deserves two .
  6. Since when did rich western countries governments give a flick about those countries? IMO it's only westernised "white" countries that get the concern of our leaders.
  7. Is that when Biden gets the boot, or is that later on in the year?
  8. I haven't seen or heard anything about that, but perhaps that is because I don't listen to British news. If it's true it's disgusting, and if it happens all politicians that vote for it should have their children conscripted for the front line troops.
  9. Oh gee wizz guys. Just because the Euro leaders send billions of taxpayer's Euros and pounds to support Ukraine, resulting in the deaths of thousands of Russians, it's just not fair that Russia wants to make life difficult for Europeans. I know, let's put some more sanctions on Putin- that'll show him who is the boss.
  10. LOL. I thought Bannon would be all for Trump to lose, but then I realised that I was thinking of Bolton. Far as I know many in the GOP despise Trump as much as the Dems do. After all, they are part of the swamp too.
  11. If anti-semitism is fashionable is it possible that that has something to do with certain semites killing thousands of women and children? That sort of thing doesn't play well with normal people.
  12. Of course, the old "if you are against israel for anything you are antisemitic" propaganda. It doesn't work anymore. There is no complexity to the Gaza conflict- one of the most advanced military's on the planet is killing thousands of women and children, starving millions, destroying public facilities like hospitals and thus denying Gazans health care, killing journalists and health/ aid workers, and doing it with the unconditional support and supply of weapons and bombs by America. Biden's handlers should give him a better talking point as probably no one believes he is anything but a colluder in the atrocities going on in Gaza.
  13. Good for them. They are sending equipment to apparently one of the most corrupt countries in the Northern continent, so they need to be extra careful that the usual suspects are not taking advantage of taxpayer support to enrich themselves. One wonders who the people complaining are?
  14. Even in that situation it still costs the host country every time one gets into the country. Just stopping them from getting in is the best way. A wall or a razor wire barricade will stop them as long as it's backed up by guards that don't let them in anyway That'd be like letting people get away with murder the first time but they'll get locked up for actual life if they kill anyone again. The first time is a crime. Cross illegally, get deported and no legal re entry EVER.
  15. This must be the first time Sunak has said anything I agree with.
  16. He should have made that plain then, and given that he just had a go at me for being off topic it's a bit rich that he makes a completely off topic comment about Trump himself. I think he just likes talking about Trump as he does it so much.
  17. That's funny. It's what you do though.
  18. Not even close. Been at least 3 worse ones in my lifetime.
  19. Oh dear, you are making things up again. Apparently you don't know that the POTUS isn't in charge of the money. That is the lower house.
  20. C'mon man, there is no way you know that, so, as usual, you are making stuff up, again.
  21. So why did you mention him then? You can't even get your riposte correct. The thread isn't about Trump recruiting anyone. It's about how democrats are so desperate to stop Trump that they clutch at any straw prosecuting people accused of being fake electors.
  22. Can't remember the last time I saw a female with nice legs. Seems like they all wear pants in NZ now.
  23. Did the poster you quoted just have a Freudian slip?
  24. People are weird. Human males spend a lot of time and money trying to get a woman to show her boobs to him, and bare boobs shouldn't be a problem for women, but a woman walks around in an hotel with them on view and it's a major incident. Last time I looked Victoria wasn't on the throne. If there is a real story here it's how a nutter can threaten a taxi driver with a knife and the cops do nothing about it.
  25. Sadly you are correct and it's going to end in tears for certain western leaders that have been busily leading the gullible citizens up the garden path, or at least I hope so. If going to have a proxy war with the Bear better choose a country with a bigger supply of cannon fodder.
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