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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Agree. Probably why the Dems apparently want the secret service protection removed if he gets convicted of a crime. That way he gets dead before the vote.
  2. Bolton the warmonger makes sense? LOL.
  3. If I cared enough I'd keep a record of all your claims, so when they don't come true I could remind you of what you said, but I can't be bothered.
  4. I understand that there is no defense present in a Grand Jury, so they don't have any counter to the prosecutor. In that case they only have half the story. For sure, if there was any evidence at all, even a smidgen, he'd be indicted as well, IMO. Ergo there is zero, nothing, not an iota, zip, nada, not a sausage of evidence.
  5. Anyone with any compassion would be. How many dead kids are enough?
  6. Ah, yes I got that mixed up. I thought it a bit strange that anyone admired Harris, but my bad.
  7. That's fascinating, but what does it have to do with our discussion? https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/gaggling The cackling sound of a goose.
  8. You got it wrong again but I can't be bothered trying to correct you any more. Bye.
  9. Even IF it were true, you got it wrong anyway. IF it were true he didn't pay her to have sex with him ( famous billionaires don't need to pay for sex- gold diggers and groupies are only too willing to do it for free ), she was paid to keep quiet about it, and Trump didn't pay her at all- that was Cohen. Do try to get it right.
  10. You believe propaganda, apparently. I heard Trump fell off his bicycle, wait, that was Biden.
  11. You are correct that American aid to Russia, not just money, but also tanks and planes etc, were necessary to win against the Germans, who were better armed in every aspect ( the Russians won at the cost of 40 million or so lives ), but money and tanks don't win wars, they are won by grunts in the mud. Besides, the Allies knew that if Russia was able to keep masses of Germans occupied it would mean they were not fighting the Allies, so it was a case of helping the Russians for their own benefit. That does not apply in Ukraine as Russia is not at war with the west. Nice try but no cigar.
  12. 30 years ago the sky wasn't full of planes. IMO without GPS the sky would be too dangerous to fly in.
  13. The topic would be covered in a couple of posts, IMO.
  14. Without going into a history lesson, Russia diverted and destroyed so much of the German military ( army AND air force ) that the Allies were able to reach Germany before the Russians took all of Eastern Europe. Had the German military not been gutted by Russia the Allied invasion would probably never have left the beaches alive, IMO. The Allied secret weapon was Hitler who refused to let the Germans retreat from Russia, and they were destroyed there. Perhaps they did it to save themselves, but it doesn't mean that they didn't win the war against Germany
  15. I gave that post one of the laugh emojis. I guess you forgot that Biden put her in charge of fixing the southern border. Should have been an easy fix for the most admired woman in the world 17 years straight. Instead of answering my question you just made a rant against Trump. You have nothing except insults, don't you!
  16. We haven't been oppressing Palestinians and stealing their land for decades, so Hamas would have no reason to do that. Next
  17. If she's so great tell us about the job she did fixing the southern border, and don't try to tell us that Biden didn't put her in charge of that.
  18. Allegedly is as significant as Elon claiming he is going to live on Mars.
  19. Given the attention you are paying to that post I suspect it hit close to home for you.
  20. 55555555555555555555555 If that's an insult, it's like being savaged by a very small poodle that yaps a lot and is easily ignored. You should remember the saying that those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.
  21. I wonder how they would feel if they had been sleeping in a residential building that got blown up by the israelis. They probably wouldn't feel anything, as they would have been slaughtered along with the rest of the thousands of Palestinians blown up by American bombs dropped from American planes by israeli pilots.
  22. I have to agree with you. I gave up after about 5 lines as I've no interest in reading a long post of anti Trump diatribe. I'd have thought a requirement to be in the CIA would be an objective mind, but apparently I wuz wrong
  23. I have to agree with you, and he should have lost the day the Billy tapes were leaked. I was stunned when he won. According to a book I read which seemed quite well researched Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House is a 2018 book by journalist Michael Wolff Trump did not expect to win, and hadn't prepared for that eventuality. I just hadn't realised how much the common American hates, loathes and despises Washington that they would elect a man as flawed as Trump. The truly sad thing is that the Dems learned nothing from that debacle and want to put up the actual ( IMO ) worst presidential candidate ever, again.
  24. If the US didn't go around causing mayhem all over the world we'd be very happy not to comment on things American. The POTUS affects the rest of the world as well as the US, and currently he's creating problems for other countries with his warmongering. So, don't tell us not to comment about American politics.
  25. I'm just watching the students protesting at USC standing up against the hundreds of police that have been sent to evict them. The police appear to be a shambles, and seem not to know what to do when faced with so many students. According to the journalist speaking, the protest was completely violence free till the cops started pushing students around, and they look to me they'd like to start beating the students, but there are so many news crews filming that they know they won't get away with that. Any agro is coming from the cops, NOT the students. The cops are geared up with helmets and clubs as if they expect a huge riot, but if there is one, IMO it will be them that start it. A group of students are gathered together to be arrested, and the cops have started to arrest them. For sure, the college administrators that called the cops in are going to be facing a LOT of anger. The protestors are calling for the college to divest from israel. Apparently the protests are going on in many universities all over America. Good for them. This should put a chill down Biden's back. It makes my heart glad to see young people do care about more than pop singers and social media influencers. I wish them well in their struggle to achieve justice for Gazans.
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