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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Then I have a mental disorder.
  2. Any psychiatrist that proffers a diagnosis of a person without having examined that person should be struck off.
  3. A rock would be a million times better than Biden, given a rock can't do any damage ( as long as no one throws it ). Unfortunately a rock can't stand for POTUS, so we must make do with Trump. Perhaps not a million times better than Biden, but 500,000 times at least.
  4. I had no symptoms of my pre diabetes till the GP did a blood test.
  5. Not surprising. The amount of sugar consumption in LOS has to be too high. I've been in rural stores where every food item was full of sugar. I know what sugar does as I'm pre diabetic from eating far too much of it myself. Gave up most sugar and lost 10 kg and not progressed to full diabetes.
  6. Professional protester. Not very good at it though.
  7. I don't know a single person that liked that, IMO, vile person. I'm soooooo happy she has left the country, and I hope she never returns.
  8. It's good when they spend so much time ranting on one post as it keeps us from being subject to more posts like that.
  9. Sure, and we know who has more guns, don't we!
  10. I'm very disappointed in you for that. I thought you were a better person than to want to torture another human being. I'm apparently wrong. Bye.
  11. That's sooooooooooo funny. In fact I think it deserves another .
  12. LOL. Sounds like a typical "ugly American" abroad.
  13. You guys! You have such vivid imaginations. It's highly unlikely he will go to jail, as it would be far too hard to organise the secret service protection detail- are they going to empty cells for them to set up in ? The far more likely scenario is home arrest.
  14. I did see it, and I could almost see the strings operating his mouth. As for what he said, I was less than impressed. He needs better script speechwriters. Seriously, he looked like a very old man going through the motions.
  15. Better late than never. We had to dump the previous shower to get an end to the insanity though. The new government is slowly scrapping much of what that useless mob brought in, but it was so bad that it's going to take a while. Labour created too many lazy people with their hands out for other people's money, and they don't like it, they REALLY don't like it when their freeby lifestyle is threatened- gosh, they might actually have to work, shock horror.
  16. Perhaps they are not real Christians, but go to Church on Sundays and behave like heathens the rest of the time. Rather like those people that get married in Church and get a divorce later.
  17. Perhaps they are not real Christians, but go to Church on Sundays and behave like heathens the rest of the time.
  18. Probably not, but on this I think they got it right. Actually surgically mutilating someone just because they imagine they will be happier if they are a girl or boy instead of a boy or a girl is iMO an abomination and the surgeons that do it should be struck off. They need a good psychotherapist not their genitals or breasts removed. If some guy wants to wear a dress and makeup, go for it, just don't look to surgery to make them happy, as it probably won't. They will likely still be the unhappy person they were before, but physically altered with no way back. If anyone wants to know more, go to Thailand and talk to some old ladyboys.
  19. When it's two rubbish people there is no best. It's just the least worst.
  20. You believe we have "democracy". Surely not? It's all about money now. Costs probably billions to win the big chair in the US now. The people that gave the money want payback. Follow the money.
  21. Whoever told the Dems that putting 91 indictments on Trump right at the start of the election cycle was a good idea must have been a secret Trump supporter, because every time he is indicted for something he apparently gets more popular! If the Dems don't want Trump to win, they need to have a better candidate than Biden, with that awful Harris woman waiting to take over as POTUS when Biden falls over and breaks his neck, or gets taken away by the men in white coats.
  22. Perhaps I should start calling you Mr Jandal. Jandals are the brand name of flip flop shoes that were sold in NZ a while back. 🙂
  23. He's also got an great sense of humour, given he's winding up so many people that deserve to be wound up.
  24. Just as well I'm not MAGA then as I do support Trump, but only because it looks like he is the only thing standing between the rest of the world and the forces of darkness led by Biden's puppet masters.
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