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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. How would Wong like it if another country demanded the removal of her party from politics before they would recognise Australia? Other countries don't get to say who rules in other countries, unless they at war with them and winning. Anyway, unless she demands that israel withdraws from the West Bank she is just talking hot air about the two state solution. Seems like they are just another government sucking up to israel.
  2. Yes, and if we don't stop overbreeding and destroying our environment we'll be an ex species a few seconds in the future.
  3. I was discussing the odds of hooking up with a decent woman as opposed to a rotten one, which is 50% or less. Irrelevant to age or work.
  4. Somewhat agree, but IMO the girls use the fact that most western men have never had decent sex in their lives to fool them that they are offering more than they are. It's too easy for a western man that has never known decent sex to think that the girl is doing so because she "likes" him, when she doesn't. I've been there done that myself, but I was lucky in that I didn't meet many bad ones.
  5. So they were catering to mongers. A freelancer is a prostitute that doesn't work for a bar or karaoke etc. Had you not given them some money I expect they would have been somewhat "annoyed".
  6. Correct me if I'm wrong but we do not have autonomous AI yet, so if the results are incorrect it was a programming error. AI, far as I understand it now is just a fast computer that has more information than ever before. How it takes a question, looks at the information and replies ( or produces a picture ), is still dependent on the human programming. True or real AI will learn and process information without any human input or program, and will be completely autonomous. HAL was autonomous and decided that the humans were a threat to itself, so it decided to eliminate them. One hopes that an autonomous AI is not given the ability to launch a nuclear strike.
  7. I agree, but we are taking a while to do so and Gaia may want to get rid of us sooner if we don't do it ourself.
  8. Indeed he is. Only the Trump haters will not see how desperate he is. Do the Dems regret that they have no one better to put up there instead?
  9. There we differ. IMO Biden is 50 years in congress worse than Trump, and it wouldn't be possible to get a dreg more dreggy than him.
  10. Trump will be lovin' this. His base will love it too. Imagine that, Biden having to reinstate the directives he stopped after taking office. This is just too good, LOL, LOL, LOL.
  11. As seen on Al Jazeera, Russia has 5 shells for every Ukrainian one, and in a few weeks will have 10 to 1. I can't copy paste from the linked article, but the title says it all. Is that the fat lady warming up her vocal chords I hear. https://kyivindependent.com/us-general-says-ukraine-will-soon-run-out-of-shells-anti-air-missiles-without-us-aid/ Also on Al Jazeera, an air strike by Russia on Ukraine by a glider bomb, IMO probably in retaliation for Ukrainian drone strikes in Russia. Seems that Russia isn't running out of missiles, ammunition or men after all.
  12. I have been saying exactly that for a very long time on here. I'm disappointed that you refer to Trump as "dregs" while not including Biden and Harris. I hope that was not because you actually think Biden is in any way a good man. IMO he is dregs as much as ever Trump was or is. Come to it, are there any good men or women at all, in either US political party? From where I sit I think not. Bernie was as close as I can think of and he was back stabbed, not once, but twice, which explains why he is an independent now.
  13. You err in saying "Muslim". The dress to which you refer is cultural and not religious. There is no such thing as "Islamic dress". The only requirement is that Islamic women dress modestly. There isn't even a requirement to cover their hair, and absolutely no Islamic requirement to cover their face. I worked in Saudi for years and I know that.
  14. So, do you think we should all just off everyone and that will sort the problem? There is one major problem with humans and that is that there are about 5 billion too many of us on the planet. Short of nuclear winter or a more efficient version of covid, the situation isn't going to improve for the planet
  15. Where is "here"? Assuming it's Britain, they don't have it in operation yet, so how can it be working or not? IMO it's insane to allow thousands of people that arrive illegally without any cultural affinity to or any qualifications needed in the country they invade to remain, and expect no fundamental problems to eventuate. Britain should remove themselves from the UN charter that makes them liable to give illegals support. As long as they do so, the illegals will still keep coming.
  16. I don't know about him being funny, but you sure are.
  17. More repetitive "Balderdash". The entirety of anti MAGA ideology consists of myth, left-wing tropes, and curated propaganda
  18. I can't imagine Biden's handlers allowing him to be in a debate with Trump, unless he has a hidden earpiece that can tell him what to say. Perhaps they can disguise it as a hearing aid, Where are the new Jack Kennedys to give the boot to these two old crocks? It's not just the Dems that are not the same as in the past, IMO America is less than it was when Kennedy inspired Americans with his vision of a shining future and to strive to put a man on the moon.
  19. So you came out on the up side of 50% in LOS. You didn't in the UK, though, and your Brit kids don't talk to you ( from what you said before ).
  20. If catering to mongers wasn't their job, what did they do that they could take time off to stay with you?
  21. I'm the one on the right of the picture. Loved that movie.
  22. If you want a happy retirement forget the wife and rug rats. It's only a 50% chance the wife works out and given we can't punish the little monsters anymore the chances they'll be nice is a lot less than 50%, IMO.
  23. Nothing to do with movies. If the Gulf Stream collapses for whatever reason ( and it could happen ) it will make Britain colder, which should shut up the Brits wobbling on about man made climate change making the world too hot. Pity they wasted all their North Sea oil, so they don't have it to keep themselves warm. 555555555555
  24. It's either going to happen or it's not. What is the point of worrying about it? That's not going to make any difference at all. Worry about what you can change.
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