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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I don't and I don't say things like " I don't recall him being consistent on that though. ". Since when were we required to be consistent to gain your approval of our posts?
  2. You seem to change your mind about polls depending on which is doing better in them.
  3. but you apparently think Biden is better.
  4. It's already failed, as it will take so long to make that if they depend on it in Gaza they likely starved to death before the first ship uses it. Biden could use a landing ship that doesn't need a pier if he was serious.
  5. Abortion isn't the prerogative of the president since the SCOTUS sent it back to the states to decide. Trying to link Trump and abortion is a nonsense, IMO.
  6. We don't care, just as long as he beats Biden/ Harris.
  7. How many rallies does Joe have? I'm younger than Trump and I envy the energy he has. I could never be as energetic as he. ( I used to have as much energy as he does, but that was years ago ).
  8. You should start a career as a comedian. You are soooooooo funny.
  9. I wouldn't put it past him to do that. They are so easily triggered.
  10. You beat me to it. I'd be more impressed if they were wanting a tribunal about a certain other country as well, but seems they are just a bunch of hypocrites.
  11. Two very different points in that paragraph. a/ I support Trump BECAUSE he is anti government. Most if not all my problems were/ are caused by governments not doing their job and wandering off into the weeds with moronic societal changing policies, like stealing my money to build cycle paths that hardly anyone uses because they hate cars. Anyone supporting small government gets my vote. b/ Bush encouraged the Shiites to rebel in Iraq and then failed to support them, resulting in the murder of tens of thousands by Saddam. Unfortunately history is littered with such incidents eg The British and the Cossacks in WW1, the allies and the Arabs in WW1, the US and the Vietnamese hill tribes and so on. Shameful by any government. However, comes a time to wake up and smell the coffee, and if it took the GOP this long to wake up to an unwinnable war in Ukraine, later is better than not at all.
  12. I support public nudity, but only by fit girls under 30 with no Cooper's droop.
  13. I knew loads of successful women, and no rich ones. The ones I knew worked in a real job, which meant they'd never get rich.
  14. Expensive. Cheaper on Soi 8. I remember when long time was 500 baht.
  15. LOL. Seems that just about everything we can buy in NZ now was made in China.
  16. Inflation is more about tv sets. I've noticed a big decrease in the amount of food I can buy for the same cost as last year.
  17. Isn't that illegal? I know it used to be, but perhaps they changed the law. If it is still illegal I hope a few farang criminals get a holiday in one of those lovely prison resorts. It's because of bad behaviour by crooks like that that the Thais are making it harder for farangs to stay in LOS.
  18. Yes David, it was very disturbing, but are you going to actually do anything other than get free flights and talk and waffle? Recommend the UK stops sending weapons perhaps- I'm not holding my breath on that.
  19. Gaza has never belonged to israel since 1947. Seems some posters don't understand the history of israel since 1947.
  20. What astounds me about this incident is that there are some on here that apparently applaud it and excuse it, or say things like they deserve it for being do gooders. Soon as it happened I thought it was an attempt to close down international aid, and on that it has succeeded, cue mass starvation.
  21. While we may disagree on a different topic, on this I am agreeing with every word you wrote there.
  22. Seems the poster you quoted doesn't understand what "friendly fire" is. It's when a side kills it's own, not when a side kills people it doesn't like. That's unfriendly fire.
  23. From what I just heard on radio news, it's got Biden riled enough to call netanyahu about it. Has netanyahu finally crossed a red line? Time will tell.
  24. Was there much there then at all? I heard it didn't get really started till the 80s. I know there were a few places to stay, but that would have been it. It would have been a ways to go there then. It took 4 hours from Bkk when I started visiting and they had proper roads then. Can't imagine GIs on R and R going there just to sit on a beach when they had GI bars and Patpong in Bkk.
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