Two very different points in that paragraph.
a/ I support Trump BECAUSE he is anti government. Most if not all my problems were/ are caused by governments not doing their job and wandering off into the weeds with moronic societal changing policies, like stealing my money to build cycle paths that hardly anyone uses because they hate cars.
Anyone supporting small government gets my vote.
b/ Bush encouraged the Shiites to rebel in Iraq and then failed to support them, resulting in the murder of tens of thousands by Saddam.
Unfortunately history is littered with such incidents eg
The British and the Cossacks in WW1, the allies and the Arabs in WW1, the US and the Vietnamese hill tribes and so on.
Shameful by any government.
However, comes a time to wake up and smell the coffee, and if it took the GOP this long to wake up to an unwinnable war in Ukraine, later is better than not at all.